If you have to cut people out of your life don't let others make you feel bad about your decision. Do not let others make you feel bad for blocking people out of your life. You have the right to do so. It is your own personal choice. Some may have been ugly to you, toxic, negative, emotional dumpsters, everything might be all about them, unsolicited advice, telling you what to do, controlling, manipulative, gaslight, narcissistic, emotionally abusive, not supportive, doesn't listen, thinks the world revolves around them,and etc. You don't owe anyone an explanation on why you block them or cut them out of your life. You don't owe anyone anything. You did it for your own peace. To get peace. To get away from bad situations. To get your life back possibly. To heal. To not be triggered. To not walk on eggshells. You have the right to inner peace and happiness. You deserve positive friends and relations...