
Showing posts from 2023

My Birthday Goal

 My goal for this month is to sell 100 of my books that I have published for my birthday month. I want to see if it is possible. My birthday is in 27 days.

New poetry release on Kindle

My new poetry book available on Kindle for .99 cents.  

Happy New Years 2024

 Happy New Years!!  I hope you have an amazing 2024!! May each and every day of this year go the way you want it to go this year and if not do not give up hope. Keep trying your best. Keep setting those goals and dreaming those dreams.  Do not give up on your dreams and goals.  You can do it. Even if you fail try again or take another path. Don't stay in the negative. Don't stew in your darkness. You got this.  Do it for you and no one else.


 Happy December beauties!! Have a wonderful month!! May all your wishes and dreams come true.

New poetry book release

Here is the most recent poetry book that I have published.  Available on Amazon and Kindle and Kindleunlimited for Free.    

Help me with my November book goal

 My goal I want to accomplish this month is to sell 10 books.  So far 0 sells this month so far. The month isn't over. If you have Kindle you could always download 1 for  .99 cents to support me.  Please share. Thank you.

My book selling goal for November

 My goal this month is to sell 10 books. Here are the links to go check out my books.  Please share it with family and friends who like to read.


 Happy November everyone!! Have a wonderful month.  Hope all your dreams and goals come true.  Keep trying.  Don't give up hope even when things seem bad look for the good things. 

Why I write

 People ask me all the time why do I write. I write to cope. Sometimes I need to pour my emotions out,so I write to let out the good and the bad. There may be times I don't know how to tell people things so it comes out in my writing.  I also do it to escape this reality sometimes. I can be whoever I want to be when I create a new character and travel the world to places and worlds I've not been this life. It's wanting to make my readers feel something or escape or much more. 

Writing the 2nd book in my series

 I recently started working on the 2nd version of the book in my new series.  I only have a few pages written so far. I will keep you updated.

Goal for October

 My goal this month is to sell 8 books.  Help me reach my goal by sharing my links to buy my books,  buy a book yourself, share my books with your family and friends.  Review my books if you read them.

Happy October

 Happy October.  Hope you all have an amazing month!! May all your dreams and goals come true. 

Newly released book

Go check it out on Amazon and Kindle. Secrets of the Ancient Family Volume 1 Secrets    

Help me sell 7 books this month

 Please help me reach my goal of selling 7 books this month.. If you can download a copy for .99 cents please do so.  Please share with everyone.

Happy September

 Have a wonderful September month.  May all your dreams come true. Keep trying to be the best you.

Happy August

 Happy August everyone!! May all your dreams and goals become a reality.  Hope you all have a wonderful month!!

Keep trying

 Sometimes I get discouraged when it comes to my dreams and goals. There are times I want to give up because I don't know what to do. I keep trying and don't give up even if I fail and fail again. Sometimes I try many different things and it is still discouraging. If you want something bad enough you keep trying regardless .

Please help me reach my goal in 5 days

Please help me reach my goal of selling 5 books this month. Only have 5 days to reach that goal and haven't got close to reaching it yet. If you can download a copy for .99 cents please do so.

My goal for July

 My goal is to sell 5 books this month.  I didn't reach my goal last month and am going to work hard to reach this month's goal. Please help me reach my goal by buying a  .99 cent copy of one of my books and sharing my books with people you know that love to read.  If you have .99 cents go download a copy.  Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 1-5  Otherworld Dimensions Within  My romance novels all have adult content

Happy 4th of July

 Happy 4th of July.  Hope you had a wonderful one!!

Happy July

 Happy July and first of the month.  I hope that your dreams and goals come true. Don't give up hope and keep trying.  You can do it. Have a wonderful month.

To much negativity everywhere

 I've been noticing so much negativity not just on social media but just everywhere. People are being more hateful.  They are being more ugly to each other. I think they think it is acceptable behavior and it is not. It is very sad that people think they can be so hurtful and hateful to each other.  Stop spreading and condoning bad behavior.  It is spreading like viruses and plagues. Set a better example.  It starts with us and changing our own behavior.  No one of perfect.  Stop being judgemental pricks and get off the throne you think you are on. We all make mistakes. We all fail. We all make bad decisions.  This world has become so detached and has forgot how to talk to each other. Call each other. It isn't always about texting. No wonder why people get confused or take things out of context.  Go hang out face to face. Learn to socialize face to face again.  Be kind to each other. Learn to listen and when to shut up. Learn to text and...

Unexpected Christmas Romance page1

 Unexpected Christmas Romance by Amy Stark If you like the first page go download it. Page 1                                                          Chapter1 It’s a snowy day and the snow keeps coming down. That’s how it normally is here in Colorado this time of year.  I’m in the small town of Aspen. Christmas is almost near. I’m not even ready. I have bought everything we need to my parents house. There is still a few things I lack in buying. It doesn’t ever seem like it is ever enough. Everyone in the family makes me want to pull my hair out. It is a wonder how I get through any holiday. Yes, I like holidays don’t get me wrong but they are a very stressful time of year. It always seems like I am broke. Even though everyone is happy with what they get it just feels like it isn’t enough. I know it shouldn’t be ...

Otherworld Dimensions Within

  First paragraph for Otherworld Dimensions Within. If you like what you read it is available on Kindle for  .99 cents.  It's a dark stormy night and lightning make the lights flicker on and off. Thunder sounding like explosions in the background. The wind is howling. You would think the windows were going to break. It's raining so hard you can hear it pelting on the tin roof. The energy in the house is growing. Electricity goes out. I'm sitting in my bedroom in the dark. I get my cell phone out and walked downstairs to find a lighter. I found it in a middle drawer and walk back upstairs. I like candles. I see something out of the corner of my eye. When I look up nothing is there. I like the candles and something keeps blowing them out. I hear my name whispered and still nothing. I light a cigarette to calm my nerves. A music box goes off by itself and plays eerie music. That's when I know I'm not alone. I see a missed in the corner of the room and hear a faint voic...

Sometimes you have to stop giving multiple chances

Sometimes we give people multiple chances yet they don't see the multiple chances that we are giving them. They cross boundaries.  Say things that are hurtful and we should not have to tell them it is hurtful.  Unsolicited advice that we didn't ask for when we just needed someone to listen.  Being told what they think we should do in our lives when we didn't ask. Sometimes people need to learn to just listen.  Sometimes it is because you always ask how they are doing first and they don't ever ask you or make time. The world doesn't revolve around any of us. Some emotional dump to much and don't even ask are you okay before they start dumping.  Sometimes we have to say enough is enough. Eventually it takes a toll on your mental health and it is not okay for people to treat you poorly.  It is not okay for people to walk all over you.  It is not okay for them to disrespect your boundaries. It is not okay for them to use you. It is not okay for them to emo...

My goal for this month

 My goal for this month is to sell 3 of my books which I hope to accomplish.  I am going to be working hard to promote them.  If you like to read or know anyone who likes to read please check out my work or share my work. Thank you.

Happy June

 Happy June everyone!! May all your dreams and goals come true this month. Don't give up hope.  Work towards them and it can happen. 


 You are allowed to set boundaries with people in your life. If you don't set boundaries with people they will think it is acceptable to treat you that way and to walk all over you which is not okay.  Do not let people walk all over you.  Do not let people take advantage of you.  It is okay to tell people no. It is okay to not go out with them all the time or answer calls or texts all the time and you do not owe them an explanation. If people are making you feel bad about you, you are allowed to speak up for yourself or just choose to ignore them. If you cut people out of your life that is your choice and you don't owe people an explanation. If you need space you are allowed space. Don't let people think they are the boss of your life.  Do not let people think they can push you over.

Do you live life the way you want

Do you live the life you want to live? Do you just do what others expect you to do? Are you doing the things you love to do? Are you with an actual partner you love? Are you happy in the job you have? Do you stay in friendships and relationships that make you miserable? Do you eat the food you love? Do you do the things in life that make you happy? If the answer is no guess what you need to start living life and change that. Do what makes you happy. Who cares what others think. People need to stop having expectations of others. Be with someone who loves you for with no judges and there through bad and good. Stop staying in relationships if you are miserable even if you have kids. Kids pick up on their parents fighting and not getting along which isn't healthy for the kids. If you don't like your job find another one. If you don't eat food you like start making it yourself and experiment. If you aren't Do the things you love to do now you are cheating yourself. Work on y...

Reached a goal

 Good news is that I reached my goal that I set for myself this month which was to sell 2 books. I accomplished selling 2 books.  I am very happy about that. Thank you to those who have bought books.

Happy Memorial Day

 Happy Memorial Day Everyone!! Have a wonderful day and night.  Be safe.

People have become so detached

 People have become so detached in the world and they blame covid. Yes, I believe that covid helped because we were stuck indoors but it started happening way before covid little by little.  Once people had internet and cell phones they started becoming more and more distant. Less sleep overs or hanging out face to face in person.  They face time each other or just text and barely talk on the phone so the communication is usually misunderstood or took out of context. People are sometimes down right ugly or cruel to each other through social media. Sometimes it can be used to be helpful and other times very harmful. We need to learn how to spend time together with people again because it is important to have healthy relationships with family, partners, and friends. 

You're allowed to feel what you want

 You are allowed to feel what you feel about anything you are feeling in your life. Don't let others tell you otherwise.  Your feelings are valid. Your feelings do matter.  Express them how you need to express them. If you need help get the help you need. I do not condone violence or harming yourself.  There are lots of coping skills that can help. Medication help some people and do not shame people or make people feel bad if they choose to take it. It is not a magical pill that fixes everything.  Therapy also helps people and don't shame people for seeing a therapist.  If you have a bad therapist try another one or try a support group of some sort.  We all sometimes need help. You can not help fix and save people who don't want to be fixed and saved. Keep trying your best.

Who cares what others think of you

 Who cares what other people think of you.  It is what you think of yourself that matters. Don't let others make you feel less. Do not let them take space up in your head. Do not allow others to control how you feel.  You deserve love.  You deserve the best. You deserve to be accepted as you are.  If they don't like you for you then they are not worth your time and energy.  Keep being you for you. Love you.  Keep trying.  You are worth it .

Congratulations 2023 high school graduates

 Congratulations to all you 2023 high school graduates. Do what makes you happy in life. Change is hard.  Don't give up on your dreams and goals. Try your best. If you want to get a job get a job. If you want to go to go to trade school go to trade school. If you want to learn a new skill learn a new skill.  If you want to go to college go to college. Make your own choices.  It is your life. Way to go. 

Take time out when overwhelmed

 When you feel overwhelmed take a time out for yourself. Take deep breaths.  Take a nap if you have to.  Take a shower or relaxing bath. Remind yourself that it will and can get better.  I know sometimes things pile up and it is very overwhelming and stressful.  Ask for help if you need it and do not feel ashamed to ask. Sometimes in life we all need help. Keep trying your best. Don't give up hope.

Be kind to you

 Sometimes bad things happen to us and it can cause us depression, anxiety,  trauma, PTSD, and etc. No one has the right to shame you. They don't have the right to make you feel bad about it. Don't beat your own self up over it. Get help if you need help. Take care of yourself.  Keep trying.  Allow yourself to heal. Use those coping skills. Do what is best for you. Be kind to yourself. 

There will always be haters

There are always going to be people who hate. Let them hate. That is their personal problem not your problem.  Keep being the best you that you can be. Do what makes you happy.  They are unhappy and insecure in their own life. Don't let how they feel about you effect you. Surround yourself with positive, loving, caring,  and accepting people.  Some people will always try to say bad things about you. Ignore them. They are not worth your time or energy or effort. Just be you and keep trying.  There will always be haters. They must be jealous of your life. That is their problem.  You can't make everyone happy. 

Happy Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.  Keep doing your best. Keep trying.  Your best is good enough.  Don't forget to take care of yourself.  Pamper yourself if you want too. Take a nap, eat the foods you enjoy, watch your favorite shows or movies,  take a relaxing bath, and do what you love doing. 

Stop trying to prove yourself

 Sometimes people go around saying I'm a nice guy or I'm a nice woman. Nice people don't have stuff to prove to others. Are you really that nice?  What are you hiding? What are you trying to prove? Actions speak a lot louder than words and sometimes words can be hurtful.  Just be yourself.  You have some who claim they are the nicest people and then you get to know them. I am not saying that you might not be nice people. Then some are like why do people run over us or take advantage of us. People prey on people.  Then you have some who say they are nice but they are gaslighting you or narcissistic who want control and play the victim.  Be yourself. Stop worrying so much of what others think of you.  Be kind without needing someone to stroke your ego or help with your insecurities that you might be projecting.  There are good men and women for everyone to be friends with or even have a partnership.  It isn't all about who is nice or mean. It i...

You do matter and are worth it

 You as a person matter.  Guess what? You don't need others to tell you or make you feel that you matter.  You don't need others to make you feel like you are worth it. You are worth it. If they are making you feel less that is their problem not your problem. Some project their insecurities.  Others are gaslighting you. Others are narcissistic. Some want control. Don't give them that power or control.  They are preying on your vulnerabilities. Keep being you for you.  Keep trying.  Keep shining. You do matter. It is okay to set boundaries with people. It is okay to say no. It is okay to cut people out of your life.  Believe in yourself not what others say or think of you.

Message for people graduating

 All you graduates graduating high school right now and years to come you did it. If you take a gap year and get a job don't let people make you feel bad for your choice. If you choose to go away to college go for it. If you choose trade school that is a choice. Don't let your family, girlfriends, boyfriends,  school, or whomever make you feel like you don't have choices and that you have to choose their way. It is your life. Do what makes you happy.  I know it can all be overwhelming. Senioritis is real. That I am so over being a senior All you graduates graduating high school right nowand you did it. If you take a gap year and get a job don't let people make you feel bad for your choice. If you choose to go away to college go for it. If you choose trade school that is a choice. Don't let your family, girlfriends, boyfriends,  school, or whomever make you feel like you don't have choices and that you have to choose their way. It is your life. Do what makes you ...

Spend time with friends in person

 Spending time with your friend in real life is important.  You need that face to face time. You need that time in person. Play games, talk, eat food together, and do stuff you both like doing.  The interaction face to face is important.  It helps both of you in many ways. Hug each other if you can. Be silly together.  Laugh together.  It will help you in other parts of your life by spending time with people in person.  Have cook outs. Encourage each other.  Don't spend your whole time on phone when spending time with your friends.  You need time to connect to where you don't feel disconnected. We all need healthy relationships with our friends. People who hang out and do things with.  Go to the lake, have bonfires,  picnics, just talk about anything and everything, movie nights ,trade books, bowling,  go for walks,  or whatever it may be. Make time for real life friends.  If they are internet friends that doesn't mea...

Don't let others make you feel bad for blocking or cutting others out of your life

 If you have to cut people out of your life don't let others make you feel bad about your decision.  Do not let others make you feel bad for blocking people out of your life. You have the right to do so. It is your own personal choice.  Some may have been ugly to you,  toxic, negative,  emotional dumpsters, everything might be all about them, unsolicited advice,  telling you what to do, controlling,  manipulative, gaslight, narcissistic, emotionally abusive, not supportive,  doesn't listen,  thinks the world revolves around them,and etc. You don't owe anyone an explanation on why you block them or cut them out of your life. You don't owe anyone anything.  You did it for your own peace. To get peace.  To get away from bad situations.  To get your life back possibly.  To heal. To not be triggered. To not walk on eggshells.  You have the right to inner peace and happiness.  You deserve positive friends and relations...

The world doesn't revolve around any of us

 Don't expect people to always text or call you first.  If they care or love you make time to check up on them first every now and then. The world doesn't revolve around any of us. Don't make it such a habit for others to always check on you because it isn't fair to others. That's why some think people don't care or think am I a burden when in reality they are not. They also think am I a bother.  No they are not. This is how people have made them feel though.  Everyone's feelings matter.  If you don't want to talk or your busy in life just tell people,  I am busy or I don't want to talk. Don't expect them to wait around for you to call or text them for the rest of their lives. That goes the same for going to see people.  Don't expect people to always come see you. Go see them. Make an effort if you want to be in their lives. The world does NOT revolve around any of us. 

Its okay to put yourself first

 Sometimes you have to put yourself before others and that is not selfish.  Your mental and physical health is important.  They are linked together.  Sometimes people don't ask how we are before emotional dumping. Sometimes we check up on everyone and they don't check up on us. Sometimes we bend over backwards for people who wouldn't bend over backwards for us. Some people just drain our energy.  Sometimes we care and love people who care and love us who support us equally but still need time to ourselves to focus on us and there is nothing wrong with that.  Take care of yourself. 

You matter

 Don't listen to people who say get over it. Stop listening to people who call you crazy. You don't just get over what you are feeling.  You are allowed to feel what you feel.  You are not crazy.  Stop listening to people who call you lazy. Sometimes we need extra rest. The house work and other life stuff can be put on hold if you need to rest.  Your feelings matter.  You  matter.  Anyone who makes you feel like they don't matter needs to be cut out of your life. You don't need people who are going to make you feel bad about yourself.  We get in our own heads and tell our own selves that we aren't worth it when we are worth it. Tell ourselves we don't deserve the best when we do. We call ourselves lazy when in reality we are not. Tell ourselves we're ugly when we aren't ugly. Call ourselves all kinds of names that we are not. We are not the labels of society that people have put on us whether it be our family,  friends, or people off soc...

Not everyone is going to support you equally

 Just because people don't support you the same way you do them don't let that change you.  Don't let it get you discouraged.  Don't let it turn you cold and make it to where you don't care about people.  Continue being yourself.  Keep being kind and caring.  Don't give up hope.  Keep shining. Not everyone is going to support you equally.  Not everyone is going to always be there. We aren't entitled and the world doesn't revolve around any of us. Just keep being you. People have lives and sometimes get busy. If they care and love you they will make time for you. 

Do something nice for you

 Do something nice for you every day to take care of you. It can be as simple as taking a bath.  It could be reading that book you love. Take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself.  Remind yourself that it can get better.  Remind yourself that you are worth it.  Watch that show,  eat your favorite food, blow bubbles, colors, make music, make art, or whatever you love.  Do it for you.

Update on my current book

 I have currently been working on a book about a Tribrid. She didn't know her ancestors were the 1st Vampires, Witches,and Wolves. She was leading a normal life spending time with her friends and working. She has been hiding and doesn't want to hide any longer.  She is trying to figure out a way for Vampires, Witches,  and Wolves to coexist and it not constantly be a war between the 3.

Sometimes you need a distraction

 Sometimes you need a distraction from the world around you to cope. Sometimes life can be a bit much and gets overwhelming.  That is when you need that self care and distraction.  It might be reading, watching a show, playing a game talking to friends, or whatever you enjoy doing.  Just keep trying your best.

My book sales goal

 My goal this month is to get 2 books sold at the minimum.  I reached my goal of selling 1 last month which makes me happy. Please help me reach my goal this month by sharing my books with your family and friends.  It would be much appreciated.  Here are the links below to share with them. Thank you.  All books are available on Kindle for .99 cents on Kindle.


 Happy May to you all. May all of you follow your dreams and goals.  I wish you a happy May.  Try your best and don't give up.

Thanks for supporting me

 Thank you all for everything you do. It means a lot to me for the ones who do support my dreams and goals.  It means the world to me when people check up on me and listen to me. I know that no one owes me anything and I am not entitled.  Thank you to the ones who read my blogs, buy my books, share my blogs, share my books, or whatever you do for me. Thanks to you who do help me. You are all amazing.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate it. I do hope you enjoy what you read and what I write.  Thank you all for your support. 

Self care

 Work on a little self care every day. It doesn't have to be anything major.  Take a shower or a bath. Brush your teeth. Take a nap if your body needs that extra rest. If the sun is shining go for a walk for a few minutes or just sit outside in the sun for a little bit.  Do these things for you. Your mental and physical health are connected.  Eat something and drink some water. Have a smoothie. Listen to music and dance like no one is watching.  Take care of yourself. 

Update on a book I am working on

 I am currently working on a book about a woman who lives in Louisiana finds out her ancestors are the very first Vampires,Wolves and Witches which she had always heard whispers but didn't really know.  She is now the Tribrid and the only one who can kill any of her ancestors.

Sometimes we need motivation

 Sometimes in life we need motivation. There are times where we put stuff off and procrastinate. The other thing we tend to do sometimes is make excuses.  We also say things like we can't do it. We need to take small steps and do it. How will we ever know if we don't try. It is okay to fail. It is okay to make mistakes.  Keep trying.  Do it again.  Trial and error. Set goals. Follow through and work at it. Do not overwhelm yourself.  Do a little at a time. You can do it. 

Sometimes we just people to listen

 Sometimes we share things with people for them to listen nothing more. Some will give advice thinking that's what we want or need yet in reality it's not that we want a response.  Sometimes we may say we don't know what to do. Sometimes we just need them to say I'm here. It's not that everyone is looking for attention or wanting you to save or fix their problems.  They just want to not bottle it up. Some might have a therapist to talk to that helps them through things. Sometimes we just want friends to listen and it can be a lot. None of us are perfect. Don't tell them to just talk to their therapist about their problems. Yes, we should ask each other if the other is okay before we talk about our problems and sometimes it creates problems that don't have to be there if people would say I am not in the right head space to listen and maybe we can talk about it later. It's not that people aren't working on their problems even if they are sharing this w...

Stop being hard on yourselves

 Stop being so hard on yourself.  You are trying your best. Trying does matter.  It is when you give up and don't try is when it becomes a problem.  Don't stand in your own way. It is okay to fail. It is okay to make mistakes.  Try again.  You can. Keep telling yourself this isn't the end of my story and it isn't the worst it has been. Take time to reflect.  Rest if you need to rest. Do you. Keep trying. 

Men's mental health is important

 Men's mental health is just as important as women's mental health.  Stop telling men to get over it. Stop telling them not to cry about it. Stop shaming them for having feelings.  Men can be abused also. They end up bottling it up because they feel like their is no safe place for them.  They are told suck it up. Told be strong.  Told to get over it and move on. That is not healthy.  Men can be abused by women and other men. We need to stop normalizing it. It isn't normal.  It is not okay. Abuse is not okay. Being ugly to other people is not okay. Men if you need help as for it. Do not feel ashamed to ask for help. Your feelings matter.  You as a person matter.  You are worth it. You deserve love and acceptance.  You are worthy.  People preyed on you and that is wrong.  You are not weak. It is okay to not be okay. It is okay to struggle.  It is okay to feel whatever you are feeling.  Keep trying and don't give up hope...

.99 cent books on Kindle

 All of my books are currently available on Kindle for  .99 cents. Go download a copy. 

Accomplished a goal

 Good news is I accomplished one of my goals of selling 1 book this month. Hopefully I can get more than that sold this month. I will keep you updated. 

Happy Easter

 Happy Easter!! Hope you had a wonderful Easter!!🐣🐣🐇🐇

New book release

My new released poetry book available on Kindle and paperback Amazon.   

Happy April

 Happy April all of you beautiful people!! I hope that this month is filled with happiness, love, laughter, and much more for all of you.  Sending you all positive vibes for a wonderful April for you. 

Update on my writing

 I am getting really close to reaching my next writing goal of finishing another poetry book. I just need to write 17 or more poems. I have also been working on a book about a Tribrid.

Sometimes we forget how to be a kid

Sometimes as adults we forget how to be kids because we wanted to grow up so fast. Some of you let your inner child die or think just because you are a grown up you can't do fun kid things. Sometimes what happens is we ourselves or others also kill the inner child or the creative side of us. So I am telling you all go blow some bubbles,  fly a kite, color, watch cartoons,  build a pillow fort and blanket fort, sing silly songs, have sleep overs, or whatever it is you like. Balance being a grown up. You can be responsible and pay bills and have fun. We are sometimes forced to grow up to fast as well. There is nothing wrong with acting like a big kid when you grow up.

Working on goals

 I am getting closer to reaching my goal of finishing another poetry book. I have also been working on a book about a Tribrid who is a Vampire, Witch, and Wolf. I will keep you updated on how they come along. 52 poems have been wrote so far.

You are worth it

 Remember to keep telling yourself that you are worth it and keep telling yourself that. Even when people say you aren't ignore them because you are worth it and they are projecting it. Your worth it. Don't let the opinion of others sway you to think differently. 

Writing I am currently working on

 Currently working on a poetry book and a book about Vampires,Wolves, and Witches.  I have wrote 46 poems so far and have just started writing Chapter 21 for this new book that I am trying to finish off.

Goal to sell 1 book

 This month my goal is to sell at least one book. I will be working and trying to figure out new ways to market my books. So far I make pictures with the synopsis of each book, book trailers on YouTube,  Instagram book reels, and Facebook book reels. I am going to continue working hard on my writing along with promoting my books. I don't give up hope.

No one is a burden or bother

 Sometimes we might feel like a bother or burden to others. Sometimes it is because we feel like if we message or call people that they may feel that way and that I because we overthink.  There have been people who have to us that we are a bother and a burden. We have also had people who say they will be there for us yet we are the ones who call or text first all the time. We have people who don't ever get back to us except when they want or need us. We have people who just disappear out out of our lives. We've been neglected.  We've had people mentally abuse us. It isn't that we want to think that way. Some of us it may seem like we are seeking attention when we are not.  Some of us understand that people have lives and things get busy and that people will get back to us when we can. Sometimes we just want people to be there and listen.  None of us is a bother or burden and deserve the best.  Sometimes as people we just need people to reassure us.

Live life

 Every day should be considered as important to you. You should do what you love every day not just special occasions.  Spend time with the ones you love and care about. Talk to the ones you love and care about.  Be silly. Eat your favorite foods. Listen to your music.  Dance.  Watch your favorite shows. Eat on the dishes you say are for special occasions. Laugh. Do whatever it is you love doing each and every day. Don't put limitations on yourself. Have fun. Live your life. 

You deserve kind people in your life

 You all deserve people who are kind to you. You don't deserve people who are going to be mean to you.  No one deserves to be abused. No one deserves to be used, lied, manipulated,walked over,or worse.  You don't deserve people who pull you down. You deserve the best in life.  You deserve good people in your life.  You deserve people who accept you for you.  You don't deserve people who disrespect you.  You don't deserve people who cross your boundaries.  You deserve people who truly love you and care about you.  People who support you.  People who love you unconditionally. 

Don't give up on your dream

 Sometimes when working on a dream you get discouraged.  Even though you get discouraged don't forget why you love doing what you do. There might be major obstacles that happen but that doesn't mean give up. You might not become successful right away. Just because you don't become successful don't give up. Even if you fail and have to work harder just keep trying.  If you really want it you have to keep working at it.

Take care of yourself

 Take care of yourself for you. Do self care.  Pamper yourself if you want.  It is not selfish.  Take a relaxing bath. Paint your nails.  Do deep breathing. Stretch your body so you don't feel stiff. Sit outside.  Take a walk. Take a nap. You need to do these things to relax and not feel so stressed.  Stress is bad for your mental and physical health.  You need to do things for just you and not everyone else. It doesn't make you selfish to focus on yourself.  Do things that make you happy. 

New Book Release

New Release Alexa isn't looking for love and her mom thinks she needs a a man. A tragedy happens and love happens when she least expects it. It gets hot a steamy.

People and unsolicited advice

 Sometimes people in your life all they do is give you unsolicited advice and it gets old. You don't have to take the advice.  You can ignore them. Some of them are projecting their own problems that they have in their life onto you. Some people have an opinion about everything and that doesn't make them right also. Some think they can say whatever they want and have no filter and don't think before they speak.  Some have no respect for you.  It's your life. Live it the the way you want to live it. Yes, we make mistakes,  might fail, might make bad choices,  or whatever it might be. If you want to eat that food eat it or if you want to go on a diet and even if you fail at it, that's  okay. If you made a bad job decision it was your decision.  If you choose not to work that is your decision also. If you want to cut people out of your life or keep them in your life is you choice. If you want to try new things or not that is your choice.  Life i...

Happy March

 Happy March to you all!! I hope that you all have a wonderful March.  May all your dreams and goals come true. Do what is best for you.  Keep trying and don't give up hope.  Trying is good enough. 

New poetry book

My new release today. Hope for the World Check this out!

Sometimes friends change

 Sometimes in life people were only meant to stay a short time to teach us a lesson. Some of us hold on to friendships and relationships that we should end because they aren't good or healthy for us. Sometimes we keep excusing their bad behavior for years. We need to stop this vicious cycle. Sometimes we collect more red flags than we should and don't listen to our gut feelings and instincts. It is okay to make mistakes even of repeatedly but just know by then it's a choice we make and live with for the rest of our lives. That doesn't mean we can't change it or fix it. It doesn't mean that you stop caring about these people. Sometimes we outgrow people.  It is okay to get away from abusive, negative, toxic people.  Sometimes it isn't that they are horrible but you just didn't connect.  It's okay to move on. It is okay to for new friendships.  It is okay to change. Change happens. Sometimes you need people who are on the same level as you or same inte...


 Friendship is about being there through the bad and good. They actually listen to you. There is no judgment from them about your past and past mistakes.  They don't ever judge you.  Accept you for you. Loves you flaws and all. Someone who checks up on you. People who will keep asking are you really okay and know when you aren't okay. Build you up. Inspire you.  Want to hang out with you. Make time for you even if they are busy. Your kind of crazy. Someone to be silly with. Someone to laugh with. You are comfortable with this person.  A shoulder to cry on. A hug if you need it. Can vent back and forth. They aren't ugly to you. Don't tear you down. Don't tell you how to live your life. Don't talk badly about you.  They won't prey on you.  Real friends root you on and will try to help bring out the best in you.  Set boundaries with all.

Sometimes life isn't easy

 Sometimes life isn't easy. Don't give up on life just because you are going through bad times and things got rough.  Find help if you need help. Look for support groups if you need to. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Don't be so hard on yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  I know it isn't easy. I know it's easy to overthink.  I know Sometimes we end up in a dark place. There is hope for you.  Allow yourself to heal. Give yourself time to heal. Dig deep if you have to. Talk about the things that make you feel uncomfortable to let it all out. Don't bottle it up inside.  Do what is best for you. 

Thanks to all who support me

 Thank you all who support me, read my work, listen to me, and do much more.

Check up on family and friends who just say I'm okay

 Sometimes your family and friends tell you that they are okay or alright as a response even when they truly aren't okay. Check up on your family and friends. Make sure how they are really doing. Some of them feel like they are bothering people. Some feel like a burden to others. Some feel like that because they check up on everyone but who is checking up on them?!?! Some listen to everyone else's problems and think should I share mine. They hear people say they care and love them but sometimes aren't shown.  Some get people who fake care and fake love them. If you truly do care the phone to call and text works both ways just like going to see people.  Some bottle their feelings because they wonder do people care about them and with how some have treated them they are very unsure. Make an effort for people who make an effort. Make time for people who truly love,care, and make an effort to be there for you. 

Don't let others mistake kindness

 Don't let people take advantage of your kindness or they will do it repeatedly.  You don't deserve to be used. You don't deserve people walking all over you thinking you are a doormat when you aren't.  Set boundaries with people.  Tell people no if you have to. Of they don't respect that you say no they don't respect you.  You deserve good people who are kind back. Don't let others use you. You do deserve the best. Cut them out of your life if they can't respect you. Don't let these people turn you cold hearted. They will try.

Live your life

 Don't let your life pass you by. You have to live your life. Do the things you enjoy doing.  Do not put it off tomorrow. Talk to family and friends. Spend it with people you care about.  Check up on them. Be silly. Laugh. Watch your favorite shows. Listen to your music.  Play games. Relax in a bath. Sit outside.  Walk. Read. Write your own story.  Have fun. Don't be serious all the time. Tell people you care or love them. Give hugs. Be creative.  Do what you love doing in life.

Love yourself

 Sometimes it is hard to love ourselves. We are worth it though even on the days we feel that we aren't worth it we are. We do deserve the best. Sometimes people say that we aren't worth it so we believe them. We need to retrain our thoughts and know that isn't true.  They say we're ugly and believe them. It isn't true that we are ugly. They label us and we believe the labels they put on us. We aren't the labels that they put on us. We deserve to be accepted the way we are. Deserve to be loved as we are.  Love you for you. Don't let the cruel world hate yourself because that is what they want.  They want you to be as miserable and insecure as them. Build yourself up. Keep trying.  Shine bright like you are meant to. Love yourself inside and out. Stop being so hard on you. Be kind to you.

Poetry book update

 I finished writing the newest poetry book.  I have one edited and have to edit it one more time for another format to publish it. I will let you all know when it's published so you can see the final touches. 

We are worth it

Sometimes it is hard for us to see our own worth. We are worth it even if we think we aren't worth it. Don't let others determine your self worth. Do not let them make you feel like you aren't worth it. You are worth it. You do deserve the best. Sometimes we have to get out of our head. It is about retraining your thinking. Keep being the best you. 

Happy Valentines Day

 Happy Valentines Day to all you beautiful people.  Even if you are single love you and pamper yourself.  For the couples you don't have to buy expensive gifts to show you care. A gift should come from heart. Do massage, run a bath,  picnic, movie night, game night, cook them dinner,  and be creative. 

Don't give up on yourself

 Life sometimes gets hard and you may want to give up on yourself. Don't give up on yourself. I know it might be hard. You are worth it. Keep trying.  Do self care. Work on mental health.  Do small things. Get out of bed. Take a shower.  Do the stuff you love doing.  Don't listen to what others say badly about you.  Keep trying your best and it is good enough.

People will drain your energy

 People will drain your energy if you allow them to.  Do not let them take up space in your head. Do not allow them that kind of control. Some will only bring drama to your life. If you do no like the drama cut the drama out, ignore it,  block it, and don't pay it attention. Some will only emotionally dump on you without asking if you are doing okay. Cut those people out of your life. Some will use you.  Others will only be around when things are good. Pay attention.  Don't let people drain you like a Vampire. They will suck the life out of you. They will trigger you. They will prey on you.  Surround yourself with people who are positive and will build you up. Surround yourself with people who listen.  You deserve good people in your life. 

You can do it

 Don't let others make you feel like you can't accomplish your dreams or goals.  These people are negative and do not want to see you succeed. If they did they would be supportive rather than saying the negative stuff that they do. It os okay to fail.  Don't give up hope.  Keep trying.  Trying your best is good enough.  There will always be people waiting to see you fail and talk crap. Ignore them. Cut them out of your life. Surround yourself with good people  with like minded goals who help support and motivate you. Surround yourself by people who inspire you to be your best self. Be your best self for you.  Set small goals and work on them. You can do it. Put sticky notes around the house saying you can do it or message on your phone. Don't give up on yourself.  It is your dreams and goals.  Work on them. You got this.

Don't say sorry to bad behavior

 Don't apologize to others for their bad behavior.  You have nothing to be sorry about.  They want you to feel like it is always your fault and that they are the victim.  They want you to feel like you need them. They will say what they can and get in your head. They use your words against you. They are making you feel like you aren't worth it. Make you feel like you aren't enough.  Like everything is your fault and they do no wrong. You deserve better.  You are worth it. Stop apologizing when there is no problem or for what other people put you through. Cut people who treat you like you should constantly apologize out of your life.

Do not let others control you

 Do not let people control you. They will control every part of your life if you let them. They will tell you what to do. It is your life not theirs. They will try to control what you buy, tell you how to live your life, and etc. Stop listening.  Speak your mind. Put your foot down.  They will steam roll you if they get a chance. Don't give them the opportunity.  They will play the victim when they can't control you. They will play poor pitiful me. Ignore it. Tune it out.  Run from these people. Cut them out of your life. Some of these people try to isolate you from others. Do not cut your good friends and family who care about you out of your life for anyone.  Cut these controlling people out. Control mean power and once they have that power they abuse it and you. You do not need that. Cut them out. Ignore them.  Block them. Move on with your life. 

Bullying is not okay

 To many people in this world want to be bullies these days and it is ridiculous. Stop excusing this bad behavior.  It is not okay for people to tear people down. It is not okay to talk about people's weight.  It is not okay to call people lazy. It is not okay to say bad things about people with a disability.  It is not okay to make fun of someone's name. It is not okay to taunt people. It is not okay to shame people.  The list goes on of what is not okay and acceptable.  Stop excusing bad behavior.  Stand up for people who can't defend themselves or if they aren't there to defend themselves.  If you don't you might as well be as bad as the bully if you don't say anything. People are struggling on their own without your help. They don't need bullies. They pick their own lives a part. Start being kind to others. You don't like it done to you so don't do it to others. The world is a cruel enough place without people spreading hate and venom. If peop...

Happy February

 Hope you all have an amazing Friday!! Hope you have a wonderful month. May all your dreams and goals come true.

We are not the labels of society

We are not the labels of society.  People want to put labels on us. This person is crazy, lazy, fat, skinny, color of skin, not worthy, useless,and many more. It is okay to be different.  People struggle and do not need you tearing them down. People are aloud to think and be different.  You need to think how is what you say or how your actions affect others. Treating people bad is not acceptable. It makes you look ugly on the inside and out. Stop spreading your hate. Change your behavior and stop making excuses. Don't excuse these people bad behavior because that makes you just as bad as them by saying it is acceptable when it is not acceptable behavior. People deal with enough without needing your help. They might suffer from depression,  anxiety, PTSD, have health problems, trauma,and may have been abused. Some might get in their own heads. Quit making it out like bad behavior is acceptable. We are people.  We aren't the labels people put on us.

Thank for birthday love

 This weekend has been a good birthday weekend.  I had some friends who gave me a bed which was much needed. They bought me a birthday dinner from McDonald's. They spoilt me. I made cheesecake and chocolate chocolate cake. I just turned 40 but my cheesecake says I'm 3811 years old. My kids gave me a card and a caramel scented candle. We played UNO flip.  I also had many laughs and a good time with my online friends who have become a lot like family.  Some have become like family.  Saturday I did my birthday with my family.  My sister and youngest niece baked me a cake. I want to thank everyone who helped make my birthday amazing.  All the birthday wishes and singing.  You are amazing.  I am very grateful to all of you.  You mean the world to me. I appreciate it.  I am blessed.  Hugs to you all. Love you all. 

Don't let others take your peace

 Don't let others take away from your peace. Don't let them have control.  Do not let them over step their boundaries.  Speak your mind even if they don't like it. Don't answer the phone if you don't want to if you need to take a step back. Don't answer the text if you don't want too. You do what is right for you even if the other person doesn't like it. If they can't respect your boundaries that is when you say, hey you aren't respecting my boundaries. Don't let others talk ugly to you. Call them out on it and be like you are being ugly and I don't have to tolerate it. I've had come backs like you think your innocent and perfect don't you?!? My response no, I didn't ever say I am innocent or perfect.  The things people like to project at you and it's like do you hear yourself.  It is okay to turn off phone or ignore people. Sometimes we need that energy they take away from us.

Parents take care of yourselves

 When it comes to being a parent you need to work on physical and mental health so you can be there for your kids. If you aren't taking care of both you won't be able to take care of them. It is okay to show them how you really feel than constantly shelter them from it. It is okay for them to see you are not okay. It shows them that you are human and you make mistakes along the way. Take time to rest. Take time to see a doctor if you need too. If you need a therapist do it. Take you time. Even if you have kids it is not selfish. It is giving you time to rest, get energy you need back, time to destress, and to be you. If you need help ask for it. Don't ever feel ashamed to ask for help. Don't let others make you feel ashamed for asking for help. We all sometimes need help. Just do your best. Keep trying.  Don't ever let anyone make you think your best isn't good enough.  As long as you are trying and making an effort that is all that matters.  To be a good parent...

Take time for yourself

 Take time out to do the stuff you love to do. You need you time.  Sometimes you need it to reflect, other times decompress,  rest, relax, refill yourself with positive energy, and other things.  During that time do whatever makes you happy. Take a relaxing bath,  do deep breathing,  read, write,  take a walk, take a drive, eat your favorite foods,  or whatever you love doing.  It is needed so you don't feel stressed and overwhelmed with life. Life can be overwhelming and stressful.  It can cause regular depression or situationional depression along with anxiety and if you have PTSD it isn't good for any of them if you aren't taking care of yourself. Take care of yourself.  It is not selfish for you to have you time. It is important for you to have you time because your mental health affects your physical health.  Take care of yourself. Keep trying. 

It's not okay to excuse bad behavior

 It is not okay to let people physically, mentally, or sexually abuse. It is not okay for people to talk down to you. It is not okay for people to disrespect your boundaries.  It is not okay for people to call you crazy.  It is not okay for people to tell you how to live your life.  It is not okay for people to use you. It is not okay for people to make you feel bad about yourself.  It is not okay for people to hit you. It is not okay for people to use you as emotional punching bag. It is not okay for people to gas light you. It is not okay for people to touch you without your permission.  It is not okay to make it out like these behaviors are acceptable.  It is not acceptable behavior.  It is not okay to treat people that way. It is not okay to abuse people. It ends up causing depression,  trauma,  PTSD,  anxiety, and other problems.  It takes a long time to heal if the person ever heals. Don't ever tell anyone to get over and...

Stuff I'm working on

 This month I am currently working on a poetry book, Christmas Story, and I will be sharing random thoughts in my blog. I will be trying to gear it towards things to hopefully help people.  So far I have made a lot of progress with the poetry book and Christmas Story. I have other books that I want to finish writing that I have also started. I will tell you more about them later.  Stay tuned.

Take your own time to heal

 Take however long you need to heal. Don't put a time limit on it. Ignore people who say get over it, it heals in time, and whatever else. Take care of yourself. If you need to cry. Cry it out. If you need to be angry be angry.  If you need to scream and yell do it. Hit a pillow on the bed. Take your time.  Work through whatever you are going through.  You might have a lot of things you haven't ever worked through. Do it at your pace. Ask for help if you need to ask for help. Get help if you need it. Write in a journal.  Talk to friends. Surround yourself by people who actually care. Healing doesn't happen over night.  It might be days,months,a year, or longer.  Everyone handles things differently.It is about learning coping skills and learning how to cope. It is okay to feel whatever you want to feel. Don't let people make you feel bad for how you feel.  Keep trying what is your best for you. 

Don't judge someone by their past

 I have a past and you have a past. We all have a past. Don't let others keep throwing your past in your face. You are not your past. You do not live there anymore. Yes, you may have lied, cheated,  hurt others, others hurt you, and many other things.  They don't have the right to judge you even if you made repeated mistakes.  It doesn't matter if you did drugs or alcohol or whatever you did. That doesn't mean that you aren't trying to fix it. It doesn't mean that you aren't trying to change it. It may have been a bad decision. It was a choice you made. You have to live with it and they don't.  They don't know what goes on in your mind. I'm not excusing it. We all make mistakes.  Do they know the whole story? Do they just throw stones? Do they just judge you? If they judge you about anything you do in your life then they aren't worth your time and effort.  You are not your past. They don't know if you did it because you didn't want to...

If you don't like something change it.

 If things are bad in your life and you don't like it then change it. No, it isn't going to always be easy.  Work at it. Set small goals and work towards them. Make lists. Do what is right for you.  Take it day by day. Start out small and work your way up. Ask for help if you need help.  Get help if you need help. Do not feel embarrassed or to proud to get help.  There is no need for you to struggle alone. You might not see results right away in whatever you work on whether it be mental health, physical health,  saving money, fixing stuff around house, or whatever it is in life you want to fix or change.  It is okay to fail. Don't give up. Try again.  You can do it. Don't let others think you can't do it. Have faith in yourself . Track your progress. Surround yourself with like minded people who support you, build you up, and listen. Get out of your comfort zone. You have to push yourself.  Do it for yourself and no one else. 

Live life now

 Focus more on the present than tomorrow or yesterday. Yesterday is over and we can't change yesterday. We can try to do better the next day even though the next day isn't promised. Live in the now. Make those phone calls, text back, go see people. Stop making excuses of I'm to busy or I can't do it. It only takes a few minutes to check up on family and friends.  Do the things you love to do. Listen to that music.  Dance. Act silly.  Be weird. Eat that food. Try something new. Do what you love. Live now. Your life is passing you by.

Don't bottle up feelings

 Don't bottle up your feelings because it isn't healthy to do so. Find someone to talk to that will listen.  Get help if you need help.  Write in a journal.  Write poetry.  Find ways to cope with your feelings. Your mental health effects your physical health and it can leave you more tired and drained. Bottling them up can cause you to cry all the time or be angry all the time.  It can cause you to be a Rollercoaster of emotions. There are many coping mechanisms. Find something that makes you happy.  Work through your feelings and problems.  Do it for you. 

Happy January

 Happy January!! Hope it is a good month for you.  Do your best. Don't give up. I know easier said than done.  Do it for you. Keep trying. Trying is your best. Sending you all positive and healing vibes for a wonderful month.

Stop making excuses for bad behavior

 Stop making excuses for toxic,  negative,  and bad behavior of people.  If they don't call,text, or come see you then they aren't worth your time and energy.  It is not your responsibility to text,call, or see people first all the time. If they are constantly making excuses stop excusing that it is okay and acceptable.  It is not okay. Yes, people work, have kids, have girlfriends, boyfriends, husband's and wives but that is not an excuse. People who care about you make time for you.  Your time is just as important as theirs. It is okay to cut people out of your life for treating you badly. Your feelings do matter.  It is not okay for people to emotionally dump on you. They should ask if you are okay. They should ask are you I'm the right head space. Each and every one of you deserve the best.  Set boundaries with people.  If they don't respect you cut them out. Don't be ashamed to ask for help or getting help. Do what is best for you....

Happy New Years

 Happy New Years!!🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊 May all your dreams and goals come true.