The world doesn't revolve around any of us

 Don't expect people to always text or call you first.  If they care or love you make time to check up on them first every now and then. The world doesn't revolve around any of us. Don't make it such a habit for others to always check on you because it isn't fair to others. That's why some think people don't care or think am I a burden when in reality they are not. They also think am I a bother.  No they are not. This is how people have made them feel though.  Everyone's feelings matter.  If you don't want to talk or your busy in life just tell people,  I am busy or I don't want to talk. Don't expect them to wait around for you to call or text them for the rest of their lives. That goes the same for going to see people.  Don't expect people to always come see you. Go see them. Make an effort if you want to be in their lives. The world does NOT revolve around any of us. 


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