Don't let others take your peace

 Don't let others take away from your peace. Don't let them have control.  Do not let them over step their boundaries.  Speak your mind even if they don't like it. Don't answer the phone if you don't want to if you need to take a step back. Don't answer the text if you don't want too. You do what is right for you even if the other person doesn't like it. If they can't respect your boundaries that is when you say, hey you aren't respecting my boundaries. Don't let others talk ugly to you. Call them out on it and be like you are being ugly and I don't have to tolerate it. I've had come backs like you think your innocent and perfect don't you?!? My response no, I didn't ever say I am innocent or perfect.  The things people like to project at you and it's like do you hear yourself.  It is okay to turn off phone or ignore people. Sometimes we need that energy they take away from us.


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