Don't judge someone by their past

 I have a past and you have a past. We all have a past. Don't let others keep throwing your past in your face. You are not your past. You do not live there anymore. Yes, you may have lied, cheated,  hurt others, others hurt you, and many other things.  They don't have the right to judge you even if you made repeated mistakes.  It doesn't matter if you did drugs or alcohol or whatever you did. That doesn't mean that you aren't trying to fix it. It doesn't mean that you aren't trying to change it. It may have been a bad decision. It was a choice you made. You have to live with it and they don't.  They don't know what goes on in your mind. I'm not excusing it. We all make mistakes.  Do they know the whole story? Do they just throw stones? Do they just judge you? If they judge you about anything you do in your life then they aren't worth your time and effort.  You are not your past. They don't know if you did it because you didn't want to feel anything,  wanted to numb pain, people couldn't handle the truth or things you want hidden, that some do what they do because or trauma, they do it for attention,  and the list goes on.  We do have the choice to learn from our mistakes and sometimes we repeat them over and over again.  Sometimes we don't know why we keep going down that path and other times we do. Sometimes it sounded like a good time and it wasn't a good time at all. Allow yourself to heal. Get help if you need help. Cut out people who judge you.  Everyone has a past and it isn't always pretty. No one should make you feel ashamed or bad about it.  You already lived through it. Don't let people prey on you. They will. Don't collect as many red flags with friends and relationships at all. Keep trying to be the best you for you.  The past is done and over. Today is today. Tomorrow isn't here yet. Live life.


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