Don't let others make you feel bad for blocking or cutting others out of your life

 If you have to cut people out of your life don't let others make you feel bad about your decision.  Do not let others make you feel bad for blocking people out of your life. You have the right to do so. It is your own personal choice.  Some may have been ugly to you,  toxic, negative,  emotional dumpsters, everything might be all about them, unsolicited advice,  telling you what to do, controlling,  manipulative, gaslight, narcissistic, emotionally abusive, not supportive,  doesn't listen,  thinks the world revolves around them,and etc. You don't owe anyone an explanation on why you block them or cut them out of your life. You don't owe anyone anything.  You did it for your own peace. To get peace.  To get away from bad situations.  To get your life back possibly.  To heal. To not be triggered. To not walk on eggshells.  You have the right to inner peace and happiness.  You deserve positive friends and relationships where you feel safe. You deserve friends and relationships where you feel accepted and loved. You feel like you are being listened to and not just heard.  People who don't judge you.  People who don't judge you based on who your friends or family or boyfriend or girlfriend with. People who don't try to control you. You deserve people who you can grow with. People who you can laugh with. Friends and relationships that are unconditional love with no judgment. It is okay to cut out toxic and negative people who do harm to your mental and physical health.  There are many who fake care and fake love us. There are people who are there when it fits their needs or wants when it's convenient. There are good people in this world. Not everyone is bad. There are people who are the light in the dark.  Do not shame people for blocking or cutting people out of their lives. You may have both sides of the story possibly but that doesn't mean that you know it all. Sometimes people have their personal reasons. Don't ever make friends, family, or partners chose sides because that isn't right. Don't shame people for blocking or cutting family out of someone's life. You don't know their circumstances.  They may have been mentally, physically, or sexually abused.  They may have been neglected,  groomed, shamed, and who knows what else. Everyone deserves love, light, not to be judged, and good relationships with friends, family, and partners. 


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