
Showing posts from May, 2019

Update on Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

I finally finished Chapter 52 of Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 and started the next chapter. I am so excited to finish this next chapter so I can go on to the next one and the one after that. It is going to be a super long book, but that is because I have a lot to cram into the final book.

good morning

Good morning beauties!! Hope you all have a wonderful week!!

poetry book

Been spinning out lots of poetry for my new poetry book.

good evening

Good evening. Hope you all had a good day and have a good week ahead of you.

new poem

Did they take the time to know her No they didn't really give her a chance Told her what she wanted to hear Sweet talked her Used her Lied to her Broken promises Told her they would always be there Made it out like they loved her Didn't love her at all Kept breaking her down little by little One day she had enough Sometimes they broke it off with her Other times she pushed them away Didn't care about her It was what they could get out of it Used her as long as they could Gone in six months or less They wasted her time Tried to break her spirit Took her awhile to put the pieces back together Where was everyone when she was going through this So many didn't say anything to her She didn't want to listen or hear the lectures by-Me

new poem

Doesn't want someone ordinary Wants someone who marches to their own tune Not someone who follows everyone That one who just sparks and she feels it Feels the passion radiating off of him Lives life in the moment Sweeps her off her feet Not just some sweet talking smooth talker Someone who shows her action and not just words That one that loves her for who she is and not just what they want Makes her feel like she is the world Someone who shows her the light in the dark That one who takes her hand and leads her when she gets lost Sticks it out through the storms by-Me

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

Alana and Stephen's wedding is about to come up in the book. YAY!! Alexis is ready for the wedding to be over because it has felt like the longest month ever for her. Hopefully by next week I can have that scene over with along with the Honeymoon.

New updates

Sorry that I have not written in a while. I've had a lot going on in my life with teenagers and what is going on in their life. At one point this year my oldest broke his nose during baseball season and had to have surgery. He is doing well now. That was a few months back. I've been getting lots of poetry written. Still trying to finish up Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5. School is almost out for my boys. Hope all is well in y'alls world.