Stop making excuses for bad behavior
Stop making excuses for toxic, negative, and bad behavior of people. If they don't call,text, or come see you then they aren't worth your time and energy. It is not your responsibility to text,call, or see people first all the time. If they are constantly making excuses stop excusing that it is okay and acceptable. It is not okay. Yes, people work, have kids, have girlfriends, boyfriends, husband's and wives but that is not an excuse. People who care about you make time for you. Your time is just as important as theirs. It is okay to cut people out of your life for treating you badly. Your feelings do matter. It is not okay for people to emotionally dump on you. They should ask if you are okay. They should ask are you I'm the right head space. Each and every one of you deserve the best. Set boundaries with people. If they don't respect you cut them out. Don't be ashamed to ask for help or getting help. Do what is best for you. Love you. Don't force friendships or relationships. If they don't talk to you or make an effort make new friends and relationships. Only you can make you happy. You will be left empty and numb if you rely on others for happiness. Just be yourself. Don't try to fit in with others. If they don't like it that is their personal problem and they are miserable in their own life. Keep being the best you for you. It is not okay for people to mentally, emotionally, physically, or any type of abuse towards you. Get away from them. Ask for help if you need too. Take time for yourself to do what you love doing.
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