We are not the labels of society
We are not the labels of society. People want to put labels on us. This person is crazy, lazy, fat, skinny, color of skin, not worthy, useless,and many more. It is okay to be different. People struggle and do not need you tearing them down. People are aloud to think and be different. You need to think how is what you say or how your actions affect others. Treating people bad is not acceptable. It makes you look ugly on the inside and out. Stop spreading your hate. Change your behavior and stop making excuses. Don't excuse these people bad behavior because that makes you just as bad as them by saying it is acceptable when it is not acceptable behavior. People deal with enough without needing your help. They might suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, have health problems, trauma,and may have been abused. Some might get in their own heads. Quit making it out like bad behavior is acceptable. We are people. We aren't the labels people put on us.
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