Sometimes friends change

 Sometimes in life people were only meant to stay a short time to teach us a lesson. Some of us hold on to friendships and relationships that we should end because they aren't good or healthy for us. Sometimes we keep excusing their bad behavior for years. We need to stop this vicious cycle. Sometimes we collect more red flags than we should and don't listen to our gut feelings and instincts. It is okay to make mistakes even of repeatedly but just know by then it's a choice we make and live with for the rest of our lives. That doesn't mean we can't change it or fix it. It doesn't mean that you stop caring about these people. Sometimes we outgrow people.  It is okay to get away from abusive, negative, toxic people.  Sometimes it isn't that they are horrible but you just didn't connect.  It's okay to move on. It is okay to for new friendships.  It is okay to change. Change happens. Sometimes you need people who are on the same level as you or same interests. Sometimes it might just be someone you vibe with on with on higher level.


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