It's not okay to excuse bad behavior
It is not okay to let people physically, mentally, or sexually abuse. It is not okay for people to talk down to you. It is not okay for people to disrespect your boundaries. It is not okay for people to call you crazy. It is not okay for people to tell you how to live your life. It is not okay for people to use you. It is not okay for people to make you feel bad about yourself. It is not okay for people to hit you. It is not okay for people to use you as emotional punching bag. It is not okay for people to gas light you. It is not okay for people to touch you without your permission. It is not okay to make it out like these behaviors are acceptable. It is not acceptable behavior. It is not okay to treat people that way. It is not okay to abuse people. It ends up causing depression, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and other problems. It takes a long time to heal if the person ever heals. Don't ever tell anyone to get over and everything is going to be okay because no one wants to hear that. If you need help don't be ashamed to get help. Do what is right for you. People need to learn to be more kind to each other and stop causing so much pain. Stop normalizing abuse. It isn't normal. It is bad. It isn't good that people prey on people's vulnerable states. It is sickening and disgusting. Making people feel bad about their past or their trauma is disgusting also. Using people's trauma against them is sickening. Cut all negative, toxic, and abusive people out of your life. Get out as fast as you can. Don't collect red flag after red flag. It will turn into a nightmare. If you can help someone in this situation help them if they allow you to. Don't stand by and do nothing. Listen to your friends. Sometimes some of you think you are giving good advice and they didn't ask. Sometimes some of you project how they should do this or that in their life. They aren't you. We are all different. We all cope differently. We all handle things differently. We don't have to be the same. Stop excusing bad behavior. It is not okay to excuse people for being mean or ugly to you. Quit giving bad behavior so much publicity. Work on being the best you for you. Keep trying your best. It is okay to block people on social media, your phone, and life. You don't have to give them an explanation. Most people know what they did. They didn't call, text, made excuses not to be there, talked badly to you, were down right negative all the time, and more. The list could go on and on. You don't owe them anything. You deserve to be happy and not miserable in life. You deserve to be surrounded by good people who are full of love who care about you and show it. You deserve people who show up for you in life.
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