To much negativity everywhere
I've been noticing so much negativity not just on social media but just everywhere. People are being more hateful. They are being more ugly to each other. I think they think it is acceptable behavior and it is not. It is very sad that people think they can be so hurtful and hateful to each other. Stop spreading and condoning bad behavior. It is spreading like viruses and plagues. Set a better example. It starts with us and changing our own behavior. No one of perfect. Stop being judgemental pricks and get off the throne you think you are on. We all make mistakes. We all fail. We all make bad decisions. This world has become so detached and has forgot how to talk to each other. Call each other. It isn't always about texting. No wonder why people get confused or take things out of context. Go hang out face to face. Learn to socialize face to face again. Be kind to each other. Learn to listen and when to shut up. Learn to text and call people and not always make them call or text you first. The world does NOT revolve around any of us. The world needs more positivity. There is enough bad in the world. Stop creating more bad.
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