
Showing posts from 2021

Merry Christmas Eve

 Merry Christmas Eve!! Hope you all enjoy your holidays. Much love to all.

My birthday dream for January

 I have been trying to sell 100 books in one month for over 7 or more years as a birthday wish yet it still hasn't come true yet. I have tried everything that I can think of except paid ads because I can't afford them. The most I have sold in a month is probably 7 which made me happy.  I am happy with any sell. It isn't all about the sells though the sells would have helped me in many ways if it was a steady income coming in. That would be nice. Writing is my way to express myself.  It helps me get my feelings out. Other times it helps me escape reality.  I want people to feel what I feel or escape when they read my writing. I will always continue writing because there has to be people out there who want to read my work. Down below I am sharing with you what books I have published so far. I  hope you will share this blog with everyone and help it go viral. Please and thank you.   Here is a list of all my books which are on Kindle and Amazon. https://ww...

Make time for family

 Spending time with family is important. You don't know when your last day with them might be. Sometimes they might drive you batty and make you mad. Fix it if you can if it is salvageable. Spending quality time together is important. Talking about your day with them and asking how they are doing. Playing games or watching a movie. Sitting down to eat dinner together. The small things in life. Tell them you love them and give them hugs. Make time for them if you can. Tomorrow isn't here and it isn't promised either. 

It's okay to not to be okay

 It's okay not to be okay all of the time.  People tell us, you will be okay or be happy to be alive which is down right aggravating sometimes. Sometimes you are sad. There are those times you just want to ugly cry. Sometimes you just want to be mad and get angry.  It is okay to feel something other than happiness all of the time. It is okay to feel other emotions. Do what you need for you not others.

Change can be scary

 Sometimes change can be scary and overwhelming.  It can cause a mixture of emotions.  Sometimes change can be good and bad. It can take us out of our comfort zone and make us feel uncomfortable.  Change in routine when you get used to a routine can be a bit much sometimes. Some people keep telling you that it will be okay make you feel frustrated because they aren't you.   Sometimes it takes some getting used to and sometimes it just doesn't work out for the best.  It is learning how to cope with it and some people don't develop coping skills to help them through it or don't know how to use coping skills.  Sometimes we tend to lean towards the negative side of change when it might be a good opportunity for us. That doesn't mean it's any less scary.  Be kind to people because they might be trying to make changes and need support. 

Psychic Vampires Volume 5 Update

 I'm currently editing Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 New Beginnings and Ending. It is the longest booking in the series. It is over 2,000 pages long and it took a very long time to finish. There is a lot of things I cram packed into one book. Wanted something a little different. Make Vampires seem more real in some ways along with a lot of other things.

People deal with grief differently

 Everyone heals from pain and grief in their own way. When people say in time no one wants to hear that because there is no set time limit when it comes to pain and grief. There are days that are going to be good and bad. Sometimes you might get lost and feel like you are in a dark place that you don't want to come out of. There is no wrong or right way to mourn a loss. There will be days you will be mad, sad, happy, and many other emotions. You might have the feelings of why me? The why did you leave me behind. Days where you want to talk to them but can't anymore. Sometimes you want to blame them, yourself, or others for being gone. Days where you don't want to get out of bed.  The days that all you do is cry. Small things trigger you. Sometimes feel guilty about trying to move forward and being happy. There are days you are happy to remember memories about them and you are over the moon just to remember those things. Sometimes you are a rollercoaster of emotions. It is o...

Being a SR in High School is rough

 One thing I have noticed for Sr. High students is that it is rough for them. They have so much on their plate. You have parents who have expectations and then the teachers, coaches, school guidance councilors. It piles up. They expect good grades, you to do well at sports, pick a college, do ACT tests, and the list goes on. As a parent I have been guilty of the expectations thing and then realized it is to much. We ask to much of our kids. Let them be kids. Even us adults didn't know what we wanted to do after high school let alone college if you went to college. Stop putting so much pressure. It is okay to let them fail or make their own choices and decisions. It is okay for them to not go to college. It is okay if they want to choose a trade. It is okay if they want to do a grunt job. Let them have fun. Stop trying to live through your kids. If they don't want to play sports or be in band or whatever extra activity then don't make them. Ask them what they want to do. A l...

Don't ask people to support you if you aren't willing to support them

Recently I had someone ask me to help support them and when I asked them to do the same they wouldn't return the favor. They said I have a lot of people who ask me. Why ask me to support them if they can't return the favor? I told them I wasn't everyone and blocked them because I thought you have the nerve to ask me to help support you with having more followers than I do and can't do the same. I don't care if you have a big name for yourself or not that doesn't make you any more special than anyone else. If you have made a name for yourself I am happy for you but that doesn't give you the right to ask for help from others and not give it back. For those of you who have made a name for yourself maybe you should think about supporting people who helped get you to where you are at, help support you, and just out of common curtousey. Everyone should learn to support everyone. Each person starts at the bottom except for those who always walked around with a silv...

Links to buy my books

List of all books currently published

 Here is a list of all my books which are on Kindle and Amazon. My Feelings Unleashed and Let Out My Feelings Unleashed and Let Out is a book of poetry about different phases in my life that I've had to experience and go through over the years. I put all my emotions into it and just let them pour out on the page rather than bottling them all up inside. Bottled Up Feelings Unleashed It's about me letting my bottled up feelings out. It's a way for me to express myself and just let all my emotions that I need to express out, and writing them down. It's a way to make me feel better without bottling it all up inside. It takes a load of my chest so I don't feel weighed down.     Freed From My Chains You don't point the finger at me like others tend to do. You let me try to figure it out for myself, because you know if you tell me what to do, I'll probably do the opposit...

Please help

  January 27th is my birthday and I want to see if I can sell 100 copies of my books for my birthday month and maybe even before so. It hasn't ever been done. A girl can dream. Maybe with all of my awesome supporters you can help that dream become a reality.  Please help. I have had this goal for over 7yrs and it has happened yet. Not sure if not enough people are seeing and sharing my posts.

New release

This is my new poetry book released today.  Shining Bright In The Darkest Hours    

Welcome to December

 Hello everybody!! Welcome to December. What are your plans for the month of December? Are they busy? Mine sure are busy. I still have the tree to put up along with the decorating. This month is busy with bowling and basketball with my oldest son and band with my youngest. My life is nonstop busy. To top it off I just recently finished writing the fifth and final book in the Psychic Vampire Prophecies series which should have probably been split up into 2 books, but I just wanted to finish the book because it took me about 6 or 7 years to finish it because I got so caught up in writing other things and got bored of writing it for a little while. It happens. I have presents I need to wrap. There is a lot I need to do. I will be working on the editing for Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5. I'm thinking of doing a poetry book soon. I have been writing a lot of poetry over the past few months. I will be spending a lot of time with my kids and family. My boys and I will probably do so...

Holidays can be rough

 The holidays can be a rough time for everyone filled with depression and anxiety. Be kind to everyone because we all struggle.  Sometimes you don't see people's struggles.  There are some that don't talk about it and hide it. Some lash out. Everyone handles their depression and anxiety differently. Holidays bring out many things in people. They miss loved ones. Some don't have anyone. Some don't have anything. Try to be nice to others. No one needs people making them feel less. If you can try to help others do it. If you can make others feel included do that.

Sometimes it gets discouraging

I've been trying to figure out a way to get more people to be interested in my books and it isn't easy. I share it on every social media platform nearly.  I've made book trailers on YouTube.  I engage with people.  I share my poetry and short stories.  Getting people to share it isn't always easy. It can get discouraging. People tell me pay for advertising.  I can't pay for those services so I rely on social media and word of mouth.  I don't give up though. 

Books for .99 cents

Reaching Out (Kids poetry) Emotions Flowing Out (poetry) Psychic Vampire Prophecies science fiction/fantasy for people 18yrs old and above) Otherworld Dimensions Within (science fiction/ fantasy for people 18yrs and above) Unexpected Christmas Romance (Romance for people 18yrs and above. )


 Anxiety can be to much on a person at times. It can make you feel like your heart is racing, breathing is difficult, and much more. Can even make you feel like you are having a heart attack.  Sometimes it can be super scary.  It is not always easy to know what triggers the attack.  It could be to many people,  loud noises, a smell,  or many other things.  It can be overwhelming. Sometimes we lose control because of it. There are many things to help and not every single one of those things will help every time and that is why you come up with multiple things to help. Down below I am going to make a list of things that may or may not work for you.  1)Music  2)Coloring  3) Counting to ten forwards or backwards  4)Walking  5) Dancing  6) Deep breathing exercises  7) Yoga 8) Reading  9)Taking pictures  10)Bubble bath  11) Aroma therapy  12) Meditation  I could go on and on. There are some ideas fo...

Thanks for supporting me

 Thank you all who support me each and every day.  It really does mean a lot to me.Thank you for taking time out to read what I have to say. Much love to you all. 


 Today I am going to tell you what I am thankful and grateful for in my life. For one my kids. They are amazing and help me the best that they can. My family even though they sometimes drive me batty.  Having a place to live and call home because I know even though some things need fixed that at least I have a rood over my head which makes me lucky. I know that I am more fortunate than others and for that I am grateful.  The food that I have to be able to feed my kids and myself.  Grateful to those who have helped me in hard times. To those of you who support me in life and all I do I appreciate it. To those of you who call,text,or come see me thank you very much.  It means the world to me. Thanks to the ones who just check up on me. Thanks to those who buy my books. Thanks to those who share my books and photography. It means a lot.  Thankful to have people who help, listen, and put up with me. I'm very blessed and some of it is for the ones who support me...

Make time for those you love and care about

 Sometimes we focus so much on ourselves that we tend to lose track of what is important.  The ones who listen to us and are truly there for us is something we need to appreciate and be thankful for.  We need to be more grateful.  Sometimes we need to take a time out and check on our family and friends.  We need to text,call, or go see them. What if we don't get another chance? How is that going to make you feel? Sometimes we make excuses and we need to stop. Even if we are depressed, anxious,  work a lot,  or even if life gets busy we need to start making time for the people we love and care about.  You learn how to make time to text and ask how they are doing and what they have been up to. Your family and friends shouldn't have to be the one who calls and texts or come to see you first all the time. People make time if they truly choose too.


 A pattern I keep noticing is how exes like to contact you out of the blue. Whether they really want you back or not there is no telling.  Whether they just want back in your pants well that is a possibility.  That isn't always the case.  My rule is usually don't ever speak to my exes again. There have been times I have. Some change and some are stuck in the past. I am not saying that exes can't be friends.  It all depends on the break up.  Make sure you set boundaries and don't fall back into the same patterns.  You deserve respect.  Ask them why they are texting out of the blue. Some come back or talk to you only because they remember what it is like and know what to expect though some of us change so they don't fully know.  Some say they don't want problems and if that's the case then don't message is how I look at it. Exes are exes for a reason.  We all learn from it or some stay stuck. No matter what everyone deserves the best....

Supporting others goes a long way

 Supporting others goes a long way.  When it comes to authors, photographers, musicians, artists, easy makers, and small businesses some don't have money for advertising so we all rely on word of mouth,  our websites, YouTube channels, blogs, and other social media to get it out there.  Here is the thing though we need our family, friends, fans,and followers to like,comment,share, review, and things like that for our products to be seen or heard about.  Yes, we do all need help. No, we aren't all rich. Some of us barely survive.  Now days people ask for freebies yet some don't even review or give you credit for your work.  Some want something for nothing. Help people out just to be kind.

You are in control of you no one else

 The only thing we are in control of is us. We can't control others and what they do. We have the choice to walk away and not let what others do control how we feel if we choose to. I am not saying it is easy. They get satisfaction when we react to how they effect us. We have the right to take that power away by focusing on us. How? Walk away or ignore them if you have that choice. You ignoring them will probably make them angry.  We can't control the world around us. We can choose to do better for ourselves.  When it comes to your happiness you have to put the work into it. No one can do it for you. People can listen and be there for you.  You have to put the work into it.

Holidays and mental health

 When it comes to holidays I love all of them even though they can be stressful and depressing at times. I like the food and spending time with family even though sometimes they drive me batty.  Sometimes I have to take a time out and breathe.  There are times I have a meltdown.  I am trying to do better at that. Sometimes it is easier said than done. Depending on the holidays I go all out. There have been times where I have cooked and ended up stuck with all the dishes so now I buy paper plates. It helps with the stress some. Cooking is fun. I like all the holiday type movies and sometimes binge watch those. During the holidays it is important to work on your mental health.  If you feel overwhelmed or stressed talk to someone or get help if you need it. Do things for yourself also. 

No one deserves to be bullied

 Some people are so mean to others.  They tear them down. Some of them call people fat,ugly,loser, and much worse things. You have people who laugh at other people's pain. There are people who push people over the edge.  Some become depressed, isolate themselves, cause PTSD, anxiety,  and even suicide. If it causes you these problems please seek help immediately. Everyone deserves the best. No one deserves to be bullied in real life or online. Some people online are like toxic vultures who talk about anyone and everyone and what is wrong with people.  Here is what is wrong with people we all judge and none of us are perfect.  The ones who hate on you are jealous because there life isn't going well. It just shows how miserable and insecure people in this world are. 

Learn to love you

 Learn to love you for you.  Yes,it's okay to have flaws. Work at your own pace. Every person is different so don't compare yourself to others. You aren't what people say about you. Tell yourself that you are beautiful or handsome.  Tell yourself that you can do it. Do it for you not others. Say nice things about you.  Self care is important.  You deserve to shine inside and out. Just try.  Trying your best is all you can do. 

Make quality time

 Sometimes we need to take a break and spend quality time with the people we love a care about. Sometimes we don't make enough quality time. Quality time is important.  Watch a movie, play cards,board games, puzzles, talk, bonfires, BBQ, bowling, or other things together.  Make time for quality time. 

Parenting and expectations

 Sometimes as parents we put a lot of pressure and expectations on our children which isn't right. We want to see them succeed but at what price.  We Sometimes push to hard. It becomes a battle. No one wins. You and your kid end up overwhelmed. Yes, they should have choices. There emotional well being is important.  Between home and school sometimes life is rough because of what everyone expects of you.  Take time out to see what is really going on with your child. Sometimes parents and adults need to shut up and truly listen to children whether they are young or teenagers. They need us to care and love them. It is okay to let them fail and make mistakes. If they need help get them help. Sometimes they need a therapist who understands. Let them express themselves. You wouldn't want your feelings invalidated so don't do it to them.  You don't like people setting expectations for you so don't do it to them.  Be supportive of their choices and decisions. ...

Sometimes we aren't so grateful

 Sometimes in life we aren't as grateful as we should be. We aren't thankful for what we have. We think about wants over what we really need.  Sometimes we should stop and reflect.  We should be thankful and grateful for our loved ones the ones who care about us.  We should be grateful for the small things in life. Slow down and enjoy it.  Take in the good. Give thanks all year round not just around Thanksgiving or holidays. 

Take care of you

 Sometimes you have to take time for yourself.  People may think it is selfish and it isn't selfish at all. It is time to reflect, reevaluate, decompress, renew energy, and so much more.  It is okay to do things to better yourself.  Taking time to work on mental and physical health is important. Don't let others dictate your happiness.  You are in control of your happiness not others.  They can listen and be there for you but you have to put the work into it. Don't stand in your own way.

Cursed House

  It's a dark stormy night this Halloween night. The clouds  are ominous.  You can feel the energy from the storm. 5 friends and me are staying in an abandoned house deep in the Bayou of Louisiana.  I had picked the place. My friends and I love spooky things. This year we are hoping for a good scare because last year we went to a cemetary and it was just a bunch of teenagers messing with us. We get to the abandoned house before it starts storming.  There is a fireplace in the living room and we light a fire to stay warm and cozy.  "Ari what is the plan?" my boyfriend asks. "I thought we would eat and check the house out after." My friends and I make sandwiches. We eat in the living room. While we are eating we hear kids laughing. We get up to see where it is coming from and find nothing.  It is  a big house you can get lost in because the house is made like a maze. "This house is strange," Joe says. "Did you know  it was made like a maze...

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

 Recently I finished writing Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 and it took me long enough.  I have edited a little but not much of it. It will take me a while to edit it with how long the book is going to be. I cram packed a lot into this one book. The last book is probably about 2000 pages if not more. It is the longest book in the series and took me a long time to finish it. There is a lot of new things going on in the final book. Some will try to make sense of some of it. When it comes to how I wrote Vampires yes I made them seem more human because I wanted people to think what if they did live among us and this is how they truly live their lives.

Happy November

 Happy November the first.  I hope that all of you have a wonderful November and that all your dreams and goals come true. Keep trying your best.  Remember trying is better than nothing at all.🤗🤗🤗

Haunted Asylum

 It is Halloween and it is cold gloomy day. My friend Christian is driving me and a few friends to a supposed abandoned asylum. We like to talk to spirits and investigate. That is our thing other than when we jam in our band. It is storming on our way there. We had packed plenty of supplies before leaving out because we are staying the night in this abandoned asylum. The asylum is off some old dirt road in the middle of nowhere in Arkansas. I help Christian unpack the car with our other 3 friends. The doors to the asylum are unlocked and we take our stuff inside. There is no electricity so we have to depend on candles and flashlights. We try to figure out where we are going to camp out for the night and decide it's best to stay in the hallway rather than any of the rooms. The asylum was used for mental patients in the early 20s and 30s. There is no telling what went on in this place. We put our ice chest blankets and bags down before we start poking around. "Do you think...

Sometimes you can't help others

 Sometimes we can't help others and we have to walk away because they are taking us down with them.  If they don't want help there is nothing you can do.  You can give all the advice and tell them how to get help.  If they don't want that help it's in one ear and out the other.  You don't need to sacrifice your happiness to help people who won't help themselves.  Sometimes we think I can help them or fix it.  It becomes a habit. You end up drained, miserable,  doing things out of character,  and losing a piece of yourself.  It is okay to stop talking to people and not telling them why because more than likely they know what they did wrong. It is okay to cut toxic people out of your life.  You don't owe anyone anything.  You deserve to be happy.  If these people want to change they have to do it for them.  Sometimes helping isn't help and we enable them.  Stop making excuses for people. Sometimes people need a the...

Don't know what the future holds

 People make excuses on not spending time with family and friends.  They make excuses on why they can't text or call people first.  I understand that people have jobs, kids, and life comes up.  Yes,sometimes we are struggling and need a break from everyone.  It isn't hard to text or call and say I am going through stuff or even I will get back to you when I can.  Stop making excuses and work on it.  I know that nobody's perfect and we all make mistakes.  Don't always make your friends make the first move to check on you.  Maybe they need you to ask them how they are doing.  Make time for the ones who love and care about you because we don't know what the future holds.

Bullies on social media

 Some people get on social media to bully others to get a response. They want you to feel bad about yourself.  Keep being your best you. It is a reflection of themselves not you. They have nothing better to do with their time. Ignore them. 

Halloween Short stories

 If you are looking for a good Halloween read go check out The Haunted Cabin and Vampire Masquerade and Unforgettable Birthday Short Stories.