Mental health

 When it comes to your mental health it is important to just keep trying.  It is okay to fail. It is okay to not be okay all the time. It is okay to not feel strong. It is not okay to talk bad about you. We all go through different struggles. People call us fat, skinny,  lazy, ugly, loser, you won't amount to anything,  and much more.  Those are the labels of society whether it be from family,  friends,  or significant others. You are not what they say negatively about you. Cut them out of your life if you have to.  Some people are like should I cut my family out? You can do that or speak up for yourself or put distance between you and them. Don't let others make you feel bad about your decisions. If you need help talk to friends or a therapist. Friends can only do so much. Don't give up hope.  Just keep trying your best to better you. What others say or think don't matter.  It is about learning to love you.  It is about healing.  There is no time limit on healing.  When people tell you get over it or it is all in your head ignore them. Ask them how they would feel if the role was reversed. You will have up and down days. Do what makes you feel happy or comfortable. It is all about learning to live with it and cope.


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