Make time for those you love and care about

 Sometimes we focus so much on ourselves that we tend to lose track of what is important.  The ones who listen to us and are truly there for us is something we need to appreciate and be thankful for.  We need to be more grateful.  Sometimes we need to take a time out and check on our family and friends.  We need to text,call, or go see them. What if we don't get another chance? How is that going to make you feel? Sometimes we make excuses and we need to stop. Even if we are depressed, anxious,  work a lot,  or even if life gets busy we need to start making time for the people we love and care about.  You learn how to make time to text and ask how they are doing and what they have been up to. Your family and friends shouldn't have to be the one who calls and texts or come to see you first all the time. People make time if they truly choose too.


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