Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume4 The Tragedy (First 5 pages)
When Alexis woke up the next day it dawned on her that, she was all alone. She hadn’t ever been alone. Usually family or friends were always with her. It felt weird waking up alone. She was used to having someone sleep by her side. She didn’t like the feeling of being alone, but knew she needed this time to think through things. When she first arrived, she did her grocery shopping.
The first night Isaiah went to sleep without Alexis, it made him miss her more. He liked her falling asleep in his arms even if it was just to hold her and nothing more.
When Alexis got up, she fixed her breakfast and went to check out the waves after breakfast. She ate lunch on the beach and after lunch went out on the boat. She didn’t stay out on the boat for very long. When she got back, she went swimming and swam for hours. That night she grilled the fish she caught for dinner.
The month went by fast. Every day she went surfing. If she wasn’t surfing, she went out on the boat and did some fishing. Many days were filled with tears from losing the twins and her break up with Malici. Many nights she ate ice cream, which made her feel better for a little while. Other times she’d go for walks or a swim to clear her head. She was still having nightmares. When she had those, she’d call Isaiah who always knew the right thing to say to calm her down or make her laugh.
He was so ready for her to come home. Since she’d been gone, he worked all the time to keep his mind busy.
Siera and Michael had started planning their wedding. They were trying to figure out a date.
Phoenix had found work. He liked working.
Stephen had started building his own house near his father’s house. His father helped him when he wasn’t working. Michael helped them also.
Alexis was debating whether she should come home at the end of the month or spend a few more weeks on her vacation. She decided it would be best to go home. She had enjoyed her time alone to think. She felt rejuvenated. Even though there were days, she didn’t feel like getting out of bed she had started putting one foot in front of the other. For once in her life, no one was there to hover over her and constantly ask are you okay. She didn’t mind being asked because she knew they all cared, but sometimes it felt like they all thought she couldn’t make it without them helping her or being there to put her back together. At times, she didn’t mind, but other times it just made her want to explode. Her mind felt clearer than it had in a long time.
She didn’t call anyone to let them know she was headed home. When she arrived home, it was the beginning of June. It was night when she arrived at home. She went straight to Isaiah’s, she was ready to see him. When she got there, he wasn’t there. She stopped by the local pizza parlor to pick up a few pizzas after she left his house.
Then she stopped by his shop with the pizza and coke hoping he'd be there. When she walked through the shop doors, she sped to the back without anyone noticing her. She sat the pizza down.
“I smell pizza,” said Tim.
“Maybe Adare came in through the back,” said Isaiah.
She sat there and listened. When they were done with their clients, they walked towards the back. Alexis was eating pizza and sipping on a coke when they walked in the back room. Isaiah’s face lit up when he saw her sitting there. His heart skipped a beat. He ran to her and gave her a hug.
“He’s missed you like crazy. He’s been moping ever since you've left.”
“Shut up. He’s right about me missing you like crazy though.”
“You’re the first person I came to see,” said Alexis.
She smiled at him and he returned the smile.
“Does your family know your home?”
“No. I’m about to call them. I take it was a surprise finding me back here?”
“Yes and a good one.”
He couldn't stop smiling. She could tell that he missed her.
She handed them both a piece of pizza and then went outside to call her family to let them know that she had made it home. She told them she’d see them tomorrow. They told her how much they loved her and how they’d missed her. When she got off the phone, she went back in the shop. Isaiah told Tim he was taking off, so he could spend some time with her.
They went back to his house. On the way to the house, they talked.
“How did getting away for a month go?”
“It went okay. Felt very weird at first. It was much need.”
“I missed you and always looked forward to your phone calls.”
When they got to his house, they cuddled on his couch. They talked about what she did on her vacation. Before they put a movie on, she changed into some skimpy pajama shorts and a halter-top. He took his pants and shirt off to get more comfortable. Then he went to the kitchen and popped some popcorn. He took the popcorn and two cokes into the living room. When she came out of the bathroom, he watched her as she walked towards him.
“What kind of movie would you like to watch?”
“Let’s go outside instead.”
They sat on the back deck and talked.
“What did you do while I was away?”
“I caught up on some work. What all did you do while you were away?”
He knew most of what she had done, but would rather here it from her in person.
“I did a lot of surfing. One of my favorite things. The waves just wash all the worries in the world away.”
“Do you feel any better?”
“Yeah. It was much needed. Gave me time to think. Wasn’t sure about coming back at first. I missed my family and ready to go back to work.”
“What are you going to do now your back home?”
“Probably go camping. I usually stay up in the mountains during the summer. If I’m not, there we do some traveling. Spend time with my family and you.”
“Have you talked to Malici since you left?”
“No. He hasn’t called either.”
She wondered why she hadn’t heard from him somewhat. It did bother her some. She still wanted them to be friends. Even though things had gone bad, she still did care about him. That wouldn’t ever change. She knew in her heart they couldn’t be together.
“Have you seen my brother or sister since I’ve been away?”
“Yeah. They had a cook out a few times and invited me to come.”
“What did your parents think of me when they met me that night?”
“They liked you and think you’ll do great things as our leader.”
“I hope I can fix the mess he’s made. I haven’t gone over all the paperwork, but I know there’s a lot.”
“I’ll help you if you want me to.”
“I’m going to need all the help I can get. Enough about work.”
“Sorry if I brought up a sore subject.”
“I just thought I’d hear from him after the party and haven’t.”
“It bothers you doesn’t it?”
“I’ve known him my whole life. Even though things went the way he went, I don’t want to lose his friendship. Trying to find what to say to him is hard.”
“It’s only hard if you make it hard.”
“Good point.”
“Tell him what you told me.”
She laid her head on his shoulder.
“So other than work what have you been doing?”
“Not much of anything.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know. I do know one thing.”
“I missed you like crazy.”
“What about me?”
“Holding you and waking up next to you. Missed spending time with you talking about everything and nothing.”
She smiled when she heard him say that.
“I like how we can just talk.”
“Are you ready for that movie?”
They went in the house and she picked out a horror movie. She cuddled next to him and he put his arm around her. They stayed like that for most of the night. Alexis wasn’t getting tired.
“How do you have so much energy?”
“I don’t know. You’d think I’d be all kinds of tired. Let’s get out of here and go swimming. If you’re up to it.”
“I’m up to it.”
He went to his room to change into his swim trunks while she went to his guest room to change into her bikini. When she came out his mouth nearly hit the floor as it always did.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss.
“You still don’t make things easy.”
“Neither do you.”
“There’s something I want to ask you.”
“We haven’t ever been on a real date and I’d like to take you on one. Do you think that I could take you out for dinner tomorrow?”
She looked at him and smiled.
“I like the thought of a real date and my answer is yes.”
When she said yes, he knew that there might be hope. He wanted to do this right. For once, he wanted to take things slow and not rush. He wanted every day to be exciting and an adventure with her. She was all he ever thought about these days. He’d not ever felt this way about another woman. Everyone noticed how much he cared for her. She noticed how excited he was when she told him yes.
She drove them into the mountains to go swimming in the creek. That night was a clear night. The moon was shining bright to light their way to the creek. When they got to the creek, they were holding hands and waded in the water together. The water felt a little cold to both of them at first, but they warmed up in no time. They swam until the sun came up. They watched it come up while they swam in the creek. While they swam, they talked about where he might take her and then told her that he wanted to surprise her. All he told her was to wear something nice. She wondered where he was taking her or if he was taking her anywhere at all.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah. I need to get ready for breakfast. I told my family I’d meet them around seven. Then I’m going to work.”
“Do you have plans for lunch?”
“Yeah. My brother and I are going to eat at the shop.”
He drove them back to his house. When they got there, she used his guest bathroom and checked to make sure there were towels. There were no towels and she caught him before he got undressed.
“Can I have a towel?”
“I keep forgetting to put towels in there.”
He handed her a towel.
She walked back into the guest bathroom to take a shower. After she left, he took a shower in his bathroom. When she was done with her shower, she put on some jean shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He wasn’t out of the shower when she got out, so she waited for him in the living room.
When he came out, she was just sitting on the couch.
“You know you could have left, and that you didn’t have to wait on me,” he told her.
“I know. I wanted to tell you bye before I left.”
He hugged her before she left.
“See you tonight.”
“See you then. I’ll call when I get off work.”
When she got in the car, she called her father to tell him to meet her at the local diner and asked him to relay the message to the others. He told her he would and that they’d be there shortly.
When she got to the diner, she told the waitress to wait on taking her order.
She sat there waiting on her family for a good ten minutes. When they got there the waitress took there order.
“Took you all long enough to get here.”
“You know how slow your brother can be when first getting up in the morning,” said her Father.
“Yes, I do.”
“Did you have fun while you were away?” asked Siera.
“For most part. Gave me a lot of time to think. It was much needed.”
“Have you heard from Malici?” asked her Father.
“No, I haven’t heard from him since the party. What have you all been up to since I’ve been gone?”
“I started working again. I forgot how much I missed work,” said her Father.
Her father seemed more happy than he’d been in a while, which made her happy also.
“We started planning some of our wedding,” said Siera.
“Have you figured out when you want to do it?”
“No. Right now we’re just working on guest lists, where we might want to live, and food,” said Michael.
“I’ve just been working and spending time with them,” said Stephen.
“Isaiah told me how you invited him to hang out with you all while I was away.”
“Yeah. Thought I’d see what he’s about.”
“Don’t think I can take care of myself?”
“I know you can and actually I thought he might just want to hang out.”
“Okay. Did you tell him embarrassing stories about me?”
“No, you know I’d save those for when you’re around.”
“Should have known.”
“You know he wouldn’t pass up seeing you’re expression as you’re telling him shut up,” said her Father.
“Very well put.”
They all talked about their plans for the summer. Alexis told them how she was unsure if she was going to stay here much longer. They talked about where they think Siera and Michael ought to have their wedding.
When breakfast was over they all went their separate ways. Phoenix went to work. Siera and Michael went to the creek to swim. Alexis met her brother at work.
“I didn’t think you’d be coming back to work this soon,” said Stephen.
“You know I love my job.”
They started out by doing some oil changes.
“How did things go when you saw Isaiah last night?”
“They went good. He asked me out on a date. It will be our first date.”
“You sound nervous.”
“I’m a little nervous.”
“Do you know what you’re doing or where you’re going?”
“No. He just said wear something nice.”
“He didn’t find another woman while you were away. He seems to really like you.”
“There’s no telling if he would if I would have been gone longer.”
“With what little time I spent with him, I don’t think he would have moved on. I think he would wait for you as long as it takes.”
“You thought all the others were head over heels for me too.”
“They were.”
“Look where I’m at now.”
“That’s on them not you.”
They went back to work.
“Have you started seeing anyone?”
“No, I’ve just been busy with work and hanging out with our sister and Michael.”
When lunchtime rolled around, they went to the local pizza parlor and ordered a pizza to go. They sat out on the picnic table that sat in front of the shop and ate their pizza.
“I’m not ready to date anyway. It’s too soon. I think Victoria found someone though.”
“How does that make you feel?”
“Kind of shitty. We were so different though.”
“What was it like when you ate?”
“I felt weird eating in front of her.”
“When you’d bring her to dinner I felt weird to.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You cared about her and seemed happy.”
“I was in the beginning. Things were great. Our schedules clash.”
“What went wrong?”
“We barely got to see each other. She works night and goes to school. I work days. We’d meet up for lunch and sometimes saw each other before she went to work, but we were usually napping during that time. She understood why I’d have to come help you, but sometimes I don’t think she liked me coming to help you. I know it took away from some of our time together, and you needing help is more important.”
“You know if I’d known that I wouldn’t have asked for help.”
“I know. Don’t go blaming yourself.”
When they were done eating, they went back to work. Alexis kept thinking about her date that she was having tonight. She wondered where and what they were going to do. When it got close to time to get off, she kept getting more nervous.
“Breath,” said Stephen.
“I see you over there sweating.”
She didn’t pay him no mind.
“I know you heard me. Why are you so nervous?”
“I don’t know.”
“Sure you don’t.”
“Don’t start that. I can’t do this right now.”
He saw she meant what she said and dropped it.
She knew he was just joking that was just his way.
“I’m going to head out. I don’t even know what time we’re going?”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.”
She left work and he stayed behind to clean up. She called Isaiah to let him know she was on her way to the house. He let her know that he was at work and he’d meet her there.
He’d made reservations at a fancy restaurant to take her to. It also had a place where they could dance. He wanted to do something nice for her. On his way home, he picked her up some flowers.

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