First five pages of Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume3 The Rebellion
Even though Malici and Alexis started back to work, they still found time for each other. They spent their lunches together and ate dinner together every night. Every other weekend they would either have Stephen and Victoria to eat dinner with them or Malici's parents. The rest of the month of August flew by and so did the next couple of months. They both kept busy. Three months later, they both took the week of Thanksgiving off and Malici was out of school that week anyway. They even invited everyone to eat Thanksgiving dinner at their new home. Alexis' sister and Michael stayed with them for Thanksgiving break and her parents stayed at their family home. Michael’s parents stayed with Sacora and Phoenix. Alexis cooked Thanksgiving dinner with help from Sacora, Salinia, and Siera. They all ate dinner around the dining room table.
“How have you all been doing?” asked Sacora.
“We've been good. How about you?” asked Alexis.
“I've been good. I keep busy with my catering. It's all I've got to do these days.”
“What about you father?”
“Keeping busy with clients as usual. I'll be glad when I can retire,” said her Father.
“I bet,” said Mortici.
“How's college?” Alexis asked Siera.
“It's going good. My grades are good,” said Siera.
“That's good.”
“How's work been for you?”
“It's been busy.”
“I'm just glad we're doing well at the shop,” said Stephen.
“Me too. How's college going for you?” Alexis asked Michael.
“It's going well,” said Michael.
“What are you majoring in?”
“I'm going, so I can become a doctor.”
“That's cool. Good luck with that.”
“How's college going for you?” Sacora asked Malici.
“It's good. I only have another year left and then I will be done. I think I'm going to open a shop of my own up and have one side set up as a photography studio and the other for computer repair,” said Malici.
“Sounds like you have it all figured out.”
“How have you been?” Alexis asked looking over at Alexander.
“I've been busy with school. I'll be glad when I'm done, but that's going to be awhile,” said Alexander.
“How many more years do you have left?”
“I've got two more years.”
“Are you working?”
“I've got a part time job at a gas station for now. I'm saving up money, so I can move out.”
“Where are you going to work when you get out of school?”
“I'm going to work at the firm your father works at.”
She wondered why he chose there.
When Alexis was done eating her dinner, she took Malici's and her plate into the kitchen and got them both a piece of pecan and pumpkin pie. When everyone was done eating Alexis and Sacora washed dishes.
“How are things with Malici and you?” asked Sacora.
“They're going good,” Alexis said with a smile.
“That's good to hear. Have you all talked about having kids?”
Her eyes got big when her mother mentioned kids.
“Not yet. We both want kids. We just haven't really talked about it though.”
“I see.”
Her mother wondered why they hadn't talked about kids yet.
When they were done washing dishes, they joined everyone in the family room to watch a movie. They watched a comedy. After the movie, everyone went home except for Siera and Michael. Siera and Michael went to Siera's room to watch a movie. Malici and Alexis sat up talking.
“The food was good. You out done yourself with a little bit of help,” Malici said with a grin.
“Thanks. My mother asked if we'd talked about having children yet,” said Alexis.
He got quiet for a moment.
“What did you tell her?”
“That we want kids and that we really haven't talked about it yet.”
“How many kids do you want?”
She really wasn't ready for this discussion.
“I don't know. I haven't really given it much thought.”
Alexis went to the kitchen to get her flask and then sat back down to Malici on the couch.
“I'm not sure how many I want either. As long as they're healthy when we do decide to have them is all that matters to me,” said Malici.
“I kind of wonder how they're aging process will go since we're immortals,” said Alexis.
“It makes me curious also.”
They looked for a movie on TV and found a horror movie to watch. After the movie was over, they took a bath together and went to bed. They woke up early the next morning and fixed breakfast. Alexis woke Siera and Michael up when breakfast was ready. They had chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. After breakfast Sacora, Phoenix, and Michaels parents came to pick up Siera and Michael because they were going home that morning. Alexis and Malici told everyone their good-byes. Alexis hugged her parents and sister. She told them she loved them and they told her they loved her too. Then they left.
After they left Alexis and Malici cleaned up the kitchen. Then Alexis washed some laundry.
When they were done cleaning house they went for a walk. They came back around noon to eat lunch. They had turkey sandwiches and had pie afterwards. When they were done eating, they found them something to do. Alexis worked on a crossword puzzle while Malici read a book. For dinner, they warmed up leftovers and ate on the back deck.
“What do you want to do for the rest of this week?” asked Malici.
“I was thinking we could go camping this weekend,” said Alexis.
“Okay. We can go to town tomorrow and pick up what we need.”
When they were done eating, they went for a ride and went up into the mountains. They got out and took a walk. After their walk, they went back to the house. When they got back to the house they took a bath together and then watched a movie until they fell asleep. The next day they got stuff ready to go camping. They went and picked up groceries they wanted. They also bought them a new sleeping bag. When they were done with shopping, they made some tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. After lunch, they went for a walk down a trail behind their house. When they got back to the house Malici went to their study to read. Alexis sat in the living room working on a crossword puzzle. When Malici was done reading his book, he joined Alexis in the living room. She was still working on her crossword puzzle when he sat down beside her. He turned the TV on and started channel flipping. He settled on the history channel. When it got dark Alexis went to the kitchen and got started on dinner.
She started boiling the water and then added macaroni noodles. Then she cut up some red and green belle peppers. While she did that, she had some oil basil and garlic warming up on the stove. Then she added the belle peppers to that. When she was done with that, she cut up some sausages and added it in with the belle peppers. When the noodles were done, she drained them. Before that, she turned the oven on. After she was done, draining the noodles, she put a layer of the belle peppers and sausages with pizza sauce in a casserole dish and then she added the noodles then she added some more pizza sauce and another layer of sausage and belle peppers. When she was done doing that, she topped it off with mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Then she put it in the oven and let it cook for about forty-five minutes. She cleaned up the dishes she dirtied and then sat down at the dining room table sipping on a pint of blood while she played a game of solitaire. When dinner was ready, she went to the living room where Malici was still watching TV.
“Dinners ready,” said Alexis.
He turned the TV off and joined her at the dining room table. She had their plates made before she went and got him. After dinner, he washed the dishes. Alexis watched TV while he did that. Malici sat beside her and watched TV after he was done washing dishes. When they were done watching TV they went upstairs and took a romantic bubble bath. Malici lit candles around the bathroom and put bubbles in their bath. When he was done running the water he got Alexis. They got undressed and then got into the tub. Malici was the first one into the tub and when Alexis got settled into the tub, she laid her head on his chest. He seduced her and they made passionate love. When they got out of the tub Alexis put on a blue halter-top and skimpy pajama shorts and Malici put on some black boxers. They went to bed after that.
They told each other good night and how much they love each other before they fell asleep.
The next day they went on their camping trip. They had everything prepared and left early that morning to get there. When they got there, they gathered lots of wood for their fire. Then Malici set up their tent. When they were done setting up camp, they started the fire and talked about what they were going to do after the weekend was over. That night they roasted hot dogs by the fire and had chips to go with their hot dogs.
“Are you ready to go back to work?” asked Malici.
“Kind of. Are you ready to go back to school?” asked Alexis.
“Just a little.”
In some ways he was ready to go back to school. The reason why he wasn't ready was because it would mean less time with his new bride. He smiled over at her. She returned his smile.
“Hard to believe that the holidays will be here before we know it.”
“I know. What do you want to do for our first holiday together as a married couple?”
She thought about it for a moment.
“I was thinking I'd invite my family to spend it with us. If Michael’s family wants to, they can too. I was thinking if the whole Council wants to they can.”
“Might be interesting.”
They both imagined what it would be like to have everyone under one roof.
Malici got up and got their sleeping bag out of the tent. Alexis lied down beside Malici on the sleeping bag. He started kissing her lips, down her neck, and caressed every inch of her body. He slowly stripped her clothes off her and she slowly stripped his off him. They slowly made love by the fire and just laid there snuggling afterward. They fell asleep shortly after and did not bother going to the tent. The next two days went by fast. They went walking up the trails, tree hopping, and roasted hot dogs every night. They didn't even bother using the tent and just slept in their sleeping bag next to the fire. Sunday afternoon they went back, home. When they got home, Alexis got started on the laundry. Malici made them lunch while she did that. He made them some chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese. They ate their lunch at the dining room table and talked about what they were going to be doing that week. Afterwards they watched TV. That night they fixed pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls for dinner. Malici washed dishes by himself that night. Alexis went for a walk while he was doing dishes. He joined her when he was done doing dishes. She seemed like she was off in her own little world when he joined her.
“What's on your mind?” asked Malici.
“Not much. Just been wondering when the others are going to give me an answer.”
She sighed. It was frustrating her.
“Must be hard not knowing whether your parents want to join us in immortality.”
“It is hard. I don't know how, I would take watching them die.”
She looked away from him. They both knew it would kill her.
“I can't imagine.”
Malici went to take a shower and Alexis stayed outside thinking about things. When Malici was done with his shower, he went to bed. Alexis didn't come in till real late. When she did come inside, she went to her bathroom and took a long bath to relax. Malici woke when she finally got into bed.
“I was wondering when you were going to come to bed.”
He would have gone back out to join her, but didn't know what to say and knew there was no right thing to say.
“I just needed some time alone to think.”
“Good night. Love you.”
“Good night and love you too.”
The next week they went back to their routine of going to work and school. Every afternoon they met up and ate lunch at home. At the end of the week, they had Stephen and Victoria over for dinner. Alexis fixed egg rolls and stir-fry. They ate at the dining room table. Before dinner started Alexis, Stephen, and Victoria had a pint of blood.
“How's school been for you?” Stephen asked Malici.
“It's good. Ready to be done, so I can open my own shop. How's work been for you?” asked Malici.
“I thought Alexis would tell you that.”
“She does.”
“I love working there. It was my dream and I'm glad I'm getting to do what I love doing.”
“That's good.”
“How have you been?” Alexis asked Victoria.
“I've been good. Just been busy with classes and work. When I'm not doing that spending as much time as I can with your brother,” said Victoria.
She smiled over at Stephen.
“When are you all going to have kids?” asked Stephen.
Alexis gave her brother a weird look at first.
“We thought we might wait until Malici's out of school,” said Alexis.
“We're not rushing. We do want kids, and we're thinking it might be best to wait,” said Malici.
“That's cool,” said Stephen.
After dinner, they watched a movie in the family room. They watched a comedy and had a good laugh. Stephen and Victoria left after the movie was over.
“See you at work Monday. Love you,” said Alexis to Stephen as he was leaving.
She hugged him before he left.
“Love you too,” said Stephen.
After they left Alexis washed up the dishes and Malici went to the study to work on some homework.
When he was done with his homework, he met up with Alexis in the bedroom. She was reading a book in bed. She laid the book down when he walked in the room.
“Did you get your homework finished?” asked Alexis.
“Yeah,” said Malici.
They went to take a shower together and then went to bed early. They had a long day and were both very tired.
The rest of the month flew by. Before they knew it, winter break was there. Malici was out of school and Alexis took off work. They started their shopping for everyone at the beginning of December, so they were ready for the holidays when it got there. They had bought Siera some candles, bath set, and a dark green blanket with her name embroidered in the middle of the blanket. They bought Stephen a new toolbox and tools. They got Sacora some new pots and pans, and they got Phoenix a new briefcase. They got Salinia some casserole dishes and they got Mortici a gift card because out of everyone he was always the hardest one to buy when it came to getting him anything. They also bought many decorations to decorate the house for when Siera and everyone came down to visit. When Siera and Michael got out for break, they flew down with their parents. Siera and Michael stayed with Alexis and Michaels parents stayed with Sacora and Phoenix. They arrived December nineteenth on a Friday afternoon. When they got there, Alexis called Stephen and Victoria. She asked them to meet her in the mountains to help pick a tree. They told her they'd meet them there. Stephen asked if it was okay if Victor came along. Alexis told him that would be all right. When they got into the mountains Siera found a tree and Malici cut it down. Stephen helped Malici carry it to Alexis' truck. When they were done, they all went back to the house. Michael helped Malici carry the tree inside. Everyone decorated the big tree. Malici took many pictures. Afterwards Malici, Stephen, Victor, and Michael started hanging lights outside. Alexis started hanging mistletoe in every doorway. Siera hung everyone’s stockings on the fireplace that was in the family room in the middle of the room. Victoria put the snow globes on the mantle above the fireplace. When Alexis was done hanging mistletoe, she fixed hot cocoa for everyone. After Malici and the others were done, hanging lights outside he got some logs from the woodpile, took them in the house, and started a fire in their fireplace. It was the first time they used the fireplace. Everyone sat down close to the fire and drank hot cocoa to warm up. They talked about what Siera and Michael had been up to and how school was going for them. They talked about how things were going at the shop for Alexis and Stephen. They talked about how Malici was doing in school. Everyone is doing well. A couple of hours later Victor came by the house. Then shortly after that, Alexander showed up with his parents. Alexander and his family were staying with Malici and Alexis.
“I just love your house,” Alexandria said when they walked in the house.
“Thanks,” said Alexis.
Alexis showed them all to their room. She had set up a guest room for Alexandria and Malic on the first floor. She had set up a guest room for Alexander and Alana on the second floor. When they were all done, putting their stuff up they joined everyone in the family room. Alexis went in the kitchen and put some tea on. While she did that, she called her parents and invited them and Michael’s parents to eat dinner with everyone. She had Malici call his parents to have him ask them to dinner. After Malici got off the phone with his parents, he helped Alexis take sugar cookies and tea to everyone. Alexis gave Victoria and Victor a holiday cup with a pint of blood.
“Thanks,” said Victoria.
“You’re welcome,” said Alexis.
Victoria sometimes felt out of place and she did notice that Alexis and Stephen both took extra steps to make her feel comfortable and at home.
Victor watched his sister from the corner of his eye. He hadn't ever seen her as happy as she was these days. He hadn't ever seen a guy go out of his way for her the way Stephen has been doing.
Everyone talked amongst themselves. After everyone was, comfortable Alexis stepped outside to be alone. She needed some fresh air to clear her head and went off on a walk. She told Malici that she was going for a walk and that she'd be back in a little while and told him not to worry.
Stephen noticed his sister walk off and told Victoria he'd be back in a little bit too. He went to go find his sister

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