Featured Author Sonia Singh
Check out the author Sonia Singh and why she likes to write and what her book is about.
Work Out Your Soul by Sonia Singh
1. What inspired you to write this book?My love for humanity and m y children.I thought if I could pen down my belief in goodness and Godliness they would keep it in their hearts and remain on the faith path to positivity.
2. Summarize your book in one to three sentences as if you were speaking to someone unfamiliar with your book and its topic.The chaos of life has turned us into cynical,distrusting people.In all this ,we forgot to work out our inner,the only giver of peace and calm.Regular work out of your soul means great positivity circulation,leading to a healthy,happy ,complete you.
3. What is the overall theme (central topic, subject or concept) of your book?We humans stand united on the plane of goodness,the only oxygen for our soul.Positivity which cannot be taught but only caught .
4. Where does this book take place?In every persons life everyday.
5. Who are the main characters and why are they important to the story?The different aspects in an individual outlook,ego,power of thoughts,ability to give etc.No human can exist without these.
6. Why do you think that this book will appeal to readers?In this fast-paced life style every person needs a soul soother which is exactly what this book is.
7. How is your book relevant in today’s society?Today the society is high in intellect as well as consciousness so they will relate to this book in every facet of it.
8. Is there any subject currently trending in the news that relates to your book?So much hatred,strife around the world,no one realizing that all religions preach goodness of deeds more than any outer .This book can bind us all.
9. What makes your book different from other books like it?To atain an exemplary self we need to exercise our goodness every day.All faiths preach the same virtuousness ,we know that but never accept it.Hence it is a new and unique thought based book.It unites us all in a universal relation with our soul.
10. What do you want readers to take away from your writing?Everyday happiness ,contentment cannot come from extending positivity for only one day.So like a body work out ,our soul needs a constant dose of work out too.
11. How did you learn about the topic? (i.e. personal experience, education, etc.)Since my teens I was a big lover of peace within.Slowly over the years I realized that no contentment can fill you up if the account of your soul has more taking than giving.It is all my personal belief stemming from my life experiences.
12. Is there a particular passage from your book you’d like us to utilize? If so, please provide.
13. In this run of our life we have thoughts and priorities only and only for material,outer,shallow things but our essence is greatly missing.I am not saying luxuries should not be enjoyed,rather I wish each one of us could enjoy them but without being obsessed with them.Any emotion in a balance is good but in excess is ruining.
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