Featured Author S.K. Ballinger

Check out S.K. Ballinger and why he likes to write and why he became an author.

How old were you when you first started writing? I was 37 years old when I first started writing, so a late bloomer. I wouldn't have even done it then if not knowing about self-published outlets such as createspace or lulu.

What made you want to become a writer? The freedom to be self published and tired of telling stories or ideas over and over. Then reading some great books from amazing authors pulled me in as well.

Where are you located? I live in Baldwin City, KS.

What inspires you? In the writing world what inspires me are seeing other author believe in themselves. They work their tail off at what they do and never give up. To see these fantastic individuals believe is the highlight for me. I have seen many fail and continue and seen others succeed and continue, what a great balance.

What books do you like to read? Paranormal, myth, documentaries, sci-fi and recently some horror.

Favorite author? I am going on the indie side rather than the already 'Boom' and say TJ Weeks. His writing style to me is one of a kind.

Favorite music? Just about anything as long as it is not country. Country to me is a story about anything per se. Take a dog that was ran over and a country song can be made of it either depressing or not. Favorite music is anything by Pink Floyd!

Favorite TV show? Survivor and have not missed a single season.

Favorite food? Love Italian but have to go with Mexican.

What time of day do you like to write? I try to sneak some in during the work day but typically late evenings.

where do you like to write? Anywhere that there is peace and quiet which never happens very often, so I end up doing it upstairs in a make shift office.

How many books have you published? Ten

Do you self publish and if not who's your publishing company? I self publish and intend on doing so.

What are the titles of your books? Blissful Miser (biography), Uncommon Lust, Jade Swanson - A Legend in the Making, Journey of Kain Edward, Julie Swanson Untold, Sirtimi, Obsessed with the Kill (special edition), Bloodline Series Set 1 (which combines all five short stories together and edited), A.R.A Agent N. Wolfe and my first novel Stanley Swanson - Breed of a Werewolf which is book one of the trilogy.

What was the first book you got published? All the Shades of Shane - Blissful Misery, my biography. Made a few changes and cut the title down to just 'Blissful Misery'.

What are you currently working on? I am working on 'Devil Station' with authors TJ Weeks, Brandon Ryals, Kris Weeks and Ashlei D. Hawley (cover done by the amazing Dean S. who has done Stephen Kings covers, so it is an honor), Second book of the Stanley Swanson trilogy 'The Uprising', Virus 'K' with TJ Weeks, Brandon Ryals and the film producer Michael S. Freeman which I am looking so forward to the finished product of film and Sebastian Swanson - Rise of the Lycan.

These are all his social media pages of where you can find him or buy his books.
twitter @SinyGuy. If you visit lulu, look for specials.

Bloodline Series Set 1 - Edited edition of the compilation of the first set of the first five short stories of the Bloodline Series. With Love, Hopeful, Hate, Survivor and Fearless. All tie in with one another in some way or another and all focuses in some way towards the novel Stanely Swanson - Breed of a Werewolf.

A.R.A. Agent N.Wolfe - When agent Nick Wolfe tries for twenty years to solve a puzzle with the secret agency of A.R.A. He soon becomes conflicted with choice. Once captured Madison Monroe who was abducted and returned to earth, Nick finds himself growing interest towards her. Sacrificing what he has long lived to make right for mankind, he settles for the other option which was setting her free. While on the run from the agency, Nick must do all that he can as the puzzle pieces with Madison begin to unfold. Dealing with the very person he was set to have studied by fellow agents, an attraction would soon prove to hard to turn away. Answers will come as time soon runs out for both.

Jade Swanson - A Legend in the Making - When Jade Swanson finally grows up after a daunting thirty-three years, her life as an adult is new to her. When she reflects on the death of her mother well after her father Stanley renewed the treaty between both creatures of the night, she sets to find the one who killed her mother. Problem in doing so is breaking the treaty that her father restored which will easily or could easily start a war between the creatures of night once more. What will she decide to do when faced with the very vampire that witnessed her mothers death? What will her brother Sabe take to her actions and more importantly is how Stanely, her father might react for the breed of werewolves. Perhaps the young Jade grows up to follow in her fathers footsteps to be a legend as he became long ago. Just as her father is, Jade is in the making of being just that of him... a LEGEND.

Julie Swanson Untold - The life of Julie Swanson before she carried the last name of that. She was a smart lady, went to college and married a man that she had met once at her younger years. New life with having two children and a simple trip with all her success in life would come to a tragic ending, but a new life would begin. Losing all that she loved, she would awaken with another chance at life. What will her decision be would be the only remaining question?

Sirtimi - Third book of the 'Bloodline Series' which is from the characters of the Stanley Swanson trilogy. Sirtimi finds himself as a performer dating back in 1600's using what he can for makeup with chalk and water. Walking home on a late night after a performance, he finds himself faced with a person wounded badly who claims that it was done by a Lycan. Doing what he can, he tries to help the dying person which happens to not be just that but rather a Drackulis which when close bites Sirtimi to live on his legacy. From there, Sirtimi learns more of his abilities and seeks to form more like himself. Along the way, he finds out that he has twin boys prior to him being a Drackulis. His ultimate desire after all is said is to form a council of his kind and to seek out the very one that killed his maker.

Journey of Kain Edward - When Kain Edward lost all that he loved, there were ups and downs in his belief of mythology. It would take a wreck to happen for him to wage decisions while facing with daily life. Stillbelieving in what it is that he writes, turmoil in short happens until two phone calls were made to him. One by a Drackulis and the other by a Breed of Werewolf. War is decided by what he chooses and yet, he is blind to it all as he grasps the only thing that matters most to him. Finding out the truth to prove others that laughed at him as freak..wrong

Uncommon Lust - First short story branching off from the novel series 'Stanley Swanson - Breed of a Werewolf'. When Natalie who is a werewolf falls in love with Gravakus which is a Dracklulis (not vampire) as a war supposedly is to one day happen, they make their way to a distant place of safety. What was not expected was having twins born regardless if Gravakus bit Natalie to save her life. Twelve short stories of each character of my choosing will follow to tie in with the novel. What Gravakus and Natalie did was uncommon and not expected in time of tragedy among the opposites.

Stanley Swanson - Breed of a Werewolf - Stanley Swanson believes that war one day will happen of the creatures of the night but involve humans. He reaches out to a retired journalist 'Kain' in hopes that if he shares the secrets with him of both Werewolf and Vampires, that if a war does occur that humans will join sides with the Breed of Werewolf. Kain is then taken on a journey as he and 'Stanley' become very close and a friendship is made quickly as Kain agrees to write the journal. When the knowledge of what Stanley is doing with this mortal is leaked out, the highest of all vampires known as 'Drackulis', set a war in place. Stanleys family is immediately put at risk by a Drackulis known only as 'Gravakus'. It is then upon Stanleys return home with Kain that he soon learns that he himself has put his breed and more importantly his family at risk. Finding out later of the attacker, Stanley and his older brother 'Stephen' set out to take action upon Gravakus.

Blissful Misery - This is my biography/memoir and the book that started my desire to take writing seriously. This book is for 18+ as it is very graphic in detail. The stories bounce around a small bit but have been told that the further you get into it the better it becomes. My life, laugh at it for what it is worth but sharing a lot of my life in the book was a release for me. Told time and time again to tell my stories in public, now I don't have to. I've had a lot of misfortunes happen in my 'growing up' if you will and I've tried hard to let go of some of the major mishaps in my life. There are a few random rants in the book as well. I am a guy that never thought of writing until I found that you can publish with no cost and that is where it began for me. I thank Lulu for that to be honest. Life is hard and is forever changing. I have learned in life that there are always going to be consequences and sometimes you have to pay dearly for them.

Go check his books out.


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