poem by me

She doesn't see her own worth
Don't push her down
She is battling a battle you can't see
Her scars run deep
She heals
People tear her scars open
Healing process begins again
She struggles
Her path is rocky
Thrown so much
Pain that people can not see
She knows she is worthy of love
Invisible is how she feels
Doesn't feel heard
Doesn't feel seen
Am I even here
Do they hear me
Do they see me
Does it matter
She doesn't give up even
though she feels like giving up
Cries behind closed doors
She is tired of all the promises people make
They don't follow through
I will come to see you
Don't ever show
I will call
Don't ever call
I will text
Don't ever text
They wouldn't even know she was still alive
if she didn't say a word
They wouldn't know she was okay unless
she called or text them
Her exes made her feel loved for just a little while
They broke her down
Tore her down
For a bit she wasn't even her
Her spirit broke
She was someone she was not
She's had people come in and out of her life
who made her feel like she is crazy
Been torn down
Thrown away
Lied to
Manipulated far and beyond
Made to feel like she was somebody and nobody
Had people tell her they loved her when they didn't
Only so much a person can take
She doesn't give up
She still thinks there is hope
Some days she doesn't know her worth
There are days she doesn't want to get out of bed
Some of you say you know her yet you only know a small piece
So many have judged her
She knows she isn't perfect
You have no right
She is there for those who haven't been there for her
There are times when she needs an ear and no one is around
She shows kindness to those who don't deserve it
Gives chance after chance
Is it wrong to want to be loved
Is it wrong to want to be accepted
She prays day after day
Her heart has been broken to many times
She has lost count
Her kids are what keep her going day in and out
They give her that hope
She keeps moving forward
Dusts herself off the best that she can
She does have a few friends who she knows will always be there
For them she is grateful



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