Mothers Day

Mothers should be cherished every day
not just on Mother's Day
Some might think it's not a job to raise kids
Last time I checked it's a full time job
You have to be up from the time they get up until
they go to sleep
When they're sick you nurse them back to health
You read that extra bed time story
You watch another movie
You play whatever they want to play
They make messes and we clean them up
We help with homework that we don't possibly understand
We try to have all the answers
If we don't have the answer we ask around or look it up
We lift them up
When they cry we hold, hug, and kiss them
Sometimes we might yell and scream
We pull our hair out
They push our buttons
No we're not perfect
Being perfect doesn't matter to our kids
They love us for us
They look up to us
We're their role models
We're the ones who kiss the boo boo's
We're the ones who stand by them no matter what
Yes our houses get messy
When you have kids cleaning isn't the most important thing
It's about the quality time not the quantity
It's about the small things
It's about the pictures they draw and you put on your fridge
It's about tracking dirt in the house
It's about the embarrassing moments
Every parent has had that one embarrassing moment
Our kids are our teachers
They are the reason why we get up
They are what keeps us going when you want to give up
They are our reason for living


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