First five pages of Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume2 The Beginning of the First Psychic\Blood\Vamp

Chapter 1
Alexis could hardly believe the summer was over and that she'd be starting her first day of college.
She was glad that she was bilingual because the school she was attending was in Romania, and they didn't speak any English. Some of them spoke English, but they didn't teach class in English.
When she was young her parents had taught her many different languages because they felt it might come in handy some day and they were right.
They had traveled to many different countries, but the main place they'd go was to the Carpathian Mountains in Romania.
One thing that wouldn't ever change was how they fed. They usually did it when they first woke up and right before they went to bed. The only other time they really fed was if they felt drained, but Alexis wasn't feeling so drained like she was before.
Alexis thought to herself, “It's hard to believe this summer has flown by so quickly.”
She was kind of bummed that it was coming to an end.
When she woke up it was early.
She wanted to go back to sleep, but it didn't look like that was going to happen.
When she got out of bed it woke Malici. He rolled over and looked over at her.
“Come back to bed,” Malici said in a groggy voice.
“I can't sleep. I'm nervous about today,” she said.
“You'll do just fine.”
“I'm going to get ready.”
“I'll meet you downstairs.”
They both went to take a shower. She used her bathroom and he used the one in the guest room.
Alexis put on some jeans and a dark blue shirt for the day and pulled her hair back with a clippie.
Malici wore some jeans and a black shirt.
When he was done getting ready, he went downstairs and started cooking pancakes for breakfast.
Alexis met up with him in the kitchen.
She made them a fruit smoothie while he cooked breakfast.
After he was done cooking he sat the food on the table.
While he did that Alexis went upstairs to wake Stephen, but they met on the stairs before she made it to his room. He looked tired and was dragging ass down the stairs when they bumped into each other.
“Good morning. You're up early,” said Alexis.
“Good morning to you to. I set my alarm clock last night,” said Stephen.
They walked to the kitchen together.
“Are you ready for today?” asked Stephen.
“Yeah. I'm a little nervous though,” said Alexis.
“Me too.”
“We'll do okay though.”
“I think we will to.”
They sat down at the dining room table and ate breakfast with Malici. Nobody said much during breakfast. All you could hear was them chewing their food. Stephen looked like he would rather be asleep than eating even though he loves eating.
After breakfast Malici and Alexis washed the dishes together. They sped through it.
When they were done with the dishes they went outside and sat on the porch swing.
Malici entwined his fingers with Alexis'.
They sat there and fed. Neither of them said anything for a few moments. Alexis wasn't much for chatter when she fed.
“Would you like to ride with me this morning?”
“Since we probably get out at different times I think it might be best if I drive myself.”
“I didn't think of that. Have you got your schedule yet?”
“It came in the mail Saturday.”
“That's good. You wouldn't want to be waiting around in the main office today. It's usually a mad house the first week.”
He thought about when he'd first started college and didn't have everything in order before he started. He smiled over at her. “She's so organized,” he thought to himself.
“I'll be having all my classes with Stephen,” she said sounding a little relieved that she'd have someone she knew with her.
“That's good. At least you'll have each other.”
“That's what I was thinking since I don't know anyone here, but you and your family,” Alexis said sounding kind of distant.
“If you want we can have a get together and I can introduce you to some of my friends.” Malici said trying to make her feel better about being there.
He wanted her to feel at home and not like an outcast.
“With work and school I'm not sure when we'd be able to,” she said in a kind of down voice.
She sighed.
“We could always do it on your day off.”
“I don't know. That's usually the only time we get alone. If it's not that it's cleaning, which I need to get done.”
“You sound like an old lady talking like that,” he said poking at her. He had a smirk on his face.
“Funny,” she said with her arms crossed. She acted like she was pouting.
“You know I'm just teasing.”
“Sure you are,” she said in a smart ass tone.
“What are you doing for lunch?”
“I was thinking we could have a picnic lunch.”
“We can do that.”
“When do you have to be at work?”
“After lunch. Do you know what you want to do for dinner?”
“I'm not sure yet. It depends on how tired I am after I get off work.”
“Where do you want to have lunch?”
“Meet me at the creek.”
“Have a good day at school.”
“You too.”
Before she left she gave him a kiss and hug.
Stephen was waiting for her in the truck. He was dozing off when she got in the truck and doze all the way to school.
“Are you ready?” asked Stephen.
“I'm as ready as I'll ever be. My stomach is in knots,” said Alexis.
“Just relax.”
“Easier said than done.”
She put on a fake smile and he rolled his eyes.
“We can do this and you know it,” Stephen said sounding confident.
“Yeah, I do.”
When they got there Alexis parked close to where their classes would be.
The school wasn't very big, so it didn't take them long to find their first class.
Their classes went by fast.
After their classes were over Alexis drove them home.
“What are you doing for lunch?” asked Stephen.
“I made plans with Malici,” said Alexis.
“I think I'm going to find me something to eat and take a nap. Wake me up before work.”
“Will do.”
They got out of the truck and walked into the house.
She made two chicken, cheese, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches.
She packed them a bag of chips, and two canned cokes into a picnic basket.
When she was finished making their picnic lunch she drove to the creek.
Malici was already at the creek waiting for her. When he saw her his face lit up as did hers.
“How long have you been waiting?”
“Not long. I just got here.”
She sat down next to him by the creek.
Then she handed him a sandwich and got hers out after she handed his to him.
“How was school for you today?”
“It went well. How was your first day?”
He was hoping that it went well for her.
“It went good.”
“That's good to hear.”
She got the chips and coke out of the basket and handed him a coke.
“Thanks for fixing me lunch.”
“Anything for you,” she said smiling at him.
“What would you like for dinner?”
“I'm not sure.”
“Would you like me to surprise you?”
“Sounds good to me,” Alexis said with a smile.
After they were done eating they just sat there for a little while.
“I hate to cut things short, but I better head to work,” said Malici.
“I think I'm going to home and take a nap before I have to head to work,” said Alexis.
“Do you want me to call and wake you up?”
“If you don't mind.”
“I don't mind.”
He leaned over to kiss her and caressed her cheek with his hand.
“Call you in a little while,” said Malici.
“Thanks,” said Alexis.
After that Alexis walked Malici back to his truck and gave him a kiss before he left.
Then she got in her truck and drove off towards the house and he drove off to work.
When she got to the house ,she went to her room and took a nap.
Around four that afternoon Malici called Alexis to wake her up.
She woke up when ,she heard her phone ring. It startled her at first.
“Hello,”Alexis said in a groggy voice.
“Wake up beautiful,” said Malici.
“I'm up now. Thanks for the wake up call.”
“I'll see you after work. Have a good night at work.”
“I'll try. You too.”
Then they hung up.
She went and got ready for work.
After she was ready, she went to Stephens room to wake him up.
“Wake up,” said Alexis.
“I'm up,” said Stephen.
She walked downstairs after ,she woke him up.
After waking up she went to the kitchen to make a sandwich for her brother and herself.
When he joined her downstairs ,she handed him the sandwich.
Then they headed out the door and ate on their way to work.
When they got there things were in full swing. They got slammed with the dinner crowd.
Even though things were busy they sped through work.
When they got off work they sped home. They were both ready to be home and out of their work clothes.
Malici was there when they got home.
“How was your night at work?” asked Malici.
“It was okay. I'm going to take a shower, and I'll be back down in a moment,” said Alexis.
She ran upstairs and took a quick shower. The hot water felt good to her. She didn't like smelling like work.
After her shower she got dressed in some skimpy shorts and a halter-top.
She joined Malici downstairs.
He met her at the bottom of the stairs when she came downstairs.
“Come with me,” said Malici.
Alexis followed Malici to the back deck. She was curious what he was up to and had an eyebrow raised.
He had already made her plate and had candles lit.
“Is this all for me?” asked Alexis.
“Yeah,” said Malici.
He had made baked chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, a salad, and rolls.
“Where's Stephen?” asked Alexis.
“He's inside eating. I made enough for all of us.”
“Thanks for doing this for us.”
“You look exhausted.”
“Tonight was a busy night. It was nonstop until we closed tonight. How was your night at work?”
“It was slow for most part.”
Stephen was at the kitchen table eating his dinner that made Malici had made.
After Stephen was done eating he poked his head outside.
“I'm going to bed. Good night,” said Stephen.
“Good night. See you in the morning,” said Alexis.
Stephen went back in the house and ran upstairs.
When he got to his room he fell asleep quickly.
Back outside Alexis was still slowly eating her dinner.
“What are you going to do after school tomorrow?” asked Malici.
“I was thinking of going riding after I had lunch,” said Alexis.
“I have to go meet a family after school to take them their pictures.”
“Will we get to eat lunch together?”
“No, I'm afraid not. I'll see you after you get off work though.”
She was a little bummed that she wouldn't get to eat lunch with him the next day.
“Are you staying here or going home tonight?” asked Alexis.
“I'd stay, but need to do some things at home,” said Malici.
She didn't want him to go home, but she understood.
“I better head to bed soon if I want to get up early,” said Alexis.
Malici blew out the candles and helped her take the dishes in the house.
When they went inside they washed the dishes.
“I better get going,” said Malici.
He hugged her and kissed her good night.
“Good night and sweet dreams,” said Malici.
“Good night. See you tomorrow,” said Alexis.
After that he went home.
When he was gone Alexis gathered up all the dirty laundry and put it in the washer.
Then she went to bed.


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