Sometimes you end up bending over backwards supporting others. Do they support you? Are they there for you? Some are there for you and support you as much as you support them. Others don't do anything for you. Yet you see how they support other people. There are days all you do is listen and when you talk about you or try to finish a story they change the subject. Some people just want to take and take some more. It happens in real life and online. Some are only there when it is convenient for them. The many excuses you hear. People who care of love you make time. No one is always busy. It only takes a few minutes to ask how are you doing or say hi. Some of them post all over social media and say they don't have time which makes you want to roll your eyes into the back of your head. That or they say they don't have time for you , but make time for other people. This is how friendships are lost along with relationships. Sometimes you have to just be done. Stop supporting people who aren't for you, make time for you, help you grow, or support you the same way they support you. If they are a fan and support you find ways to make it up to them and don't treat them like just fans. They are people who invest their time or do other things for you because they want to see you succeed. If people can't be more supportive of each other in real life or online then there is a problem. It means we the people need to set a better example. If things keep going the same way and people don't support you then be done. Stop wasting time on people who aren't worth yours. Your time is important. Stop wasting time on people who aren't there for you.
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