Health update

Today I went to the doctor because I have mild sleep apnea. I haven't hardly slept on my CPAP machine because it gives me high anxiety and causes me to freak out. I explained that to the doctor today. The other thing I told my doctor was that I think it might be due to my tonsils being enlarged but I wasn't sure. My tonsils were looked at and the doctor confirmed that. I will be going to see the Ears,Nose, and Throat doctor for that. I was told to call my dentist to see about some mouth peice for sleep apnea patients. The big step I am going to have to take is losing weight which has been a struggle for me. I need to lose 50lbs or possibly more. I have a bad habbit of eating when stressed,  bored, or depressed.  I know I can do this. Hopefully it will help with my sleep apnea and other health problems.  I will keep you updated.


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