My depression

I have been battling depression since I was a kid. They had me on medications that barely helped. I started hitting rock bottom at the age of 15yrs old when my mom died. The year before that both of my grandparents died about 3 months a part. They were my moms parents.  I had stayed with a friend and her mom during the summer my mom died. I was very close to her. After she died my relationship with my dad and sister suffered. I started skipping school. Fighting with my family.  I wasn't pleasant. I was lying and stealing from my dad. He lost trust. I didn't care about anyone but myself at that time. I was in a dark place in my life. Had to go to a Group home for depression, obedience defiance disorder,  and skipping school. I couldn't stand being there. I was there for 6 months. Did my schooling, group therapy,  and therapy.  After I got out I was okay for a short bit and then spiraled down. Quit school my SR. year of high school and made bad decisions regarding friends and men. I slowly pulled myself together after having 2 kids. It is still a battle. Some days I don't want to get up. Other days I just want to cry. Days I feel worthless. I've been through emotional abuse and other types of abuse I prefer not talk about. I suffer from PTSD and nightmares at times. I am working on loving me. It is hard. I am working on having more healthy relationships with family and friends. Toxic people are not worth my time. I am working on bettering myself. Know that you are not alone in stru8s and battles. I know it is hard and sometimes you want to give up and feel like the world might not be worth it. There is light. Find things that work for you.


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