
Don't try to push people to like you because it will run them off. If you start being clingy or acting all attached when you barely know them more than likely they will want to run. Take time to get to know people.  Be a friend first.  Saying I love you after a day or week of knowing someone isn't a wise idea either. In the beginning you are only attracted to how they look. You don't really know much about each other until month 6 and even then not fully.  Don't treat people like a piece of meat. If you have expectations of people be ready to be let down and disappointed which is on you not them. First dates should be getting a soda or some kind of beverage to talk or just some place in public to talk. You can't talk at a movie and to much can happen in the dark.  I  think dating is important along with boundaries a little bit.  Most people want to rush things. Slow down people and take your time.  Establish whether you like each other.  Call and text each other because if you don't waiting around not knowing sucks. If you are going to date around dating around is okay because you are dating people not in a long term relationship. When you figure out it is going to be more than dating then stop going on dates with other people.  Cheating is not okay or acceptable. If you don't want to be with someone break up with them or leave them. Always be honest with them. If they seem toxic be done. If they are abusing you in any manner seek help and get out. Do what makes you happy. No one you date, have a relationship with,  or marry is in charge of your happiness. You are in charge of it just like they are in charge of their happiness. I am not a relationship expert. There are some things that I have experienced and observed. If you aren't ready for a relationship don't get in one. Take your time.  One piece of advice don't involve everyone in your relationships. That is between you and that person. Communication is the key along with listening. 


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