Relationships, mental, and physical health
Right now at this point in my life I am focusing on bettering myself. I'm working on my mental and physical health. I think I am slowly making progress. Other days I am not so sure. One day I would like to work on dating again. I haven't had the best luck when it has come to men. Part of that is my own fault because I rushed things and didn't get to know them. There were times I didn't respect myself and thought I didn't deserve the best so I settled. Was used, lied to, manipulated, emotionally abused, and more. Some things I will not discuss or share. I know now that I deserve someone who is going to accept me for me, love me back, wants me for more than a piece of meat, respects me, and much more. Someone who isn't going to lie or cheat on me. I could go on and on. I know it will happen when it happens. I am not looking for a fling. Enough about that. Writing helps a lot of my mental health. Walking helps my physical and mental health. The other thing I am trying to work on is friendships and how to be a good friend. Also learning how to communicate better with my kids. Sometimes I wasn't listening very well and I am still a work in progress. Quality time with my kids, family, and friends mean the world to me. Need to try to work on more quality time with friends. I know that we aren't always as busy as we think we are. We have to learn to make time.
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