Use your voice victims who are bullied
Victims who are being bullied stop being the victim. Don't let these bullies terrorize you. Don't let them steal your voice. Don't let them make you feel low. Don't let them have any control. Take that control away. Tell them LEAVE YOU ALONE. Tell them GO AWAY. Tell them they aren't worth your TIME OR SPACE OR ENERGY. Tell them you feel sorry for them because they are the one with the PROBLEM. Tell them that sounds like a PERSONAL PROBLEM IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME. USE YOUR WORDS. DON'T BE HUSHED. If you have a bully on social media report them and block them. I know you want to curl up in a shell and feel defeated. I know some of you victims have nightmares. Others of you feel like you might not fit in or don't even want to be seen because of the names they called you or pictures they posted around all over the net or much more. I know there are days you might not want to get out of bed to face the world. It isn't the end of the world. There are still nice people who care about you or will care about you in the future. Don't give up hope. Stand out. USE YOUR VOICE. TELL YOUR SIDE OF THE STORY. TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THEM BULLY'S. Them bully's have low self esteem. They don't have REAL QUALITY FRIENDS. BEING POPULAR IS NOTHING WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE REAL FRIENDS. MOST OF THOSE ARE GOSSIP QUEENS WHO TALK ABOUT ANYONE AND EVERYONE TO GET TO THE TOP OF THE TOTEM POLE. THEY ARE FAKE. THEY ARE ABOUT DRAMA. THEIR GRADES MIGHT BE STRUGGLING. SOME OF IT MIGHT BE SEEKING ATTENTION BECAUSE MOMMY AND DADDY DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM. Not everybody has a good home life. That doesn't mean take it out on others. STOP THE BULLY'S. USE YOUR VOICES.
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