Anti Bullying Advice

Some things that might help with bullying is have the kids have a buddy system that way if someone is bullying they have not just their eyes but they have an extra pair of eyes and ears.
We might make it to where we have more than one person monitor the halls at the school while the kids go to class. Some buses only have a bus driver. Maybe we should put an aid on the buses to see what is going on other than just a camera. Teachers are busy teaching maybe they could use an extra set of eyes and ears in each class to hear what is going on.
A suggestion for teachers some students don't want to tell you that they are being bullied because they are scared. Put a box on your desk and let it be known as the anti/bully/suggestion box on things other than just bullying. Example things they might want to learn new or things they might want to tell but to embarrassed to ask for help out loud. Pull it at the end of the day that way no one is pinpointed or picked on over it.
Is it possible that some schools need more cameras through the halls? It his possible. Is it possible more cameras in classrooms need to be used or gyms or all over the schools? It is possible. I think we need more eyes and ears than we do cameras and technology.
If your child, friend, student, or whatever this person is telling you that they are being bullied then you need to listen. Grown ups SHUT UP AND LISTEN. Sometimes you think well they are being a tattle tell and stuff happens. Guess what yes stuff happens but bullying isn't right. It needs to be taken care of. How did you feel when you went to school and no one listened to you? How did you feel when your parents didn't listen to you? You didn't like it. Guess what the same goes for the kids of today. They have a voice. You need to listen.
Did you ever think that sometimes the kid that acts out is the bully or they might be being bullied? You as an adult have a responsibility. For you kids and teenagers out there you have a responsibility to tell your teachers and parents when friends and classmates are being bullied. Do not sit around doing nothing. SPEAK UP.
Stand up against these bullies. Lets not let history of bullying keep repeating itself.


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