Anti bully advice

Parents we need to do something about bullying in this world today. It has gotten so out of hand. We had bullying when we went to school and it didn't follow our kids home like it does today. Social media is a nightmare for them nearly. Our friends didn't follow us home through social media. We waited until we got to school to deal with bullies or dealt with our bullies on the phone and we could hang up on them by slamming the phone down. Now days kids have to block each other but sad thing is they will make another profile and sometimes not even use their picture to harass your child. What the crap? That isn't right. They see it on social media at school. I don't think they need social media while they are in a class room.
It isn't just about people saying your fat, skinny, you wear the wrong clothes, your ugly, and all that. IT gets worse. They know each others business and sometimes it gets more personal than what it should be. It is worse than just being made fun of. Not only do their classmates see it. Other peoples family members, other kids from other schools, and if their profile isn't PRIVATE and set to where only FRIENDS can see the WHOLE WORLD has access. Guess what it is going to spread like a VIRUS and go VIRAL. THAT IS NOT RIGHT. THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. THAT IS TOTALLY WRONG. If you see kids putting other kids down on your childs page you should have them delete it and delete the child shaming people. Why would you want your child to be friends with a BULLY???
WE as the people need to put a stop to the bullying. Grown ups need to stop being childish babies and grow up. I see grown ups who bully people as well and it is ridiculous. Do you know what is going on in that persons life. Do you have the right to judge? No you don't. Guess what you are NOT perfect. FACE IT PEOPLE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT.
Nobody has the right to make people feel like they aren't good enough. No one has the right to make you feel ugly. No one has the right to make you feel unwanted. No one has the right to make you feel like you aren't worth being loved because YOU are worthy of love no matter what anybody says.
If you don't like somebody then don't be friends with them. Do not trash talk them. YOU DON'T KNOW THEIR STORY.
SO many commit suicide or make the wrong choice because somebody bullied them. They get pushed to far and they have enough. Quit pushing people around because you think you can. IT IS WRONG.
They don't want to do normal activities much .
Quit hanging around people much.
For teenager not on phone or social media as much.
Sometimes slam doors
Sometimes loud music
Feel sad and mad at the world
Why me?
What did I do?
I'm worthless.
I'm ugly.
Some self harm.
Some do worse.
Risky behavior.
Act out.
Grades might drop.
Don't want to go to school.
Skip school.

If you have a friend who is being bullied speak up and do the right thing because it is better to stand out than follow the crowd. Following the crowd is boring and it doesn't get you through life. You won't have the same friends in high school more than likely. I have seen what happens to some bullies. Some actually grow up and apologize and others well there life isn't going so well because they don't change. They don't accomplish much is life. Most of these bullies have problems. They don't know how to socialize. People if you want FRIENDS don't bully people into being your friend. Talk to them about your interest. High school is hard enough without kids bullying each other. Ask people how they are doing. People will respond a lot better for you. For those of you who have problems with grades and bully because people make better grades guess what YOU are better at something somewhere don't bully them because they make better grades. Ask for help. There is NO shame in asking for help and guess what you might be helping another friend who is so shy who has the same problems.
For those of you making fun of people who are less unfortunate than you and can wear what they can afford guess what clothes don't make the person people and neither do shoes.
Things come and go but people are here to stay. Think about that. People can not be replaced. We need to stand up for people and build each other up. Stop with the negativity. BE POSITIVE. YOU CAN DO IT!! USE COMMON SENSE AND YOUR BRAINS. LETS PUT A STOP TO BULLYING. HELP THOSE WHO ARE BEING BULLIED. DON'T JUST STAND THERE AND LET IT HAPPEN. USE YOUR VOICE AND SAY LEAVE ME ALONE OR GO AWAY. USE YOUR WORD. YOU CAN DO THIS.


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