
Showing posts from January, 2023

We are not the labels of society

We are not the labels of society.  People want to put labels on us. This person is crazy, lazy, fat, skinny, color of skin, not worthy, useless,and many more. It is okay to be different.  People struggle and do not need you tearing them down. People are aloud to think and be different.  You need to think how is what you say or how your actions affect others. Treating people bad is not acceptable. It makes you look ugly on the inside and out. Stop spreading your hate. Change your behavior and stop making excuses. Don't excuse these people bad behavior because that makes you just as bad as them by saying it is acceptable when it is not acceptable behavior. People deal with enough without needing your help. They might suffer from depression,  anxiety, PTSD, have health problems, trauma,and may have been abused. Some might get in their own heads. Quit making it out like bad behavior is acceptable. We are people.  We aren't the labels people put on us.

Thank for birthday love

 This weekend has been a good birthday weekend.  I had some friends who gave me a bed which was much needed. They bought me a birthday dinner from McDonald's. They spoilt me. I made cheesecake and chocolate chocolate cake. I just turned 40 but my cheesecake says I'm 3811 years old. My kids gave me a card and a caramel scented candle. We played UNO flip.  I also had many laughs and a good time with my online friends who have become a lot like family.  Some have become like family.  Saturday I did my birthday with my family.  My sister and youngest niece baked me a cake. I want to thank everyone who helped make my birthday amazing.  All the birthday wishes and singing.  You are amazing.  I am very grateful to all of you.  You mean the world to me. I appreciate it.  I am blessed.  Hugs to you all. Love you all. 

Don't let others take your peace

 Don't let others take away from your peace. Don't let them have control.  Do not let them over step their boundaries.  Speak your mind even if they don't like it. Don't answer the phone if you don't want to if you need to take a step back. Don't answer the text if you don't want too. You do what is right for you even if the other person doesn't like it. If they can't respect your boundaries that is when you say, hey you aren't respecting my boundaries. Don't let others talk ugly to you. Call them out on it and be like you are being ugly and I don't have to tolerate it. I've had come backs like you think your innocent and perfect don't you?!? My response no, I didn't ever say I am innocent or perfect.  The things people like to project at you and it's like do you hear yourself.  It is okay to turn off phone or ignore people. Sometimes we need that energy they take away from us.

Parents take care of yourselves

 When it comes to being a parent you need to work on physical and mental health so you can be there for your kids. If you aren't taking care of both you won't be able to take care of them. It is okay to show them how you really feel than constantly shelter them from it. It is okay for them to see you are not okay. It shows them that you are human and you make mistakes along the way. Take time to rest. Take time to see a doctor if you need too. If you need a therapist do it. Take you time. Even if you have kids it is not selfish. It is giving you time to rest, get energy you need back, time to destress, and to be you. If you need help ask for it. Don't ever feel ashamed to ask for help. Don't let others make you feel ashamed for asking for help. We all sometimes need help. Just do your best. Keep trying.  Don't ever let anyone make you think your best isn't good enough.  As long as you are trying and making an effort that is all that matters.  To be a good parent...

Take time for yourself

 Take time out to do the stuff you love to do. You need you time.  Sometimes you need it to reflect, other times decompress,  rest, relax, refill yourself with positive energy, and other things.  During that time do whatever makes you happy. Take a relaxing bath,  do deep breathing,  read, write,  take a walk, take a drive, eat your favorite foods,  or whatever you love doing.  It is needed so you don't feel stressed and overwhelmed with life. Life can be overwhelming and stressful.  It can cause regular depression or situationional depression along with anxiety and if you have PTSD it isn't good for any of them if you aren't taking care of yourself. Take care of yourself.  It is not selfish for you to have you time. It is important for you to have you time because your mental health affects your physical health.  Take care of yourself. Keep trying. 

It's not okay to excuse bad behavior

 It is not okay to let people physically, mentally, or sexually abuse. It is not okay for people to talk down to you. It is not okay for people to disrespect your boundaries.  It is not okay for people to call you crazy.  It is not okay for people to tell you how to live your life.  It is not okay for people to use you. It is not okay for people to make you feel bad about yourself.  It is not okay for people to hit you. It is not okay for people to use you as emotional punching bag. It is not okay for people to gas light you. It is not okay for people to touch you without your permission.  It is not okay to make it out like these behaviors are acceptable.  It is not acceptable behavior.  It is not okay to treat people that way. It is not okay to abuse people. It ends up causing depression,  trauma,  PTSD,  anxiety, and other problems.  It takes a long time to heal if the person ever heals. Don't ever tell anyone to get over and...

Stuff I'm working on

 This month I am currently working on a poetry book, Christmas Story, and I will be sharing random thoughts in my blog. I will be trying to gear it towards things to hopefully help people.  So far I have made a lot of progress with the poetry book and Christmas Story. I have other books that I want to finish writing that I have also started. I will tell you more about them later.  Stay tuned.

Take your own time to heal

 Take however long you need to heal. Don't put a time limit on it. Ignore people who say get over it, it heals in time, and whatever else. Take care of yourself. If you need to cry. Cry it out. If you need to be angry be angry.  If you need to scream and yell do it. Hit a pillow on the bed. Take your time.  Work through whatever you are going through.  You might have a lot of things you haven't ever worked through. Do it at your pace. Ask for help if you need to ask for help. Get help if you need it. Write in a journal.  Talk to friends. Surround yourself by people who actually care. Healing doesn't happen over night.  It might be days,months,a year, or longer.  Everyone handles things differently.It is about learning coping skills and learning how to cope. It is okay to feel whatever you want to feel. Don't let people make you feel bad for how you feel.  Keep trying what is your best for you. 

Don't judge someone by their past

 I have a past and you have a past. We all have a past. Don't let others keep throwing your past in your face. You are not your past. You do not live there anymore. Yes, you may have lied, cheated,  hurt others, others hurt you, and many other things.  They don't have the right to judge you even if you made repeated mistakes.  It doesn't matter if you did drugs or alcohol or whatever you did. That doesn't mean that you aren't trying to fix it. It doesn't mean that you aren't trying to change it. It may have been a bad decision. It was a choice you made. You have to live with it and they don't.  They don't know what goes on in your mind. I'm not excusing it. We all make mistakes.  Do they know the whole story? Do they just throw stones? Do they just judge you? If they judge you about anything you do in your life then they aren't worth your time and effort.  You are not your past. They don't know if you did it because you didn't want to...

If you don't like something change it.

 If things are bad in your life and you don't like it then change it. No, it isn't going to always be easy.  Work at it. Set small goals and work towards them. Make lists. Do what is right for you.  Take it day by day. Start out small and work your way up. Ask for help if you need help.  Get help if you need help. Do not feel embarrassed or to proud to get help.  There is no need for you to struggle alone. You might not see results right away in whatever you work on whether it be mental health, physical health,  saving money, fixing stuff around house, or whatever it is in life you want to fix or change.  It is okay to fail. Don't give up. Try again.  You can do it. Don't let others think you can't do it. Have faith in yourself . Track your progress. Surround yourself with like minded people who support you, build you up, and listen. Get out of your comfort zone. You have to push yourself.  Do it for yourself and no one else. 

Live life now

 Focus more on the present than tomorrow or yesterday. Yesterday is over and we can't change yesterday. We can try to do better the next day even though the next day isn't promised. Live in the now. Make those phone calls, text back, go see people. Stop making excuses of I'm to busy or I can't do it. It only takes a few minutes to check up on family and friends.  Do the things you love to do. Listen to that music.  Dance. Act silly.  Be weird. Eat that food. Try something new. Do what you love. Live now. Your life is passing you by.

Don't bottle up feelings

 Don't bottle up your feelings because it isn't healthy to do so. Find someone to talk to that will listen.  Get help if you need help.  Write in a journal.  Write poetry.  Find ways to cope with your feelings. Your mental health effects your physical health and it can leave you more tired and drained. Bottling them up can cause you to cry all the time or be angry all the time.  It can cause you to be a Rollercoaster of emotions. There are many coping mechanisms. Find something that makes you happy.  Work through your feelings and problems.  Do it for you. 

Happy January

 Happy January!! Hope it is a good month for you.  Do your best. Don't give up. I know easier said than done.  Do it for you. Keep trying. Trying is your best. Sending you all positive and healing vibes for a wonderful month.

Stop making excuses for bad behavior

 Stop making excuses for toxic,  negative,  and bad behavior of people.  If they don't call,text, or come see you then they aren't worth your time and energy.  It is not your responsibility to text,call, or see people first all the time. If they are constantly making excuses stop excusing that it is okay and acceptable.  It is not okay. Yes, people work, have kids, have girlfriends, boyfriends, husband's and wives but that is not an excuse. People who care about you make time for you.  Your time is just as important as theirs. It is okay to cut people out of your life for treating you badly. Your feelings do matter.  It is not okay for people to emotionally dump on you. They should ask if you are okay. They should ask are you I'm the right head space. Each and every one of you deserve the best.  Set boundaries with people.  If they don't respect you cut them out. Don't be ashamed to ask for help or getting help. Do what is best for you....

Happy New Years

 Happy New Years!!🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊 May all your dreams and goals come true.