Stop giving the negative people attention

 Stop giving the negative people of the world so much attention.  Stop making negative people so famous for negative stuff. It's disgusting that the people who are doing horrible things are being given that attention. We as people see it in people's real lives and social media. Social media is where we need to start drawing the line. If we would take that attention away and ignored the bad behavior maybe just maybe they would see that it isn't good. People have turned negative into this is a social normal. It is not a social normal. Stop feeding the negative and toxic behavior. Stop saying it's normal.  I'd like to see more of you sharing people who are trying to succeed in life, build each other up, helping one another with small business or businesses, spreading love and light, helping people who are less fortunate, listening to others, being there for people who have depression, anxiety, PTSD,and much more.  So many could be successful if everyone supports everyone equally.  Don't make it out like bad publicity is publicity. That may be the case but that is a horrible way of thinking.  Just like some of the stories we read on the internet about celebrities and their lives. Who knows what's true and what's not yet people want to judge them for what they do in their life. No ones perfect and they make mistakes like the rest of us. The thing is we need to learn to try to reconnect on a higher level.  So many of you these days are petty. Being kind to others gets you a long way. If you don't like how someone is treating you stand up for yourself.  You can also block people and cut people out of your life. Let's try setting a better example by helping others by building them up, inspiring them to be the best version of themselves,  and spread that light. Let's start ignoring all the toxic negative people who want attention.  


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