Addiction in today's world has become a problem and people make others feel bad or guilty for having those problems. There are many types of addictions. It can be drugs, alcohol, food, tobacco, and the list can go on. Sometimes people do use others, steal, lie, cheat, become abusive, and spin out of control. If you need help don't feel ashamed to go to therapy or go to support groups to get the help you need. I am not saying condone bad behavior but you don't know their story to how they go to where they spiraled down that path. Some people don't have supportive family or friends. Sometimes their own families judge them. Sometimes they do try to change and they make the same mistakes because no one will give them a chance. Some of them feel like their backed into a corner. Some battle depression. Others got addicted to their pain medication because the pain wouldn't go away. Some wanted to feel normal. Some wanted to feel numb. Others wanted to feel nothing. You have some who just want to die. Some have good family and friends who try but you can't fix or save someone who doesn't want to be fixed or saved. Some of them fell in with the wrong crowd or were pressured to do it and got hooked. Some are a product of their environment. Sometimes eating your feelings or starving yourself makes you feel better for just a little while. Smoking or drinking might take the edge off in the moment. It's about having control or losing control. Sometimes it's about feeling something or nothing. It's about trying to fill an empty void and making yourself feel more empty inside. You don't care about yourself or love yourself. You do deserve help. You do deserve love. It is a battle within and there are going to be negative ugly people you need to tune out. Just try your best for you no one else.
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