Make a better world

 In order to make a better world people have to want to change for the better. They have to stop being toxic and negative. Have to work on their personal problems rather than blame everyone else for their problems.  Yes some people may have caused them trauma and done horrible things.  Take time for yourself to heal. If you have problems dig deeper into your problems to better yourself so you can feel better.  Forgive others not for them but for your peace and you don't have to forgive them to their face. We need people to learn to respect others. That it's okay to say yes ma'am, no ma'am,  yes sir ,no sir, opening doors for others,basic manners, and common courtesy. We need people to learn to respect people's boundaries, opinions, beliefs, and the list goes on. With boundaries if people don't want you in their personal bubble don't push it. If they ask you to drop a subject because it makes them feel uncomfortable or triggered doesn't mean keep talking about it. People are allowed to tell you no. Stop trying to be in people's lives who act or seem disinterested in your life. Don't surround yourself with people who aren't going to listen. Don't surround yourself with people who don't help you grow. People might not like change. I know I don't yet it happens.  It is a part of a life. We go through so many different phases of life. We might repeat the same mistakes over and over again because we can't figure out what the problem is or we know and just think that's what we deserve. Some are a product of their environment.  I think every one of us can change this together.  In my opinion I think the whole world could change together if it chose to. We need to break the cycle of everything in history.  You ask how? By learning from our mistakes and working together rather than against each other because we are all human beings. Yes we might be different because of culture,race, gender, religion,  and how governments are ran. People fear change and the unknown. Not knowing what is going on scares them. There are times in history that caused mass hysteria and had people freaking out. In some time eras people were being killed for being different. People should not be killed for being different. People need to learn to talk. Everyone has an opinion and it doesn't mean it is right. The world has enough hate, greedy, and power hungry people who spread it like a virus and you keep feeding these people and giving them attention rather than take the attention away you just keep feeding it to the whole entire world. The world needs healed. It needs to feel love and light.  It needs truth rather than lies that pile up. People need to open their eyes. They need to let go of the hate,hurt, aggression.  Learn to talk. People are so lost and need to find their own voice.  Stop following people blind and deaf. We need to set a better example for the next generation. It starts with us working on ourselves as individuals. We can do it. We need to break the ignorance because change is inevitable. The people in this world need to stop being so hateful and cruel to each other. Some of the horrible things you do to each other is sick. I hope that one day people will learn to stop fighting and just help each other. Hopefully one day this world will see the light 


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