Don't apologize for how you feel

 Don't apologize to others for how you feel. You are aloud to have your own feelings. You are aloud to have an opinion that doesn't align with theirs. It is okay to agree to disagree. It is not okay for people to invalidate your feelings.  Don't say sorry to people who are fishing for an apology or want you to bow down to them.  Don't let let others guilt trip you to make you feel bad for feeling the way you do about whatever it may be. If people can't sit and listen to you when you have a problem and make you feel bad about said problems or mental health or whatever the case may be then it sounds like they are the problem.  You don't need people in your life who are going to be ugly to you, negative, toxic, narcissistic, and down right abusive. Get away from these people.  They are the problem.  You can't fix or save them. They have to want to change. Most like that control. You can get away. Stop making excuses for these people.  It isn't healthy.  You deserve healthy relationships with family, friends, and partners.  


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