Reach out for mental help if you need it

 If someone is reaching out for help don't make fun. Don't say they are wanting attention.  Not everyone is looking for attention. Some people need someone to listen to their problems. They might not have family,  might not have a supportive family, or supportive friends. People might turn them away. People may need different need different types of help and no one has the right to judge that.  Sometimes people need to listen because sometimes people are in a very dark place in their life. There are signs. People just make excuses of I'm busy. Get over it. Your problems aren't that bad. Be happy to be alive. Be happy to be breathing.  Don't tell people that.  You make them feel like their feelings are invalid and they are a burden. They go into shell. Put up a wall. Some commit suicide.  Get help if it's really bad. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you shouldn't get help.  It's okay to get help for mental health.  Mental health is important.  You deserve the best 


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