Dreams and goals

 Sometimes we lose track of our dreams and goals. It might be because we got depressed. There are times where we just lose interest in what makes us happy. The lack of motivation is so real. It isn't that the dream or goal still can't be done it just gets put off time and time again. It is okay that this happened. Even if you fail time and time again doesn't mean that you can't do it ever. We sometimes put others before ourselves and other things. We also sometimes make excuses of why we can't do it. We can do it though. We are capable if we truly want it or maybe we have a new dream and it is okay to have new dreams. It is okay to work towards these new dreams and goals. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. That doesn't mean you are a failure. It just means that you are going in a different direction in life. There is nothing wrong with that. You are aloud to change your mind about college, dreams, goals, jobs, who you want to be in a relationship with, friendships , and anything in you want in your life. It is your life. Do what makes you happy. You can't please everybody and don't try to please everybody. There is no need for that. If they don't like you then that is there personal problem not yours. Keep dreaming your dreams and working towards your goals. Yes they take work. Sometimes you have to work hard at it for many years to become accomplished and that is alright. Keep shining bright.


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