We lose track of what is important on Holidays
Sometimes during the holidays we lose track of what is important. It isn't about the perfect gift or gifts at all. It is spreading love and cheer to everyone. We all have struggles and need some cheer. We should be spreading love and cheer all year long not just on the holidays. It is about family and friends. The biggest thing is about showing them and reminding them how much we care. It is about being grateful for what we have all year long. Appreciating what we have is more important that what we get or what we want. There are times where we are more about what we want than what we need along with the want want want. Be happy with what you get. It should come from the heart. Thank those who do give you anything and don't expect people to give you something. It should be about giving. Spread love and cheer maybe you will make someone's day or year. We need to stop losing track of what is important. It is important to ask your loved ones how they are doing and being there for them because one day they won't be there anymore. Reach out to family and friends not just on holidays. During your get togethers with them put the phone away and talk. Play some games and do things together. Make new memories and share old memories.
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