Everyone deserves the best

 For many years I have settled for less than what I deserve. I've settled in relationships with men who were not always nice. Some were very toxic. I have settled for friends who didn't make time to call, text, or come see me. Listened to countless excuses. Had friends who aren't very nice and some that have crossed personal boundaries over the years. I used to think it was normal.  Used to overlook the behavior. Thought I wasn't good enough.  Didn't love myself. Felt ugly.  Thought maybe this one will like me for me. Also thought maybe this one will love me. Felt worthless. Jumped in before really getting to know them.  I thought maybe I can save or fix them. It took me awhile to love me. Took me awhile to realize I deserve better.  Deserve to be a first choice not second or last. I deserve friends who treat me nicely and make an effort to call, text, or see me. I am done with the I am always busy. People make time for people they care about. I'm done making excuses for those people.  Either be a friend or don't. When it come to wanting a romantic relationship with me make an effort by calling, texting,  and coming to see me. I don't want to be a secret relationship. Don't want someone to want me for one thing and one thing only. I deserve someone who is going to love me for me and wants to be with me only. If you want to be with multiple women go elsewhere because I am not looking to share who I am with. You can have friends and spend time with them. I need someone who is understanding and can take care of themselves. I deserve the best. We all do.  People who aren't going to use and manipulate.  No cheating. No lying. Be honest and loyal with friends and and significant others. Respect each other. Have personal boundaries. Sometimes we don't know if we aren't pushing to far. Learn to communicate people. We are all a work in progress. 


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