Happiness is possible

 It can be hard to be happy,  but not impossible. It takes work just like anything else. Sometimes it is cutting out negative and toxic people. For some it is quiting a  job and finding one that makes them happy. For others it is about cutting ties with all negative and toxic friends and relationships which also can be family sometimes. It is about finding things that make you happy. Do what makes you happy. Don't let people tell you how to live your life or let them live it for you.  It is your life. Listen to that music,  do silly dances, have quality time with people who care and love you,  paint your nails, color a picture,  fish, swim, or whatever hobby you like. Those are examples.  Just better you for you not for others. Do it for you. I hope you find that happiness. If you are miserable find someone to talk to even if it's a therapist. Don't feel embarrassed about going to ask for help.  Sometimes we need extra help.  That is nothing to be embarrassed about. If people shame others for getting help shame on them. No one should feel bad about getting help for mental health.


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