
Showing posts from March, 2018



Good Evening

Good Evening Beauties!! Have an awesome night!!

good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have an amazing Friday and weekend!!


They laughed and pointed I crawled into my shell They made fun I went down hill Did they see it They laughed at that girl Pointed at my glassed No I didn't like them myself Pointed at my clothes I wasn't dressing to impress Made fun of my hair It's hair people Laughed when I like a boy What's so funny about that Gave a not to a boy It got passed around the school How is that supposed to make a girl feel I didn't need y'alls help I was awkward on mine You caused me to go deeper into my shell You pounded me into the ground Do you know what that's like Words hurt They even kill Think before you speak You turned the girls life upside down Did you even care No you didn't care You wouldn't even give her a second glance You probably don't remember her That was me She grew up Even though you might not deserve her forgiveness, she forgives you for what you've done She hasn't let the world turn her cold by-ME

poem by me

She doesn't see her own worth Don't push her down She is battling a battle you can't see Her scars run deep She heals People tear her scars open Healing process begins again She struggles Her path is rocky Thrown so much Pain that people can not see She knows she is worthy of love Invisible is how she feels Doesn't feel heard Doesn't feel seen Am I even here Do they hear me Do they see me Does it matter She doesn't give up even though she feels like giving up Cries behind closed doors She is tired of all the promises people make They don't follow through I will come to see you Don't ever show I will call Don't ever call I will text Don't ever text They wouldn't even know she was still alive if she didn't say a word They wouldn't know she was okay unless she called or text them Her exes made her feel...

good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!


Why is important to stop bullies? It is important for the victim and the bully. For the bully it is so they can possibly change their behavior to become better people and stop doing what they are doing. If you are doing it to seek attention find positive ways to get attention. Some people go about negative attention because they see it gets more of a response at times. Apologize to those you have bullied. They might not forgive you but it is better to try. Victims I understand you might not want to forgive them. Victims need time to heal. They feel depressed and anxious. Depending on what happened to the victim they may have a form of POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. NO PERSON IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANOTHER PERSON. WE ARE ALL PEOPLE. WE ALL HAVE FEELINGS. VERBAL ABUSE IS JUST AS BAD AS PHYSICAL ABUSE. VERBAL ABUSE THE SCARS STICK TO THE MIND AND DON'T GO AWAY. BRUISES HEAL. SOMETIMES YOU DON'T SEE THE SCARS ON THE OUTSIDE OF A BODY BUT THEY ARE ON THE INSIDE. USE YOUR VOICE. ...

I'm back

Sorry I was away for maybe a week. It was Spring Break. During Spring Break I accomplished a lot. Got lots of writing done. Spent lots of time with my oldest son watching movies galore. IF you have not seen the new Jamaji you so should because it is super funny. Went to the park. Sold camp cards to help my boys get to Boy Scout Summer Camp. That is something that is super important to my boys is going to camp. More writing and more writing. Hope you all had a good Spring Break. Also did lots of cleaning. Couldn't tell by Monday. I also got a new job. YAY!!

Victims of bullying PLEASE STAND UP

Victims of bully's please stand up and give yourself a hug. I want you to know as person you are awesome and beautiful. Don't let anyone make you feel LESS than what you are. Take away their power. Use your voice. Rock at being you. What they think doesn't matter. So many times we let what others think of us control our lives and our happiness. Don't let that happen. STOMP OUT BULLYING ONCE AND FOR ALL!! USE YOUR VOICE. TELL SOMEONE. STAND UP.

good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!


One day the right one will come along He won't have excuses of why he can't be there He will be there through the thick and thin Won't play them games Will be a real man A one of a kind man One that has what it takes He is a real man Not a fake man Not out to break my heart Will hold me when I'm falling apart He is real man Not a fake man Someone my boys can look up to Not someone who makes excuses Not someone who breaks my kids hearts Someone who has it together Whoever he may be He will get down on one knee and ask me to be his wife when the time is right This is a real man Not fake man I know he is out there somewhere I'm just waiting on the right man by-Me


Don't go breaking that girl She's been broken before Don't think she won't put you in your place You are wrong to think she is weak She's heard it all before Don't go breaking that girl She's been around the block She's heard baby I will always be there She's heard I won't leave She's heard baby you're beautiful Broken promises galore From I'll pay you back not to see a dime From I've got your back and where are they now Excuses galore I will fix this I will fix that I will show up They wasted her time She won't ever get it back Don't go breaking that girl She will come back stronger than ever In time she forgives them Prays for their betterment and moves on with her life She deserves better than all those broken promises She deserves better than the next excuse Liars, users, and manipulators she has met them all She can see through that since she's been through it all by-ME


Stomp out bullying

We need to stomp out the bullying. It leads to worse decisions. Sometimes victims have enough of being bullied that it leads them to making poor choices which can be stopped if you LISTEN. GROWN UP AND EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LISTEN SOMETIMES. TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES OR COMPUTER AND SHUT UP AND PAY ATTENTION. You heard me right. How would you feel if you were constantly bullied and your parents, friends, and teachers didn't listen? How do you as a person feel when someone doesn't listen to you? You need to listen all the way through without saying a word. DO NOT INTERRUPT. Give that child or friend or family member or student or whoever the time they need to talk. It might make a difference. As people we don't have very good listening skills. We are horrible and need to learn from that. Let them finish saying what they have to say before you say a word. I mean it. It is becoming a world problem. We need to learn to LISTEN AND BE KIND. IF you see someone bullying someone SPEA...

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a wonderful day and week!!

Use your voice victims who are bullied

Victims who are being bullied stop being the victim. Don't let these bullies terrorize you. Don't let them steal your voice. Don't let them make you feel low. Don't let them have any control. Take that control away. Tell them LEAVE YOU ALONE.  Tell them GO AWAY. Tell them they aren't worth your TIME OR SPACE OR ENERGY. Tell them you feel sorry for them because they are the one with the PROBLEM. Tell them that sounds like a PERSONAL PROBLEM IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME. USE YOUR WORDS. DON'T BE HUSHED. If you have a bully on social media report them and block them. I know you want to curl up in a shell and feel defeated. I know some of you victims have nightmares. Others of you feel like you might not fit in or don't even want to be seen because of the names they called you or pictures they posted around all over the net or much more. I know there are days you might not want to get out of bed to face the world. It isn't the end of the world. There are still n...

Good Evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a wonderful day and week!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Good evening

Good evening!! Hope you are having a wonderful Saturday!!


You have a voice. Use that voice. Don't let others run over those who don't use their voice. Make friends rather than being cruel to people. SCHOOL IS HARD ENOUGH WITHOUT BULLIES. People struggle in school with grades, fitting in, and much more. QUIT BEING MEAN PEOPLE. BE KIND. Sit with that kid nobody sits with. Talk to that kid nobody talks to. At the dance ask a person you wouldn't think would be asked. Bully's you are ugly inside and out because of the negativity. People who are kind and take time for people or stand up for people those are the beautiful people inside and out. It isn't ever to late to apologize to people you have bullied or made fun of in life. Don't wait. Be the bigger person. STOP BULLY'S FROM BULLYING!!

Good Evening


Otherworld Dimensions Within


Help me stop bullys


Stop bullying


Stop bullying


Education about bullying.


Psychic Vampire Prophecies and Reaching Out


Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!

Anti Bullying/parenting

What are we trying to do different? I don't see many changes. There are still them mean kids. Why are they mean? Many reasons. I blame the parents for not watching their kids or their behavior in front of their kids. If they see you cussing what makes you think they aren't going to do it. Some behavior is learned. Sometimes they pick it up from their friends. Other is from social media. Do you even monitor your kids on social media? If you don't shame on you. I wouldn't let them have it unless you have every password, go through history once a week, and much more. Don't say your kids have a right to privacy. THEY DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO PRIVACY ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR CELL PHONES. CHECK THEM TEXT. CHECK EVERYTHING. It might be the one thing that saves your child's life. BE PARENTS. AND YOU TEENAGERS OUT THEIR LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS. RESPECT THEM. RESPECT YOUR PEERS. RESPECT YOUR TEACHERS. RESPECT YOURSELF. STOP THE BULLYS!!

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful Tuesday!!😊😊😊😊😊

Good night

Good night beauties!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies FREE FOR 4 DAYS PLEASE HELP

Hello this book has been out since 2013 and I have barely sold any copies. I am not sure if it is because of one of the bad reviews I got or not. At that time when that person downloaded it I had no idea that it was all jacked up because of someone I let edit it. I went back and edited it. She might have still not liked the book because she didn't understand the point I was trying to get across. And when it comes to vampires you don't have to have logic. You don't have to have logic in any book or make any sense if you choose not to make sense. I do things outside the box so yes it might sound all over the place. If you have questions about the book all you have to do is ask me. Thank you. Okay so I set it up to where you can all go download it for FREE for 4 days. YES 4 days!! Please tell your friends and family. Share it. Tag people. I need this help seriously. I do all my promoting mostly by myself with help from a few select friends, family, and author friends I pick...

Bullying story

My oldest son has dealt with people who make fun of him by calling him names. It makes him very sad or mad. How would you feel knowing you bullied a special needs child or that they get bullied? It is wrong. He doesn't always know how to handle it right. I have told my boys they have the right to stand up against their bullies and that it is not okay to bully others. Do not stand by and let this happen. Stop bully's. Speak up.

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day and week!!

Help me stop bullys


Bullying story

I have a younger son who was bullied in 1st grade. It was horrible. He would tell the teacher and sometimes it would get so out of hand I'd have to e-mail the teacher or call the principle. This bully tried choking my son. He told my son that he was going to kill me and him. He'd hit on him. One day I went to school party and he was trying to knit pick at my son. My son would walk off and he'd try to follow. I had to tell the boy stop. I did notice something. He was trying to bully because he wanted friends. That is not a way to get friends. One day he ends up hitting my son and my son hit him back. I do not see a problem with defending yourself. At school you get in trouble for fighting back. I told my kids only defend themselves if it is a last resort. My son and the boy got in trouble for hitting each other and the coach put them in the hallway. Not the wisest decision. He didn't separate them. They end up fighting more. I thought to myself use common sense. If they ...

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have an amazing night!! Hope you are having an amazing weekend!!

What should we do differently about bullying?

I have been thinking about how we could hand bullying differently. What can we do different? What should we do different? In my opinion we need to find out why are the bullies being bullied. Maybe if we have an idea we can help them to become better people. One thing in all cases with bullies there is a lot of negativity. When kids see negative from other peers, parents, teachers, and people in their life that doesn't help. We all have been guilty of being negative. Kids see it on TV, video games, social media, and every where they go. What do you think might happen if we start sending a positive message? What do you think if we give more positive criticism? I am not blaming everything on TV,video games, and social media. I do say it does contribute to negativity or can. If you educate your child that it is not right and talk about these things then maybe kids might be more responsive. Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows so yes they need to know that. They need to learn h...

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!!

Being bullied story

One year I decided to have my hair dyed mahogany red. I was about 13yrs old. I had people who would point and laugh at me. Others would come up and harass me by saying things like, " did you know your hair is purple?" Only one person stood up for me to tell them it wasn't purple and to leave me alone. It was nice of that girl to stand up for me Be like the woman from my story and stand up for people. Stop the bullies.

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day!! 😊😊😊😊😊

YouTube channel Go check it out and subscribe.

Being bullied story

When I was in 10th grade I had this guy who was a major bully towards me. This dude would bully me by ramming a desk into my back. Yes, you read that right. He rammed a desk in my back. The same guy would steal my chips out of my bag or hide my books in class. I would come home moody as all get out. My dad would ask me why. One day I get called to the principals office asking why didn't I tell him and I told him, "I am busy doing my school work or doing homework in other classes. I don't have time." From then on out he left me alone. Someone told him to pick on me one day and he told them no because he'd get in trouble. People thought I was a tattle tale. I didn't tell. It doesn't matter though because no matter what that guy was in the wrong for what he done to me. It isn't right or okay to bully. Stand up against bullies people.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you had a wonderful day.

Good Night


Psychic Vampire Prophecies


Otherworld Dimensions Within


Being bullied story

Over the next few days I am going to tell stories about me being bullied. Other stories will include my kids being bullied. If I find other people who speak up I will tell their story. Being bullied is serious. In seventh grade I really liked this boy I went to school with and I did what every girl back then did, which was write the boy a note. The worst thing imaginable happened. The boy I liked was cruel. He passed every single note I wrote him around the school. It made me very sad. People would point and laugh. They made fun of me over sending a note to a boy. That made my self-esteem very low. That boy was older that I. He should have known better. Rather than pass it around the school, he should have just tore it up and threw the letters away. School is hard enough for a 7th grade girl without needing help from others to make her feel less than what she already feels. Don't point fingers and laugh. Don't say cruel things. School should not be about popularity. You a...

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! It's Tuesday!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Introducing me Amy


me talking about book


Me reading poetry


Good evening Monday


Anti Bullying Advice

Some things that might help with bullying is have the kids have a buddy system that way if someone is bullying they have not just their eyes but they have an extra pair of eyes and ears. We might make it to where we have more than one person monitor the halls at the school while the kids go to class. Some buses only have a bus driver. Maybe we should put an aid on the buses to see what is going on other than just a camera. Teachers are busy teaching maybe they could use an extra set of eyes and ears in each class to hear what is going on. A suggestion for teachers some students don't want to tell you that they are being bullied because they are scared. Put a box on your desk and let it be known as the anti/bully/suggestion box on things other than just bullying. Example things they might want to learn new or things they might want to tell but to embarrassed to ask for help out loud. Pull it at the end of the day that way no one is pinpointed or picked on over it. Is it possible ...

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a good night and week!!



Anti bully advice

Parents we need to do something about bullying in this world today. It has gotten so out of hand. We had bullying when we went to school and it didn't follow our kids home like it does today. Social media is a nightmare for them nearly. Our friends didn't follow us home through social media. We waited until we got to school to deal with bullies or dealt with our bullies on the phone and we could hang up on them by slamming the phone down. Now days kids have to block each other but sad thing is they will make another profile and sometimes not even use their picture to harass your child. What the crap? That isn't right. They see it on social media at school. I don't think they need social media while they are in a class room. It isn't just about people saying your fat, skinny, you wear the wrong clothes, your ugly, and all that. IT gets worse. They know each others business and sometimes it gets more personal than what it should be. It is worse than just being made f...

Good Evening

Good evening!! Hope you are all having a good weekend!!

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Good morning Friday


Special Child


Good evening