
Showing posts from March, 2022

People need to be more supportive

 People want support and people to be there for them. When it comes time for them to support you where are they? It's like they disappeared. Not really. I'm busy. Uh huh. Sure you're busy all of the time. They want you to listen to their problems and gosh forbid you have a problem or their problems always have to be bigger it seems like.  Why just why? People shut up with that crap because your problems might be big but everyone has big problems. Sit down and listen to your family, friends, fans,or whatever they may be to you. Support people in the bad and good. Be there through the bad. Be there for the good.  If you have a friend who needs help with dreams or goals help them if they are reaching out. Don't always make people reach out to you to check on you.  The world does NOT revolve around any of you.  If you have an author friends, photographers, broadcasters,artists, etsy,artists, YouTubers, or any type of business friends share their work by word of mout...

Friendship isn't one sided

 Tired of being there for people who say they care and love me when they make me feel like they don't really care or love me. It sounds so empty and like they just say it to say it with no meaning.  I know I am no alone in this.  Many are doing this to others as well. How does it make you feel? The many times you call first, text first, show up,or put others first. Do they ever call you, text,or,go see you first? I started seeing that if you don't call,text,or check up on them most won't call, message, or come see you. A true friend makes time not excuses. No one is ever that busy ever. Yes,  we may have things that change in our lives, stuff might come up, new hobbies, or other life stuff. That doesn't mean stop communication.  How hard is it to text asking how your friends are doing and what is going on in their life or doing a mental health check in with friends. Friendship isn't supposed to be one sided.  It is about supporting each other. Rooting each ...

Reach out for mental help if you need it

 If someone is reaching out for help don't make fun. Don't say they are wanting attention.  Not everyone is looking for attention. Some people need someone to listen to their problems. They might not have family,  might not have a supportive family, or supportive friends. People might turn them away. People may need different need different types of help and no one has the right to judge that.  Sometimes people need to listen because sometimes people are in a very dark place in their life. There are signs. People just make excuses of I'm busy. Get over it. Your problems aren't that bad. Be happy to be alive. Be happy to be breathing.  Don't tell people that.  You make them feel like their feelings are invalid and they are a burden. They go into shell. Put up a wall. Some commit suicide.  Get help if it's really bad. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you shouldn't get help.  It's okay to get help for mental health.  Mental health is imp...

Dreams and goals

 Sometimes we lose track of our dreams and goals. It might be because we got depressed. There are times where we just lose interest in what makes us happy. The lack of motivation is so real. It isn't that the dream or goal still can't be done it just gets put off time and time again. It is okay that this happened. Even if you fail time and time again doesn't mean that you can't do it ever. We sometimes put others before ourselves and other things. We also sometimes make excuses of why we can't do it. We can do it though. We are capable if we truly want it or maybe we have a new dream and it is okay to have new dreams. It is okay to work towards these new dreams and goals. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. That doesn't mean you are a failure. It just means that you are going in a different direction in life. There is nothing wrong with that. You are aloud to change your mind about college, dreams, goals, jobs, who you want to be in a relationship with, fri...

Take time for family and friends

 Things people need to start doing more often is spending time with family and friends with turning electronics off to talk to each other without distractions. Play games that don't involve electronics. Have bonfires, BBQS, watch the stars, play music, act silly, dance, make art, play cards, play board games, pot lucks, make up games, darts, volleyball, or whatever you like doing together. People need to learn to come together again and learn to have fun together with each other as family and friends. It is important to have fun and let your hair down. It would learn people of all ages to communicate and have fun. People need to learn how to reconnect. Maybe if we learn to shut technology and have family dinner we will know what is going on in our families lives. Take time out to ask them how their day was and see what was going on in their life rather than staring at technology all of the time. I'm just as guilty as the next person. We all need to start working together across...

Don't stay in toxic or abusive relationships

 If you are in a toxic or abusive relationship don't stay. Get out as fast as you can. Find help to get out of the situation. Some people say well I am staying for my kids. Don't stay for the kids because that is unhealthy for them to see you be physically or mentally abused. Kids are not stupid.  Kids can heal quicker than adults because they have more time to heal.  Don't make them suffer.  They also think those are the relationships that you should have as they grow up.  As people we need to set boundaries. Don't let people use us, walk all over us, manipulate, cheat, lie, talk down to us, hold stuff over our heads, kick us while we're down, and the list goes on. Start telling these people how they make you feel.  Don't sugar coat it. Don't walk on egg shells for the rest of your life. Don't make it to where they make you depend on them because they want that control and to isolate you from family and friends. Have a separate banking account so if you...

Mental health awareness

 So many post stuff about mental health awareness and how people should copy and paste it to alert others about mental health.  They say they know who will be there for them. You have people who say I will be there for you when it's bad yet they aren't there when it's good or bad. They make excuses of why they can't respond or why they can't ever call,text or see you first.  Raising awareness is not about spamming the internet about mental health.  Educate them by telling them your stories.  You don't have to go into everything.  Educate them on depression, anxiety,  narcissistic people, toxic people,  suicide, and the many different signs. Do videos, blog about your personal experiences with it, write a book,  show it in art, show it in poetry,  and the list can go on. Start support groups for different things.  Use your voice. You have a voice.  Stop saying you are always busy because you make time for family, friends, and pa...

Don't apologize for how you feel

 Don't apologize to others for how you feel. You are aloud to have your own feelings. You are aloud to have an opinion that doesn't align with theirs. It is okay to agree to disagree. It is not okay for people to invalidate your feelings.  Don't say sorry to people who are fishing for an apology or want you to bow down to them.  Don't let let others guilt trip you to make you feel bad for feeling the way you do about whatever it may be. If people can't sit and listen to you when you have a problem and make you feel bad about said problems or mental health or whatever the case may be then it sounds like they are the problem.  You don't need people in your life who are going to be ugly to you, negative, toxic, narcissistic, and down right abusive. Get away from these people.  They are the problem.  You can't fix or save them. They have to want to change. Most like that control. You can get away. Stop making excuses for these people.  It isn't healthy....

Rest when needed

 When you feel drained of energy take time to rest. Your body needs to rest. Mental health effects the body just as much as physical.  It doesn't make you lazy to rest more with depression and anxiety. Sometimes it helps. Being around negative and toxic people is draining to your energy.  Toxic people are like Vampires in an aspect. They suck the energy right from you.  Once you are free of them the energy doesn't feel that way.  Sometimes we need to relax and rest so we can be our best selves. 

Make a better world

 In order to make a better world people have to want to change for the better. They have to stop being toxic and negative. Have to work on their personal problems rather than blame everyone else for their problems.  Yes some people may have caused them trauma and done horrible things.  Take time for yourself to heal. If you have problems dig deeper into your problems to better yourself so you can feel better.  Forgive others not for them but for your peace and you don't have to forgive them to their face. We need people to learn to respect others. That it's okay to say yes ma'am, no ma'am,  yes sir ,no sir, opening doors for others,basic manners, and common courtesy. We need people to learn to respect people's boundaries, opinions, beliefs, and the list goes on. With boundaries if people don't want you in their personal bubble don't push it. If they ask you to drop a subject because it makes them feel uncomfortable or triggered doesn't mean keep talking ...


 Addiction in today's world has become a problem and people make others feel bad or guilty for having those problems.  There are many types of addictions. It can be drugs, alcohol,  food, tobacco, and the list can go on. Sometimes people do use others, steal, lie, cheat, become abusive, and spin out of control.  If you need help don't feel ashamed to go to therapy or go to support groups to get the help you need. I am not saying condone bad behavior but you don't know their story to how they go to where they spiraled down that path. Some people don't have supportive family or friends.  Sometimes their own families judge them. Sometimes they do try to change and they make the same mistakes because no one will give them a chance.  Some of them feel like their backed into a corner. Some battle depression.  Others got addicted to their pain medication because the pain wouldn't go away.  Some wanted to feel normal.  Some wanted to feel numb. Other...

Family,friends, relationship boundaries

 People we need to start creating boundaries with family, friends,  and partners so we can have healthy relationships and not what the world calls society normal. If you get in a relationship don't isolate yourself from family and friends because you need family and friends.  If they isolate you from family and friends that's a red flag. They should want friends and want you to have friends.  Don't let people run you over. Don't let them make you become dependent on them because if they do that they will use it to control you and you don't need someone controlling your whole life. Don't make excuses for their bad behavior.  Tell them when things bother you or they will keep doing it or cut them out of your life. Be clear in what you want in friends and relationships. Don't settle for less. You deserve to be happy.  You deserve to be loved. If you want to be married and want romance don't let negative people tell you that it's not possible. It is poss...

Have you time

 Sometimes you have to do you. Anyone who says that is selfish is a liar. You have to recharge your batteries. Energy is everywhere around you whether it be good or bad. Sometimes people suck the life and energy from you so you need some time to recharge yourself.  Sometimes people emotionally dump on you before asking how you are and can you handle it. Some people don't respect that. It's okay to vent to each other but if it's just a one sided complainer who doesn't think of you or your feelings or emotions then set them free if you have expressed that they are doing this so they don't do it to you repeatedly. Take time out to take a bath,watch a movie, nap, walk,yoga, or whatever makes you happy.  It's okay to have alone time. Don't let others make you feel guilty or bad about it.


Battle within My scars run deep They don't see the pain  Judge is what they do Point the finger Get over it Your lazy Your crazy It's all in your head  Heard it all What a sickening world They don't see it The damage their causing Wake up world Stop making everything socially normal when it's not  Depression is real Anxiety I'd real The battle is real Mental health isn't a joke  Many laugh it off They go  haha People stop trusting  Don't want to share their feelings  Feel like a burden  People made them feel that way Some want to disappear not die but disappear  Others want to die Wake up to what is going on around you  It's not a laughing matter  Everyone's scars run deep and you don't always see them By-Me 

Deserve the best

 No matter what anyone tells us we deserve the best in life. We deserve good friends and relationships. People who respect our boundaries and respect us as a person.  We don't need their validation or acceptance. If they can't accept us the way we are that is their personal problem.  If we want to change for the better or better our lives that is our choice.  We can't put our happiness in the hands of others or we will be left disappointed.  If you want to change it do it for you not for someone else or to please others.  Stop trying to please others or you are going to be left feeling empty.  All people do sometimes is take and take some more leaving you with nothing and drained of energy.  If they make you feel bad about your life still sounds like a them problem not a you problem.  Just keep trying your best.  Your best is good enough. 

Stop giving the negative people attention

 Stop giving the negative people of the world so much attention.  Stop making negative people so famous for negative stuff. It's disgusting that the people who are doing horrible things are being given that attention. We as people see it in people's real lives and social media. Social media is where we need to start drawing the line. If we would take that attention away and ignored the bad behavior maybe just maybe they would see that it isn't good. People have turned negative into this is a social normal. It is not a social normal. Stop feeding the negative and toxic behavior. Stop saying it's normal.  I'd like to see more of you sharing people who are trying to succeed in life, build each other up, helping one another with small business or businesses, spreading love and light, helping people who are less fortunate, listening to others, being there for people who have depression, anxiety, PTSD,and much more.  So many could be successful if everyone supports everyo...

Family and friends drifting apart

Family and friends are drifting apart so much. It has gotten much worse during the pandemic because of being told social distance and stay indoors.  Social media has become the in thing. Here is the problem people are still bending over backwards to text, call, or FaceTime someone first and some of you out there make excuses of why you can't do it first.  I understand some of you have had toxic ex boyfriends or girlfriends or wives or husband's or family or friends and the list can go on. If people are trying to make an effort it's okay to take baby steps and try to make the same effort that people are making.  No one can read emotions in a text. Things get confusing.  Make time for people.  We need to start making time for people and stop isolating ourselves from the people who do love us and do care about us. People should not have to reach out to you first all the time. The world doesn't revolve around any of us and sometimes we act that way. We all are strug...

Live your life for you

Do you have friends that tell you what to do with your life? I think we all have had those friends.  Sometimes it's like are you concerned about me or do you just always have something to say about my life. Sometimes it can be about relationships,  life stuff, and various other things.  Yes,you might talk to them about some of it but sometimes it feels like they always have a comment and it's like what is going on in your life?!?! Sometimes you wonder are they really for you anymore? It's like they don't stop and think what you want in life. If you don't like my life that is a personal problem.  That is not a problem.  You are aloud to live your life the way you want.  Not how your family, friends, or anyone else tells you to live it. Live the best version of you.