Start listening

Sometimes opening up to people isn't easy. There are many times I have regretted opening up to people. They don't always listen or aren't truly there for you. You don't have to share with everyone.  Not everyone is going to be there for you.  Many will disappoint you.  They will let you down. If someone is pouring out their heart and you are busy just say so or tell them you don't want to hear it. How hard is that? If someone is reaching out to talk respond to their messages or answer their calls. Maybe they need a family member or friend because it is that bad. People who care make time for people they care about and love.  They don't leave them on read or make excuses.  That is why some end up disappearing or shut the world out. It makes them feel like people don't care, love them. and that they are invisible. Sometimes they just need people to be there the same way they are for others.  Of course the world doesn't work that way.  That is why some just shut down.  They've had enough. 


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