
Showing posts from December, 2020

Happiness is possible

 It can be hard to be happy,  but not impossible. It takes work just like anything else. Sometimes it is cutting out negative and toxic people. For some it is quiting a  job and finding one that makes them happy. For others it is about cutting ties with all negative and toxic friends and relationships which also can be family sometimes. It is about finding things that make you happy. Do what makes you happy. Don't let people tell you how to live your life or let them live it for you.  It is your life. Listen to that music,  do silly dances, have quality time with people who care and love you,  paint your nails, color a picture,  fish, swim, or whatever hobby you like. Those are examples.  Just better you for you not for others. Do it for you. I hope you find that happiness. If you are miserable find someone to talk to even if it's a therapist. Don't feel embarrassed about going to ask for help.  Sometimes we need extra help.  That is not...

Everyone deserves the best

 For many years I have settled for less than what I deserve. I've settled in relationships with men who were not always nice. Some were very toxic. I have settled for friends who didn't make time to call, text, or come see me. Listened to countless excuses. Had friends who aren't very nice and some that have crossed personal boundaries over the years. I used to think it was normal.  Used to overlook the behavior. Thought I wasn't good enough.  Didn't love myself. Felt ugly.  Thought maybe this one will like me for me. Also thought maybe this one will love me. Felt worthless. Jumped in before really getting to know them.  I thought maybe I can save or fix them. It took me awhile to love me. Took me awhile to realize I deserve better.  Deserve to be a first choice not second or last. I deserve friends who treat me nicely and make an effort to call, text, or see me. I am done with the I am always busy. People make time for people they care about. I'm done maki...

Merry Christmas

 Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and that you had a wonderful day!! Much love and light to you all.

The Haunted Cabin And The Vampire Masquerade and Unforgettable Birthday Short Stories

I wrote these short stories around Halloween because I wanted to try something new. Wanted people to have something to read that would suck them into the stories. Hope you will check it out and share it with your family and friends.  

Merry Christmas Eve

 Merry Christmas Eve!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume5

 Here recently I finished another chapter in Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5. I am getting closer and closer to the end. Alexis has a lot of new adventures ahead of her in life and family. 


 Good evening beauties!! Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!!

We lose track of what is important on Holidays

 Sometimes during the holidays we lose track of what is important. It isn't about the perfect gift or gifts at all. It is spreading love and cheer to everyone. We all have struggles and need some cheer. We should be spreading love and cheer all year long not just on the holidays. It is about family and friends. The biggest thing is about showing them and reminding them how much we care. It is about being grateful for what we have all year long. Appreciating what we have is more important that what we get or what we want. There are times where we are more about what we want than what we need along with the want want want. Be happy with what you get. It should come from the heart. Thank those who do give you anything and don't expect people to give you something. It should be about giving. Spread love and cheer maybe you will make someone's day or year. We need to stop losing track of what is important. It is important to ask your loved ones how they are doing and being there...

New Release

 Raw Emotions Let Out by Amy Stark is now Available on Amazon for $10

help me by subscribing

 Please help me by subscribing to my YouTube channel.

New Release

I published this poetry book last night. It is available on Kindle for $2.99 and Free on KindleUnlimited.  


 Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful Monday and week!!

Waiting on poetry book to be published.

 I just finished writing another poetry book. When it is available to buy I will let you know. I just submitted it to Amazon and Kindle for publication. This will make my 3rd book that I have published this year.

Put the phone down

 Sometimes you need to put your phone away and have time with family and friends.  During that time eat a meal without letting the phone be an interruption. Actually talk to each other without having the phone out. We all all getting more and more guilty of this. Put it away when hanging out.  Watch a movie, play a game, or something without the phone.  You miss out on so much otherwise.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

 Things are starting to speed up in Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5. Alexis and her love life is up in the air. She has a lot of new things going on. Making new friends along the way. 

Happy Friday

 Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day and weekend!! Happy Friday to you all!! Much love. 

Published 20 books so far

 Today I was looking over how many books that I have published over the years. When I started counting I wasn't exactly sure how many I had published and come to find out I have published in total 20 books which I think is awesome. I am currently working on a few now. Hopefully another one will be finished before Christmas or before 2020 is over. It is a poetry book. I am aiming to put 100 poems into it. A lot of my books are poetry. Some are science fiction/fantasy and one romance novel so far. Writing is what makes me happy and I will continue to do it because of how happy that it makes me. All of my books except the first 4 were self-published. All of them are available on Amazon. The first 4 are not on Kindle the others are.  My Feelings Unleashed and Let Out Bottled Up Feelings Unleashed Freed From My Chains Letting it All Out Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 1-4 Unexpected Christmas Romance Otherworld Dimensions Within Reaching Out Ups and Downs in Life Emotions Flowing...

Don't step on others to succeed

 If you want to succeed don't step on others to get there. Don't take advantage of people who help and support you. Work hard at your dream and goals, but not at the expense of others. That's just wrong. Sometimes your dreams and goals might not pan out at the time. You might fail. That's okay that doesn't mean give up. That doesn't mean drag others through the mud. Just because you are going through it doesn't mean others have to go along for the ride. Sometimes you have to put out extra work to see results. There might be things you haven't tried doing that you need to try. Get out of your comfort zone and just try. If you want to succeed you have to keep trying and not give up. Don't make everyone do the work for you. It is okay to ask for help. Don't forget the ones who support you. Give them a shout out. Be supportive of them. They might have helped you get to where you are today. Be grateful and thankful.

Happy Thursday

 Good afternoon beauties!! Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!

Why is the world dysfunctional?

 Hello everybody. How are you doing? I hope you are all doing great. If you are doing okay it is better than horrible. I understand these are rough times. That doesn't mean become cold hearted. That does not mean to become cruel to each other. It doesn't mean argue all the time. That does not mean it is okay to go around hating. People wake up. Stop being blind. You are in control of you. Yes, you heard me. No one is in control of what you say or what you do, but you. Now with that being said I have a lot to say. Each and every one of us need to start being kind to one another. Why?  I know you are all questioning why?!?! We all go through struggles each and every day. All of us are going through something and you don't see it. People tend to wear a mask.  They don't want others to see it. Stop being so hateful. Quit being so ungrateful and be grateful for what you have in life. If you need a time out then take a time out and then talk to the people you are arguing with...

Helping and people pleasing

Have you ever tried to help or please people to much? I know that I have over the years. Have had a bad habit of not telling people no. They end up taking advantage of me or using me. Sometimes I wonder are they aware of it? I think some know what they are doing, which is sad. The things I do are out of the kindness of my heart and that doesn't give people the right to use me or take advantage. Some act like they appreciate me. Some say thank you. Do they really mean it? Some yes and others not at all. There are some people who will take advantage and use you until they have no need or use of you or they got bored of you. It is sad but true. I am learning that I need to trust my gut and learn to tell people no. That I deserve better. 

Happy Tuesday

 Good afternoon beauties!! I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday. Much love to you all.

Good people are left

 There are good people left. Don't forget them. They are the ones who listen.  When things go bad they are there for you.  They support you.  The ones who inspire and build you up. They are the ones who help. The ones who take time out to call you, text, or come see you. They ask how you are doing . 

Happy Monday

 Good evening beauties!! Hope you had a wonderful Monday!!

New book available in paperback

Image   Now available in paperback for $6.

New book released


Mental health

 Right now working on mental health is very important. Mental health is always very important. Don't ever neglect your mental health. Mental health is important because it can make your physical health go down health. When battling your mental health you can feel exhausted all the time. There will be days you don't want to get out of bed. You don't want to do anything. The simple things in life just seem so big. People think you are lazy when you aren't lazy at all. You just feel so overwhelmed by everything. It feels like you can't breath and the world is ending. Things just seem to pile up. You feel like the world is weighing you down. Get help for your mental health. Talk to people. Use those coping skills. I know that it is even hard to do things you enjoy doing. Do things for yourself. Take a bath. Go for a walk. Write your feelings down. Go see a therapist and don't feel ashamed about it. Don't let others make you feel ashamed to do it. There is nothin...

Happy Friday!!

 Happy Friday to you all. I hope that you all have an amazing weekend!!

SCW Arkansas wrestling Facebook

 If you like wrestling go like this page on Facebook.

Facebook page Please go like my page if you have Facebook. Thank you. Much appreciated.


 Help people without wanting something. Don't help people and expect to get something out of it. You should do it because you want to do it. Don't do it if you feel obligated to do it. Do not make people feel bad for needing help. We all need help in some form or fashion. Sometimes we need the extra help. There are times we all struggle. Don't look down on people for it. Sometimes people need motivated. There are times people lose sight. We all started somewhere. Do it out of the kindness out of your heart. Don't hold it over there head. Do not make them feel like you owe them. No one owes you anything. 

Please subscribe

 Please subscribe to SCW Arkansas wrestling on YouTube.

You are not your past

 You are not your past. Stop living there. I understand it is rough.  It is okay to reflect and learn from it.  Sometimes we will repeat mistakes over and over again.  Take control of your life. Live it. Be grateful for what you have. Life is one big learning experience and no one is perfect. 

You deserve the best

 As people we need to learn that we deserve the best.  We need to stop settling for less. Realize our worth. Know that we are worth it. Yes, we will struggle.  We will go through bad things.  We can handle anything life throws at us.Cut people out who aren't ever there for you,  lie to you,  use you, manipulate you, repeatedly cheat on you,  manipulate you, emotionally abuse you,  bully you , physically harm you,  control you, make you feel like it is always your fault,  and the list goes on and on.  You don't deserve people doing that to you. It is okay to tell people no. Don't let people walk on you or push you to the side. Stop settling for that. You deserve healthy friendships and relationships with family,  friends,  and partners.  Don't allow people to treat you badly. You deserve to be happy and loved.

Most of my books


dreams and goals

 It might be hard to obtain your dreams and goals, but it isn't impossible. Anything is possible if your try. It takes hard work and dedication. You might give up from time to time. You might even fail. That doesn't mean give up or stop trying. It is possible you might need to reevaluate and try something different. You can do anything you set your mind to. Don't give up on it if you truly love doing it. You might get frustrated. It is possible you might hit a brick wall. Pick yourself up and try again. It is your dream and goals. When people say you can't do it ignore them. Do you. You got this. 

Good morning

 Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful Monday!! Have a great week. May your dreams and goals come true.


 Sometimes I battle anxiety for many different reasons. Sometimes I end up over messaging people when I do and don't mean to.  I end up thinking did I over do it and over think. I try to get through it by writing,  sleeping,  watching movies or TV shows, walking,  taking pictures, baths,  and other things. It can be overwhelming sometimes and trying to figure out what is going to work because the same stuff doesn't work every day. 

Thanks for the support

 Thank you all who support me. 

Getting healthy for me.

 When it comes to getting healthy I feel like I self sabotage and not on purpose. I guess it is the many years of procrastination. I've been working on my mental and physical health. There are days I want to beat my head into the wall. It can be so emotional when it comes to health or mental either which way. I am trying to do better at cutting people out who don't need to be in my life. Not sure I've learnt my lesson when it comes to people using me. We shall see. I do need to work a lot more on the physical health and get into shape because I am sliding down hill and not liking it. Who can change it? Only I can change it. No one can fix me but me. Just like no one can make me happy but me. I need to learn how to motivate and retrain my thinking. I am always telling people they can do it. I guess I need to start with some goals on certain things. Goal one is lose weight and not massive amounts at a time. I don't do diets because the first 3 letters spell out DIE, so no...

Quality over quantity

 Not everyone is going to fit in your circle and that's okay. Some people are going to act like they are for you when they really aren't for you.  They want to watch you fail and fall apart. There are going to be people who fake friendships with you.  They talk behind your back and say bad things about you.  Some don't defend you in your absence. It is about quality friendship over quantity. Sometimes the people you have known the longest aren't about you.  Sometimes the ones you have known longest don't support you and aren't really there. It is up to you to cut them out of your life. 

Ever felt like a burden

 Have you ever felt like you are a burden? I have felt like a burden to others plenty of times. People have asked me why before and I sit and contemplate it. Maybe I put expectations those people can't fulfill. Sometimes maybe I overshare. I am starting to realize I am not for everybody and need to accept that a little more than thinking I am a burden to others.  I need to try to swallow that and recognize the ones who are truly there and do care. It is all about retraining thinking. I know that I am not a burden though sometimes feel that way. We probably all have those moments whether we choose to admit it or not. 


 Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day and weekend!! Happy Friday!!


 Want to hide  Want to run Don't want others to see me Lost Wearing a mask All you see is a smile Drowning  Swallowed whole Feel empty Numb Heart racing Thoughts 90 to nothing Up and downs Rollercoaster Pull yourself up Dust yourself off You can do it Be the best you Don't let others make you cold Don't fake what you feel by-Me

Not everyone deserves to know all of you

 People think they have the right to know everything about you and they don't have the right to know. It is okay to not share things with people. They don't have the right to know things that has to do with your life. Sometimes people think they are giving good advice when all they are giving is opinions. They tell you how you should live your life. It is your life. Live it for you. Do what is right for you. Do what makes you happy and not what makes everyone else happy. Stop bending over backwards for people who won't or don't support you, aren't there for you, and who won't do the same for you. Stop over sharing. Focus on what is best for you. See who is going to show up when things are bad. If they can't be there through the bad then they don't deserve to be there through the good and see you shine. If they make it out like they have the right to know that's when you say this is my life and get in your lane and focus on you. Not everyone deserves ...

Thank you for supporting me.

 Thank you for supporting me everyone. I appreciate everything that you do for me. Thanks for all the likes, comments, shares, and all that you do for me each and every day. I appreciate all of you.

Stop judging people

 There are so many people in this world who going around judging people. Even I am guilty of this. We are all guilty of this. It isn't right though. None of us are perfect. We are all a work in progress. Rather than tearing people down we should be building them up. We should all be more supportive of each other. Take a good look in the mirror at your own life before going around telling people how they should live their life or what they need to do with their life. People you need to stop shaming people. As people we beat ourselves up enough without needing help from others. Accept people as they are or get out of their life. Be supportive of others. Think of other peoples feelings other than your own. Stop judging.

Have YOU Time

 Sometimes you have to do things for yourself and treat yourself. Do not let others make you feel bad about doing things for you. Buy yourself that outfit you wanted, shoes, movie, or whatever. Take yourself out to eat. Go to a movie. Go fishing. You don't always have to include family or friends in what you are doing. Sometimes as people we need time to decompress. Take that relaxing bath or shower. Go fishing or walking. Do what you enjoy doing. It is healthy for your mental health.

First day of December

 Good Morning beauties!! Have a wonderful first day of December!! May all your dreams come true.