Start being better friends
Some people call you friend, yet sometimes you wonder. They only text you if you text first or answer if you call first. That isn't always the case either. Sometimes they call you friend and only follow you on social media yet barely like or comment. What is the point in all that? People are making more excuses of why not to text,call, or go see each other. They say they are busy. Make up all kinds of excuses. People who care about you will make time. Then you have people you ask how they are doing and they complain about their life, emotional dump on you, and don't talk about good stuff in their life just all negative. They don't even ask can you handle it or how you are doing. People need to start texting, calling, and seeing family and friends. One day they will no longer be there because they didn't think you cared,loved them, and etc. Actions speak louder than your words. No excuse to be crappy to people who love and care about you. One day they will die. I wouldn't want people at my funeral if they weren't here for me in life. All that is doing is easing some people's guilty conscience and some don't feel guilty. Either be in someone's life or don't. Cut them toxic, negative, abusive people out of your life. Be a better friend by listening. Make plans to do stuff with friends. Make time. Be supportive in what they do. Show you care. Don't expect them to always call and text you first. Stop making excuses for your behavior. Change it. It is possible to change. The world doesn't revolve around any of us.
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