Do you

 Sometimes people have to do them for them. We need to it for ourselves because it is a way to recharge our batteries and energy. Anyone who says that it is selfish is wrong. It is important to take time for yourself. The reason why is so we can reflect on our behavior and other people around us. We need to sometimes take a look and see is this still the right path for me. Also sometimes we need to make sure that our relationships and friendships are still healthy or are they toxic. Sometimes we have to let people go not because we stop caring but because those people aren't helping us grow as a person and they are constantly negative. You don't need people who are constantly negative, full of drama, and don't want to change for the better to suck the life out of you because they can do that. Some people are all about them. They emotionally dump on you and don't ask about you. Talk about themselves or their problems all the time which can be a bit much. It is one thing if you and your friends vent together and bounce it off of each other but one sided friendships or relationships are wrong. The world doesn't revolve around any of us. None of us are perfect. We do need to do stuff for ourselves whether it might be simple things. It could be taking a bath, painting your nails, going for a ride, sitting outside, coloring, watching a movie, playing a game, taking a nap, listening to music, dancing, walking, or whatever you like to do. You could buy yourself a treat. Eat your favorite foods. Do what makes you happy. Stop trying to please everyone because it isn't going to work. Stop thinking you can fix or save them because you can't do either. They have to want to do it themselves and it is not your job. You can listen and be there. They have to put the effort and work into their own happiness as do you. Just be the best you that you can be for you.


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