Take care of your mental and physical health

 Take care of your mental and physical health.  They are both connected in some ways. Go to the doctor when you need to. If you need a therapist or psychiatrist get one. Don't let others influence your decisions about your physical and mental health.  Don't let them make you feel bad or crazy for getting help. It's okay to start with smal goals and work your way from there. Don't listen to people who say you can't do it, your lazy,it's all in your head, get over it,and all the negative stuff people say. Do it for you.  Don't do it for anyone else.  Who cares what others say. Your journey is your journey.  Their journey is their journey.  People need to start learning to listen, be more supportive, and build each other up. Way to many tear each other down because they are miserable and insecure in their own lives. Stress effects many things. It can effect your heart, head,give you depression, and cause you to be anxious.  That could lead to a stroke or a heart attack alone. Learn to have fun and do what makes you happy. 


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