Put a stop to all the bad

 This world needs to stop the hate,bullying, and violence.  It needs to do so much more than that.  How you ask? Stop feeding the negative.  Stop feeding the hate. Put a stop to bullies. Stand up for those who are being bullies. Don't solve violence with violence.  Everyone across the world needs to better themselves and that starts with mental health.  Educate yourselves.  Be kind to others. Listen to others. Smile at others it might make their day. Help those who need help and help yourselves. Learn how to communicate.  Learn to include people.  Make time for others. Stop making excuses.  Ask how others are doing. Go check up on people.  Don't tell people how to live their lives. They aren't you. Everyone is different.  We all express it and go through it in different ways. We have an understanding of how a person feels. NO ONE KNOWS HOW ANYONE FEELS BECAUSE THEY AREN'T YOU. You can go through the same thing and have different feelings. Don't make people feel bad or guilty for how they feel. Don't invalidate their feelings.  The world doesn't revolve around any of us. Use your voices. Not all social media is accurate. Sometimes you believe so much of the stuff you are fed. Think for yourself and make up your own minds. Open your minds. Shut down all the bad that is spreading like a virus.


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