Please help

 The reason why I set my goal to 100 sales in a month for my birthday is I haven't ever sold that many copies. It would be nice to reach that goal since I have been trying to do it for over 7 years and not once have I come close ever. I may make a few sales here and there. It can get discouraging. I don't want it for fame or money. I want people to actually read my books.  Want them to feel something or escape reality.  I pour my heart and soul into each book. I would like people who do read them to leave a review which helps. I would like people to share my books with others even if they don't like to read. All I have is social media,  people to share, and word of mouth to help me. Please share it if you can't afford a book. Some of you can at least afford .99 cents to buy a book on Kindle to help me towards my goal.  I  will post the links to my books below. Please help me reach my goal.


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