Parenting and love

 Being a parent is about loving and putting that child before you.  You still have to take care of yourself so you can take care of them. It is about learning patience and lots of it. It is about forming a bond with your child and letting them know that even though the world is hard, ugly, and nasty  that they have a safe place and that unconditional love.  It is about learning to shut up and listen to our kids because sometimes we don't truly listen and just hear them. It is about turning off TV, phones, and video games to have quality time.  It is about listening about there day. It is about the small things.  It is about giving them a happy childhood. Let your kids believe in make believe.  It isn't hurting you or anyone.  Let them be their own individual. Give them that choice.  Educate them on their world around them and not let them have to hear it from everyone else.  Build them up. Set rules,  boundaries,  and discipline.  Show them right from wrong.  Let them make mistakes and not feel bad about it.  We all make mistakes. 


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