Poem for my sister

Sister of mine I love you so
Didn't think we'd ever come so close
We don't fight as much as we used to
Mom would be proud of us both
That was a struggle for us both
Long ago it pushed us a part
We were a part even before that
That just made it more like an iceberg
that split in half
When I had the boys was slowly when
we started to get a little closer
We liked each other some when we were little
We had that sibling rivalry
Then one day we grew up into women
We had kids of our own
Now we get to see it in our kids
Funny how the cycle goes around
Years ago I would've traded you
Now I think I'll keep you
Not to say I won't still laugh at you
You know you do the same
Just like you know if anyone hurt you
that you have your crazy sister
Just like you know that if anyone hurts
my nieces they got the crazy aunt to deal with
Y'all are a part of my world that I won't trade
Won't trade my brother -n- law
He makes you happy and he does put up with you
You know I love you
You'd worry if I got quiet and didn't pick on you
the way that I do even if it drives you bonkers.
(Wrote for my sister)


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